two weeks out... predictions.

tRump is losing. He has no momentum. He knows he has already lost. That's what all this manipulated polling is about. When he loses it will make it easier for him to cry "foul" and rile up his loyal oompa-loompas.

They are lying the ground game for the next insurrection.
I had to save this for after November 5th.

Why would anyone vote for 4 more years of Joe?
The issue should be the failed Democrat party policies...not hurt feelings...
I hope America will decide it's more important to be smart, instead of supposedly smarting from the last "decade"....Kam's blame for their huge failures...
It wouldn't be for more years of Joe, it would be four more of Joe's on steroids.
I guess I'm more concerned about the militant Venezuelans taking over apartment complexes (and the illegal alien invasion in general) than I am about any BLM or Antifa skittle-head vagina-hat-wearing libtard throwing a violent hissy fit.
Did Trump ever get Mexico to pay for that tall, beautiful wall he built across the entire southern border yet?
I'm very confident Trump wins and the GOP takes 51-52 senate seats

I am not clear on the house races at all.
I like your Senate prediction. I am hoping for 53 - 54.
I'm hoping for 53-54 as well, and I think it's definitely possible. Need at least 51, and at least 51 seems to be VERY likely at this point. I don't see how the GOP gets any less than 51 senate seats. They should "automatically" get 50 seats, and then Tester's seat in MT should finally flip this time (especially with Trump leading the ticket). That's 51 seats right there.

After that, I think that the OH seat is very winnable (Bernie Moreno). He'd be the most likely of the "toss ups" to ride Trump's coattails into victory. Next would probably be McCormick in PA, followed by Hovde in WI. I think MI and NV are far stretches, same with AZ (and I'm a huge Lake fan).

So, realistically, I'd say that 54 is a very possible result with the "Trump coattail effect". Senate should end up with somewhere between 51-54 R seats.

I have no clue about the House. The House is a whole different animal. Hopefully R's can win it, but who knows.
Did Trump ever get Mexico to pay for that tall, beautiful wall he built across the entire southern border yet?
Did Biden Harris ever get the illegal alien invaders out of our country yet?? Oh wait, the "border czar" has done NOTHING while these invaders have been violently taking over apartment complexes in CO and TX.
Yeah, that ain't happening. You want to do that kind of stuff go elsewhere.
Of course it isn't happening. Did you think it actually was? It mocked my bet so I called it out. No chance it was ever going to agree. Probably doesn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

Just out of curiosity, was it the posting of the real name or the wager you object to? Thought a person could post their own information if they feel like it. That's what the wager would be.
Of course it isn't happening. Did you think it actually was? It mocked my bet so I called it out. No chance it was ever going to agree. Probably doesn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

Just out of curiosity, was it the posting of the real name or the wager you object to? Thought a person could post their own information if they feel like it. That's what the wager would be.
The Doxxing... You can make bets if you want, you can even trade info in DMs... I do not want folks' RL info on the site.