U.S. Supreme Court Ruling: ATHEISM IS RELIGION

SCOTUS has held atheism falls under the Separation Clause of the Constitution. That, in that special application, atheism is considered to fall under the larger umbrella of religion.

SCOTUS did NOT rule that atheism was a religion. It merely expanded the Separation Clause to include non-religion as well.

Now you're denying reality. Go back and read what I quoted from the court transcript at Post 3 within this thread. Footnote 11 comes right out and gives a list of religions that are considered atheist religions. Below is the weblink.


Now you're denying reality.

I quote the appropriate ruling.

Go back and read what I quoted from the court transcript at Post 3 within this thread. Footnote 11 comes right out and gives a list of religions that are considered atheist religions. Below is the weblink.

So let me get this straight. You realize that "faith based belief systems" are inherently weak belief systems. So you accuse atheists of having a belief system based on non-belief.

Why do you hold faith in so little esteem that you must attack your opponents with the word?
Atheism is Religion according to the 1961 Torcaso v. Watkins case that was affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court--the highest court in the land--where court rulings become national law. In spite of the many court rulings since 1961 that Atheism is Religion, atheists insist on fooling themselves by claiming they are not religious. They attempt to take the higher ground by claiming Christians are mental midgets for believing in a "non-existent sky gawd."

Atheist religionists often refer to the Judeo-Christian Bible as a book of fairytales. At one website where I have debated, the Bible was referred to by atheists as the "BuyBull."

In most of my conversations with atheists at various websites, their usual accusation is that because of the belief in God, theists have committed all sorts of human rights violations in the name of "cultish religions." According to the many atheists I have debated at other websites, it is the belief in God that has caused people to commit the various atrocities common to sinful mankind. Remove religion--the atheists frequently argue--and the world will be a better place. This latter conclusion is mortally flawed for the following reasons:

1. Atheism is itself a religion.

2. Atheists have committed human rights violations en masse throughout history. For instance, Joseph Stalin--the atheist--ordered the deaths of between 40 million to 62 million people (at least 20 million of whom were everyday Soviet civilians). Compare that to the 9 million or so murdered by Adolph Hitler, the Roman Catholic, who merely claimed he was a Christian.

In reality, the problem is not the Bible or God. The problem is false religions that have failed to teach the masses Biblical truths. Blaming God for the crimes of people whose behavior he himself rejects is an attempt at passing the buck.

"See! This only I have found, that the true God made mankind upright, but THEY THEMSELVES have sought out many plans." (Ecclesiastes 7:29)

Considering that atheists have themselves committed human rights violations under the banner of non-belief in a supernatural God or gods, why can one argue that "belief in god" is not the actual reason behind crimes against humanity?

2. Atheists routinely argue they do not belong to a religion. According to them, non-belief in God is proof positive that they are not religious. Do you agree with the atheists' position? Why so or why not?

3. Based upon numerous court rulings that Atheism is Religion, it is obvious that belief in a supernatural God or gods is not a requirement for being considered part of a religion. What arguments can you present along this line?
So how goes that Christian Nation SCOTUS "one nation under God with equal justice under law" national religion code of ethics where pseudoscience is still higher than God since before the Bicentennial ?
So how goes that Christian Nation SCOTUS "one nation under God with equal justice under law" national religion code of ethics where pseudoscience is still higher than God since before the Bicentennial ?

That's a question that I'm sure the U.S. Supreme Court justices can answer. I suggest you run it by them, and then come back here and tell the rest of us what answer they gave you.

That's a question that I'm sure the U.S. Supreme Court justices can answer. I suggest you run it by them, and then come back here and tell the rest of us what answer they gave you.
That good ole boys avoidance - acceptance of Christian Nation SCOTUS replies in 1976 & 2001 where George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam - so Christian Nation SCOTUS “one nation under God with equal justice under law” of thieving old glory arsonists is still “one nation under God with equal justice under law” as Christian Nation SCOTUS “one nation under God with equal justice under law” of thieving old testaments arsonists is still Christian Nation SCOTUS “one nation under God with equal justice under law” as Christian Nation SCOTUS “one nation under God with equal justice under law” thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists is still Christian Nation SCOTUS “one nation under God with equal justice under law” as Christian Nation SCOTUS “one nation under God with equal justice under law” Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate drug trafficking hate induced physical impairments for free fish and hunt age as Christiananality pedophilia of SCOTUS Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom Islamidiotocracy……..