U.S. Drops from 1st to 6th in Economic Competitiveness Rankings Thanks to Bush

I don't see why there being 400 Billionaires takes anything away from topspin's statement that it doesn't take a genius to get rich.

First "rich" is subjective. Many on this site would call topspin rich. Some few would not.

Secondly I don't believe that it does take a genius to get subjectively rich. It just takes some economic street smarts...

In the first place someone earning $100,000 a year isn't rich. In the second place "subjectively rich" is apparently meaningless except to the person who thinks they are "rich". And there are many. In fact, 19 percent of the population thinks they are in the top 2 percent. And something like 38 percent of college graduates believe that they will be in the top 2 percent at some point. And that is why so many people support things like tax cuts for the richest one percent, they think that someday it will affect them. But most of them are simply dreaming...too bad they are giving people who would just as soon throw them in the street as look at them a free ride. God does work in strange and mysterious ways!!!!!!!
There was a lot of hoopla on the Dixie thread recently about how great the American economy is performing and how great things are economically speaking under Bush. And as Dixie so presciently noted he is responsible for the good things and the bad things to some degree. And since Bush did instigate the war with Iraq for no good reason and spent nearly 6 months selling that war to the American people and our allies, it is only fair that he reap the results of that war and what it has done to America’s financial rankings around the world. Most are ignoring the larger picture though and continue to laud Bush’s handling of the American economy. Some even going so far to say that this economy and the Dow are now on a much stronger footing than they were under Clinton. And with Trent Lott out trumpeting "irrational exuberance" and claiming that people should be exercising such exuberance in their stock purchases now and in the coming months, on FOXSPEWS’ Cavuto show last night, it is clear that at least some of this belief that things are different now is not as well-founded as it might be. But this headline seems to run counter to the Bush supporters claims about just how great things are in America economically speaking now and may even undercut some of their more exuberant if not irrational claims.

World Economic Forum Survey Says U.S. Fell in Economic Competitiveness Ranking From 1st to 6th

September 27, 2006

GENEVA — U.S. economic competitiveness fell significantly over the last year, as high budget and trade deficits hurt America's business environment, according to a survey released yesterday by the World Economic Forum.

The disappointing response to Hurricane Katrina, government corruption and a decreasing talent pool for employment due to immigration restrictions were other factors cited by the forum, which moved the United States to sixth in its "global competitiveness index" from the top spot a year ago.

"While strengths in the technological and market efficiency sectors explain the country's overall high rank, the U.S. economy suffers from striking weaknesses," the report said. "There is significant risk to both the country's overall competitiveness and, given the relative size of the U.S., the future of the global economy."

Switzerland topped the poll, which was conducted for the 27th consecutive year, but only the second year using a new formula, the forum said.

More than 11,000 business leaders in 125 countries took part in the survey, which found that the Alpine nation's institutional environment, infrastructure, efficient markets and high levels of innovation made it the world's most competitive business environment. It ranked fourth a year ago.

Nordic countries took the next three places, with Finland, Sweden and Denmark all praised for running budget surpluses and having low levels of public debt. Singapore was fifth ahead of the United States. Rounding out the top 10 were Japan, Germany, Netherlands and Britain.

Full Story
The Dems solution to the problem of high spending and budget deficit? Start giant new social welfare programs like universal healthcare and free collegecare.

We lead a year ago, maybe this new formula fails to take tax rates and regulations into account, they don't mention either in their variables. Sounds untrustworthy to me.
In the first place someone earning $100,000 a year isn't rich. In the second place "subjectively rich" is apparently meaningless except to the person who thinks they are "rich". And there are many. In fact, 19 percent of the population thinks they are in the top 2 percent. And something like 38 percent of college graduates believe that they will be in the top 2 percent at some point. And that is why so many people support things like tax cuts for the richest one percent, they think that someday it will affect them. But most of them are simply dreaming...too bad they are giving people who would just as soon throw them in the street as look at them a free ride. God does work in strange and mysterious ways!!!!!!!
Listen asshole, a tax cut does not GIVE anyone anything, it merely lets them keep more of their money that they earned.
Secondly, every income class got a tax cut, not just the rich.
After Reagan's huge tax cuts to the rich and spending cuts, he was of course unloaded on by the biggest weapon the left always uses which was envy. But there is little question they worked.
With his tax cuts to the rich, comes more tax revenue too for the rich as they are encouraged to invest and spend, plus more rich came to America and less moved away from it. Take a look:

Plus all income classes benefitted after Reagan's tax cut for the rich

So while the rich got richer, we all got richer too.

Why would a rich person throw someone in the street moron? You see they need to hire more people to make more money when they have more capital, imagine that...
Listen asshole, a tax cut does not GIVE anyone anything, it merely lets them keep more of their money that they earned.
Secondly, every income class got a tax cut, not just the rich.
After Reagan's huge tax cuts to the rich and spending cuts, he was of course unloaded on by the biggest weapon the left always uses which was envy. But there is little question they worked.
With his tax cuts to the rich, comes more tax revenue too for the rich as they are encouraged to invest and spend, plus more rich came to America and less moved away from it. Take a look:

Plus all income classes benefitted after Reagan's tax cut for the rich

So while the rich got richer, we all got richer too.

Why would a rich person throw someone in the street moron? You see they need to hire more people to make more money when they have more capital, imagine that...

Really, they hire and fire people faster than you can flick your pen. Boeing has dumped more people in the street than any other employer in Washington State. Every downturn they layu off like there is no tomorrow. An employer would just as soon fire you as look at you. Or what is the same thing, lay you off. I don't what fuckin planet you're living on but it ain't earth.

I got more fuckin stories than you could ever stand to take the time to read. Operations that have shut down in the middle of the night the day after payday and when the workers tried to cash their checks the accounts were closed and the owner filed bankruptsy and drove away in a 760i. Most rich people have been fuckin somebody, and justifying it by claiming they get a bigger share because they took the risk. Hell the person who is hanging on the side of the building whose last paycheck won't clear is taking the risk, and it's his life when the cable breaks, not theirs, they'll call their attorney and he'll charge them a couple thousand to make sure they only a hand-slapping from the Deparment of Labor. If two or three of their workers die, they shake their head at the stupidity of the workers go home and eat steak and have a bottle of wine and laugh at how stupid their workers are.

I have never worked for anybody who gave a fuck whether I lived or died. And I have been dumped in the street on fuckin' Christmas Eve. Don't ever tell me about the largesse of employers. None of them give a fuck about anybody, except themselves.
What a dim view of fellow humans you have! The vast majority of rich are not that way, do not like to fire people, aren't out to "fuck" anybody. "None of them" is a bit expansive and 100% stereotyping of a group of people you don't even know.

This is like a girl who has had a family member attacked by a person of a certain ethnic group saying that all people of that group are just out to get you...

Statistically you don't even get close to knowing enough owners of companies to be able to make a dent in an actual statistical average of whether or not the owners of businesses care about their employees. In each case they are people who own the companies, far more of them care than those who do not.
What a dim view of fellow humans you have! The vast majority of rich are not that way, do not like to fire people, aren't out to "fuck" anybody. "None of them" is a bit expansive and 100% stereotyping of a group of people you don't even know.

This is like a girl who has had a family member attacked by a person of a certain ethnic group saying that all people of that group are just out to get you...

Statistically you don't even get close to knowing enough owners of companies to be able to make a dent in an actual statistical average of whether or not the owners of businesses care about their employees. In each case they are people who own the companies, far more of them care than those who do not.

I've been in the labor force for forty-five damn years, I started working when I was fifteen fuckin years old. I have never worked anywhere more than 5 years and that was only one job. I've sometimes had as many as three different jobs in a week, and I've walked away from plenty of them too...and in all that time, I have never had one employer who gave a shit one damn way or the other. There was always plenty of people waiting to take my job. And learn to read, I said "employers" not "rich" people. They take ya, grind you up and wear you down and then throw you in the street. I've seen it all from the Weyerhauser family to cheap fly-by-night sub-contractors, to fuckin contractors there one minute and gone the next. I've had paychecks that were no good because the account was already closed, pay checks that bounced, paychecks that we were told up front wouldn't be good for another week. I have had constractors try to make me do things that could have killed me if something went wrong because I was the only single guy on the crew and if I died there would be nobody to have to answer to. I learned the damn hard way who cares and who doesn't. Nobody and I mean nobody that I have ever worked for gave a damn whether I lived or died and when the work ran out they dumped me in the street like garbage and several times I never did get my last paycheck cashed. Don't ever tell me what great people employers are. They look out for number one and number one ain't you, you aren't even number two!!!!
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Once again, you have no statistical knowledge. It's like another person saying that 1 in 5 kids can't be starving because they don't know any starving kids... It just doesn't work.

Also, because somebody has to fire you doesn't mean that they didn't care. It only means that you are bitter for what they had to do.

Honestly, judging every employer your way is ridiculous...

It's like a cop who thinks everybody is a criminal because all he ever deals with are criminals.
I'm very glad I don't see only the "bad to me" part of the actions of others. I couldn't live that way.
This dude, 1. has a bad attitude "never worked anywhere more than 4 years in 45 yrs of working. And had 3 jobs in a week.
do you do anything good other than spew hot air. Why the fuck does the world owe you anything dumbass. That's why you like the socialist so you can get something you can't "earn".
"Nobody and I mean nobody that I have ever worked for gave a damn whetehr I lived or died and when the work ran out they dumped me like in the street like garbage"

It' s called the real world dumbass get some skills and a positive attitude and maybe you start to hold jobs.:pke:
This dude, 1. has a bad attitude "never worked anywhere more than 4 years in 45 yrs of working. And had 3 jobs in a week.
do you do anything good other than spew hot air. Why the fuck does the world owe you anything dumbass. That's why you like the socialist so you can get something you can't "earn".
"Nobody and I mean nobody that I have ever worked for gave a damn whetehr I lived or died and when the work ran out they dumped me like in the street like garbage"

It' s called the real world dumbass get some skills and a positive attitude and maybe you start to hold jobs.:pke:

Two hours ago I was a "professor or a lawyer" now I need to get skills, boy your tune sure changed didn't it, MBA???

You should get in a reading class with your buddy Damocles it was 5 years in 45 years. If you are going to quote me at least get it right. And yes it is the real world, and having skills doesn't mean shit. All that means is you have a chance to find another job for a different asshole, who will demand that you promise to stay there forever because he is tired of having people quit and then treat you like shit until you quit or when the job is over he'll send you packing. And I really don't know what to think about somebody who disappears leaving his crew with paychecks that aren't worth the paper they are printed on. It's really hard to give somebody two weeks free work and be too forgiving. Or to work for employers whose cheapness kills people. yeah, I have heard rumors of great and kind employers who have their employees interests at heart and I read these statistics about health insurance and how everybody is a big family oh yeah, u-t-o-p-i-a. I have had health insurance twice in my entire life. 7 years total out of 45 years in the work force. I have nothing now, if I get sick, I'm done. So don't worry I don't have too much time left.
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Your never to old to get an education. Stick your head in some books, the more years you finish the better you get treated. I seariously have never heard anyone over 22 cry about jobs as much as you. This is the best country in the world for jobs 2 times over. They don't fall in the laps of unskilled dumbasses though.
Get a degree you'll make big bucks.
Even at the lowliest jobs I have had medical insurance. I am beginning to question the veracity of your comments. 45 years in the workforce and you have only twice had medical insurance for at the very most 5 years (as you haven't worked for anybody longer than that)?

The vast majority of the people that I know and work with do not have degrees, they do have insurance though. I know, I work there too.

I worked at a fricking gas station for 7.50 an hour and still had insurance.
Your never to old to get an education. Stick your head in some books, the more years you finish the better you get treated. I seariously have never heard anyone over 22 cry about jobs as much as you. This is the best country in the world for jobs 2 times over. They don't fall in the laps of unskilled dumbasses though.
Get a degree you'll make big bucks.

I know PhD's who aren't making $50,0000 a year! So tell me just how much education do you have to have to make the big bucks???
You obviously know a lot of losers like yourself.
The average PHD surely makes way more than 50,000 even the ones in academia. The ones in industry probably average double that.
Education isn't what gets you there. At least not education only. I know many successful people with only high school diplomas.
No shit sherlock, hard work and dedication will get you without it.
but hard working hs grads make more than non grads
some for college and post graduates
You didn't strain your self with that nugget did you?
This dude, 1. has a bad attitude "never worked anywhere more than 4 years in 45 yrs of working. And had 3 jobs in a week.
do you do anything good other than spew hot air. Why the fuck does the world owe you anything dumbass. That's why you like the socialist so you can get something you can't "earn".
"Nobody and I mean nobody that I have ever worked for gave a damn whetehr I lived or died and when the work ran out they dumped me like in the street like garbage"

It' s called the real world dumbass get some skills and a positive attitude and maybe you start to hold jobs.:pke:

Seriously. The way this guy thinks, if I found out I had a guy like that working for me, I would be rid of him so fast. People with bad attitudes in business are a cancer.
The bigger wonder is how he went 45 years between tons of jobs without ever stopping to think the problem might be with him...
I know PhD's who aren't making $50,0000 a year! So tell me just how much education do you have to have to make the big bucks???
Yeah, they're called "arts graduates" LOL.
Seriously, history, music, philosophy degree holders will find it very difficult to find a job, PhD or not, but that's their own free choice and will.

And boohoo, an education is meant to HELP you, there are no guarantees in life. You can cry about it or you can compete.

As for your hard luck story, plenty of us on here worked shit jobs, I worked at McD's for 5.5 years and a pizzeria for 3.5
At the pizzeria I paid my own way through private computer college part-time to get a better job.
Whatever you earned as a contractor in construction or whatever you did, I guarantee you got paid more an hour than I did, even including the few missed paychecks, so cry me a river.