U.S. Drops from 1st to 6th in Economic Competitiveness Rankings Thanks to Bush

You guys are definitely living in an altered reality if you think anything but the bottom line matters in companies. I've yet to see anyone get spared a layoff because of managements compassion. You need to wake up and get real: you are nothing but a tool to make money. If they can find a way to automate your job completely, you're outta there. To think any differently is extremely foolish.





Funny all of these articles only seem to mention maximizing margins and cutting costs, I don't see anything about employers giving a shit about employees.
You people can say what you will about Europe and their oh so feared socialists ways but at least they aren't getting thrown out in the streets on Christmas Eve like their American counter parts:

"IBM is planning to reduce the number of workers in Europe by voluntary departures but said there will be involuntary cuts in the United States. The company has begun negotiations with European labor organizations. "