Disney doesn't need a loan because they print money with their content.
Wow. You're dumber than everyone thoughtThey get to keep their bonds. AND?
..the next Thor movie is gonna be SUPER GAY.
its cool when the fucking cunts use the N word and there's no reason to read the rest of their simple minded rambling........
I wonder why they issued bonds in the past, then........
I see that excites you......
But you are a Nazi, though.
Well, they're not on the hook for those bonds now, so it kinda all worked out for them, didn't it? .
the stupid worthless cunt said Nazi again......when that happens you don't need to read the rest of his post.....Nazis
the stupid worthless cunt said Nazi again......when that happens you don't need to read the rest of his post.....
I am sure Deasantis knows he cannot do it. However he knows his lie is galvanizing the right into a paroxysm of Disney hate, and he thinks votes for him. I am sure the GOOFY governor knows better. he has some pros on staff. This is political red meat for the easily led.
the stupid worthless cunt said Nazi again......when that happens you don't need to read the rest of his post.....
I am beyond worthless
He studied political hackery and hucksterism at the feet of the Orange Master himself.
Everything that tubby little toad DeShameless does stinks of political gamesmanship.
I remember a time when Disney was a totem pole for hate on the Left, how times change!
From Quora.
The present day Disney organization is just about as far from what Walt Disney envisioned as it can get. It is run by money hungry characters who kowtow to China in order to increase their profits. Its theme parks are nothing but commercialized plastic nightmares that overcharge the customers who are foolish enough to attend.
So, you have one person's opinion.
I don't recall Disney ever being a target of the left, but that's beside the point anyway re: my comments about DeShameless.
I actually agree with the law he signed prohibiting teachers in public schools addressing gender topics.
What makes me sick about the fat little toad is how he uses the power of his office to take revenge against those he sees as opponents and carry out personal vendettas against those who openly disagree with him.
He's Trump-lite.
You Brits may be more accepting of tyrannical, omnipotent rulers since so much of your history has been spent living under them, but that shit doesn't fly over here.
At least not among we who aren't subservient boot-licks.
not Florida's debt.....Disney's.....