U.S. Drops from 1st to 6th in Economic Competitiveness Rankings Thanks to Bush


Senior Member
There was a lot of hoopla on the Dixie thread recently about how great the American economy is performing and how great things are economically speaking under Bush. And as Dixie so presciently noted he is responsible for the good things and the bad things to some degree. And since Bush did instigate the war with Iraq for no good reason and spent nearly 6 months selling that war to the American people and our allies, it is only fair that he reap the results of that war and what it has done to America’s financial rankings around the world. Most are ignoring the larger picture though and continue to laud Bush’s handling of the American economy. Some even going so far to say that this economy and the Dow are now on a much stronger footing than they were under Clinton. And with Trent Lott out trumpeting "irrational exuberance" and claiming that people should be exercising such exuberance in their stock purchases now and in the coming months, on FOXSPEWS’ Cavuto show last night, it is clear that at least some of this belief that things are different now is not as well-founded as it might be. But this headline seems to run counter to the Bush supporters claims about just how great things are in America economically speaking now and may even undercut some of their more exuberant if not irrational claims.

World Economic Forum Survey Says U.S. Fell in Economic Competitiveness Ranking From 1st to 6th

September 27, 2006

GENEVA — U.S. economic competitiveness fell significantly over the last year, as high budget and trade deficits hurt America's business environment, according to a survey released yesterday by the World Economic Forum.

The disappointing response to Hurricane Katrina, government corruption and a decreasing talent pool for employment due to immigration restrictions were other factors cited by the forum, which moved the United States to sixth in its "global competitiveness index" from the top spot a year ago.

"While strengths in the technological and market efficiency sectors explain the country's overall high rank, the U.S. economy suffers from striking weaknesses," the report said. "There is significant risk to both the country's overall competitiveness and, given the relative size of the U.S., the future of the global economy."

Switzerland topped the poll, which was conducted for the 27th consecutive year, but only the second year using a new formula, the forum said.

More than 11,000 business leaders in 125 countries took part in the survey, which found that the Alpine nation's institutional environment, infrastructure, efficient markets and high levels of innovation made it the world's most competitive business environment. It ranked fourth a year ago.

Nordic countries took the next three places, with Finland, Sweden and Denmark all praised for running budget surpluses and having low levels of public debt. Singapore was fifth ahead of the United States. Rounding out the top 10 were Japan, Germany, Netherlands and Britain.

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First off this is a political forum and suject to politics as noted in the 2nd paragraph.

>>The disappointing response to Hurricane Katrina, government corruption and a decreasing talent pool for employment due to immigration restrictions were other factors cited by the forum, which moved the United States to sixth in its "global competitiveness index" from the top spot a year ago

Exactly how does Katrina response play into internation raking of economic competitiveness??? LOL
this is not new and a weak indictment of our economy, those alpine countries have been having higher per capita.
Notice all the large economies are still way behind us in per capita. We are by far and away the best large economy.
You don't see the Alpine countries helping any other countries either do you? No military, no help organization either.
First off this is a political forum and suject to politics as noted in the 2nd paragraph.

>>The disappointing response to Hurricane Katrina, government corruption and a decreasing talent pool for employment due to immigration restrictions were other factors cited by the forum, which moved the United States to sixth in its "global competitiveness index" from the top spot a year ago

Exactly how does Katrina response play into internation raking of economic competitiveness??? LOL

toby, my main man, they probably felt as many Americans now feel that the incompetence shown in the response to the disaster in New Orleans was indicative of a much larger inability to respond to other kinds of problems and threats as well. In fact, many commentators on both sides of the political divide are now pointing to the disaster in New Orleans as the real point of no return for the Bush administration. So it is not suprising that the international observers would see that catastrophe and the less than lackluster response as indicative of greater structural problems. It's like when the elevator no longer goes to the top floors and you find out that the electricity is out all over the building its probably not a blown breaker. They probably felt that there was something terribly amiss. Maybe it was those pictures of Bush playing guitar while Rome burned, I mean New Orleans flooded.
this is not new and a weak indictment of our economy, those alpine countries have been having higher per capita.
Notice all the large economies are still way behind us in per capita. We are by far and away the best large economy.

Yeah, we are still doing better than Russia and China...
sorry incompetence has nothing to do with economic factors unless you are saying that it was a direct result of the US not having enought money to respond.
You don't see the Alpine countries helping any other countries either do you? No military, no help organization either.

Yeah, that's it, toby, my main man, we are helping the Iraqi's, aren't we???? That's why in the latest poll over 60 percent of the Iraqi population rather than handing out flowers are supporting the terrorists who are attacking American troops and another 70 percent think we are continbuting to the vioolence not aiding in preventing it, while 35 percent of Iraqis want us gone in 6 months and another 37 percent want us gone in a year. Meanwhile after three years of reconstruction people outside the green zone still don't have water or electricity for more than roughly eight hours a day. And of course who knows how much money it has cost to get to this level of inadequacy in basic utilities. And what is even more striking, the rebuilding of New Orleans seems to be moving along at about the same pace...Still whole neighborhoods without water or electricity...So yeah, we are draining our treasury to help...help what???????
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Pman, are you stupid or poor or both?
What big economy is doing better than us.
You don't agree that it only takes an IQ slightly greater than a dishrag to get rich in this great country. LOL
Prak why do you get all confused about the topic of the thread? This post was about world economic ratings, If you have nothing to imput then just don't respond.
Half of us can have above average incomes you tool. LOL
Even in recession our average per capita income is way higher than the second biggest large economy.
Please explain to me how Japan, Germany, and France are better off. LOL
I thought you were an economics type spin ? there is only so much money to "harvest" that sort of limits it to far more than anyone smarter than a dishrag.
Pman, are you stupid or poor or both?
What big economy is doing better than us.
You don't agree that it only takes an IQ slightly greater than a dishrag to get rich in this great country. LOL

Try this on mr. economist: The Fortune four hundred consists exclusively of Billionaires. That's 400 Billionaires. Some at the top like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet with nearly a hundred Billion between them. They kind of skew the numbers and fuck the averages all up. I ran into Bill Gates (almost literally) on the street one day. Our average wealth was about $24 Billion. So far that's the richest I have ever been. So yeah, I don't believe that averages mean a damn thing. And given the level of wealth at the top they are worthless and demaning to those who know better.

But talk on, you seem like a real smart fellow. Me, I can't get no respect.
LOL, are you a turbo-lib cause you at least sound educated. Bitter but educated.
Take the mean then Gates doens't do shit to it. Our Mr. mean in the middle make $50,000 is and has a net worth of $100,000. that's without a college education which you presumably have.
How is second place large economy better when there Mr. mean is way lower.
I don't see why there being 400 Billionaires takes anything away from topspin's statement that it doesn't take a genius to get rich.

First "rich" is subjective. Many on this site would call topspin rich. Some few would not.

Secondly I don't believe that it does take a genius to get subjectively rich. It just takes some economic street smarts...
And the people in Sweden are going for a better place, with the highest sucide rate in the world. HUMMMMM
I don't see why there being 400 Billionaires takes anything away from topspin's statement that it doesn't take a genius to get rich.

First "rich" is subjective. Many on this site would call topspin rich. Some few would not.

Secondly I don't believe that it does take a genius to get subjectively rich. It just takes some economic street smarts...

I think they were referring to this statement:

Half of us can have above average incomes you tool. LOL
Half of us can have above average incomes you tool. LOL
Even in recession our average per capita income is way higher than the second biggest large economy.
Please explain to me how Japan, Germany, and France are better off. LOL

Missed statistics class in college?

Prak is right. Averages mean nothing, unless the sample population is normally distributed.

This nation has a huge disparity in income distribution.

If you take the "average" income of Bill Gates, George Soros, and one thousand janitors, the average income of all these gentlemen put together is like $200 million.