U.S. Supreme Court Ruling: ATHEISM IS RELIGION

The only thing I assume is the classical definition of the Christian god. The other statement is no assumption at all. It’s an assertion. A very clear assertion. Or, at least it should be clear.
An atheist is going to tell Melchizedek about Chriatianity? Lol!
Remember: by this reasoning they only have a BELIEF that Santa isn't real. They only have a BELIEF that the Easter Bunny isn't real.

Actually if that is how they really and truly live I'm fine with it. I highly DOUBT that they actually have that system of belief, but since they demand it from others it would only be fair if they lived by their own dictates.
proving how stupid atheists are...... it shows we have chosen to deny the existence of the Easter Bunny.......YOU are the idiot who says he's an atheist but doesn't have the balls to admit he denies God's existence
They are social animals that gain a survival advantage from a stable safe social network.
where does that leave Biden's protected illegals.........are they unsocial animals or are they simply smart enough to realise they benefit more from an unstable social network........
where does that leave Biden's protected illegals

You mean poor people trying desperately to get to a better life?

.........are they unsocial animals or are they simply smart enough to realise they benefit more from an unstable social network........

It is ironic that you, of all people, would blather on about the problems with immigrants when the Bible itself tells you to welcome them.

Lev 23:22 "And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not make clean riddance of the corners of thy field when thou reapest, neither shalt thou gather any gleaning of thy harvest: thou shalt leave them unto the poor, and to the stranger: I am the LORD your God."

See, even the ancient Israelites knew about human kindness as a virtue.
ACTUALLY if you were following the conversation I'm saying the exact opposite. @Ross Dolan DEMANDS that the lack of belief in God IS a belief. So it means that @Ross Dolan must feel that his lack of belief in Santa and the Easter Bunny are EQUALLY simply "beliefs".
not true he argues against your claim that atheists are also agnostics.......you are the one who believes denial of God doesn't indicate any "beliefs"......it isn't that "belief" that is irrelevant.......it's what you SAY your beliefs are that becomes irrelevant.....
not true he argues against your claim that atheists are also agnostics.......you are the one who believes denial of God doesn't indicate any "beliefs"......it isn't that "belief" that is irrelevant.......it's what you SAY your beliefs are that becomes irrelevant.....

My position is that I lack a belief in God. If someone wants to call that a "belief" then they clearly don't like the fact that words have meaning.

It is up to YOU who claim you believe in God to provide evidence for it. It is NOT up to me who lacks a belief to provide evidence of absence.

Sorry but that's just how logic works. (Feel free to hate it like you hate so many other things)
You mean poor people trying desperately to get to a better life?
just the ones who break the law and aren't deported and hidden in sanctuary cities......
It is ironic that you, of all people, would blather on about the problems with immigrants when the Bible itself tells you to welcome them.

even more ironic are the dumbfuck lib'ruls who cannot admit the difference between immigrants and illegal immigrants...........
I've never touched God's words

AH hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Guess you'll sort that all out on the day o' Judgement. Maybe God will give you extra crowns for calling people "cunts".

You do little else on here but trample on your own God's words. Every day your "witness" with your bile and hatred.
And animals which derive a survival advantage from a social group like humans, ants, etc. gain a survival advantage from those groups remaining stable.

And there you have it: there is no "objective" morality in nature. Good job. It's great when you make my point for me.

They are social animals that gain a survival advantage from a stable safe social network.

There are PLENTY of cases where instincts in wild animals is clearly aligned with survival advantage.

Do you think ANTS "choose" to be social animals?

How do you know this? You are big on making ex cathedra claims which you never back up and I am loathe to question you on yet another of them (given how you always end up losing your shit and attacking me when I do), but I'm curious how you know this is necessarily true.

Reality doesn't need a "selling point". It simply is what it is.

I understand your distaste for that. It is unpleasant to think that maybe those you wish to be punished don't get some "ultimate justice", but then I often sincerely wish for a nice cool breeze while I walk around town, doesn't mean it is going to give it to me.

You're not an atheist because you don't get your wish. Fine. Not a well reasoned position but certainly understandable.

I haven't hijacked anything. I have recontextualized the "imperative" to not commit murder and put it in terms of things which are real and tangible and can be shown to exist.

No woo-woo supernatural/metaphysical/blahblahblah needed.
Correct, lions, armadillos, and mayflies do not have an objective sense of morality; and their brains aren't even designed to conceive of ontological reality, transcendence, the quadratic equation, the Pythagorean theorem, or the natural laws of the universe. The Pythagorean theorem is ontologically and objectively real, and will remain so even if humans and armadillos disappear from the Earth tomorrow.

The pricetag of atheism is a reductionist materialism, and belief in a subjective morality based on opinion or the popular vote.

The fact that you have been strenuously debating these atheist precepts - rather than just comfortably embracing them - suggests you are slightly uncomfortable with them. And if you are slightly uncomfortable with the pricetag of atheism, maybe you should reflect on why you think you are an atheist.
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Correct, lions, armadillos, and mayflies do not have an objective sense of morality

Hold it right there: when you say "objective" set of morality you surely must mean that it is OBJECTIVELY right and wrong. Not just for humans but for all living creatures. Otherwise it's just something HUMANS made up for HUMANS which is kind of the whole point of "SUBJECTIVE".

You have described SUBJECTIVE morality, not objective morality.