Unanimous Supreme Court preserves access to widely used abortion medication

The decision could lessen the intensity of the abortion issue in the November elections”

Which is the reason for the decision, this is a 100% political Court, and Trump’s Judges know full well of the impact abortion could play on the election
dude.....a '100% political court' just decided something 9-0.......what should that tell a reasonable person?......
Anyone who comes here legally and becomes a citizen is more than welcome... I've never said anything differently...Don't break our laws and steal from Americans, though...there's a process, and it should be followed to the letter... blame Joe and Democrats if you feel those who come here illegally are not being treated properly...don't blame me...
Personally...I've never turned a child away from food or necessities if they're in need...or their parents...for any reason...
But you just advocated turning them away if they come to the border without the proper paperwork.

So the truth is that your supposed care and concern for children and babies only extends to a certain group of them.

Those who aren't part of your approved group, need to just go away someplace where you won't have to think or worry or care or bother yourself about them.

Out of sight, out of mind babies.

That's not rank hypocrisy at all, is it?

No moreso than Bible humpers demanding that women who get pregnant with unwanted babies, carry them to term but have no interest in adopting them after they're born.

Pure, 100%, unadulterated hypocrisy.
But you just advocated turning them away if they come to the border without the proper paperwork.

So the truth is that your supposed care and concern for children and babies only extends to a certain group of them.

Those who aren't part of your approved group, need to just go away someplace where you won't have to think or worry or care or bother yourself about them.

Out of sight, out of mind babies.

That's not rank hypocrisy at all, is it?

No moreso than Bible humpers demanding that women who get pregnant with unwanted babies, carry them to term but have no interest in adopting them after they're born.

Pure, 100%, unadulterated hypocrisy.
Not being able to help everyone is not the same as not caring about them...
We're only human, after all...
Sometimes it helps to be realistic, however, and address the underlying problem...and not purposefully put them in jeopardy in the first place...
However, If people or animals are already here in need, we do our absolute best...
Not being able to help everyone is not the same as not caring about them...
We're only human, after all...
Sometimes it helps to be realistic, however, and address the underlying problem...and not purposefully put them in jeopardy in the first place...
However, If people or animals are already here in need, we do our absolute best...
Typical right wing spin.

I'm not talking about you not being able to personally go there and help feed and shelter these children and babies.

I'm talking about your advocacy of turning them away with nothing then forgetting about them.

If your concern for "saving babies" as you all put it were genuine, then you'd staunchly support saving ALL babies and children including those born of foreigners and those who've actually been born and walk the Earth, breathing, etc.

But the truth is that your fake care is only surface deep and mostly political.

You don't really care about saving babies irrespective of where they and their families are from.
Typical right wing spin.

I'm not talking about you not being able to personally go there and help feed and shelter these children and babies.

I'm talking about your advocacy of turning them away with nothing then forgetting about them.

If your concern for "saving babies" as you all put it were genuine, then you'd staunchly support saving ALL babies and children including those born of foreigners and those who've actually been born and walk the Earth, breathing, etc.

But the truth is that your fake care is only surface deep and mostly political.

You don't really care about saving babies irrespective of where they and their families are from.
Well i'm talking about me.... And i'm not political at all when it comes to kids and their families... But as I said no one can save the world... And our own country comes first... That's just reality... That doesn't mean we don't care... The ones who really don't care are the ones inviting them here...and those who support them....
Well i'm talking about me.... And i'm not political at all when it comes to kids and their families... But as I said no one can save the world... And our own country comes first... That's just reality... That doesn't mean we don't care... The ones who really don't care are the ones inviting them here...and those who support them....
Typical right-wing spin.

Weak on logic while sidestepping the issue.

You advocate and support turning away families with children and actual living, breathing babies that have already been born and leaving them to fend for themselves or die. This obviously means you don't care about those particular children and babies because they weren't born here and don't have the correct paperwork.

So when you and people like you cry and she'd your fake crocodile tears about aborted fetus tissue that you erroneously refer to as "murdered babies", we all know you're just being dishonest and playing politics.

Seems like you'd feel that a baby is a baby no matter where it was born or what kind of paperwork or immigration status its mother and father have.

But you obviously don't.
Typical right-wing spin.

Weak on logic while sidestepping the issue.

You advocate and support turning away families with children and actual living, breathing babies that have already been born and leaving them to fend for themselves or die. This obviously means you don't care about those particular children and babies because they weren't born here and don't have the correct paperwork.

So when you and people like you cry and she'd your fake crocodile tears about aborted fetus tissue that you erroneously refer to as "murdered babies", we all know you're just being dishonest and playing politics.

Seems like you'd feel that a baby is a baby no matter where it was born or what kind of paperwork or immigration status its mother and father have.

But you obviously don't.
A baby is a baby...Did you read what I said? i'm not political at all when it comes to kids and their families... But as I said no one can save the world... And our own country comes first... That's just reality... That doesn't mean we don't care... The ones who really don't care are the ones inviting them here...and those who support them....
For the record...I've never said anything about abortion being murder...it's elective termination of a developing life...
Miscarriage is when that life ends for any number of reasons...from baby's abnormalities to issues with the mother's health...When a woman has a miscarriage, she mourns the loss of the pregnancy...the loss of a child..
Does she not?
A baby is a baby...Did you read what I said? i'm not political at all when it comes to kids and their families... But as I said no one can save the world... And our own country comes first... That's just reality... That doesn't mean we don't care... The ones who really don't care are the ones inviting them here...and those who support them....
Who said anything about saving the world? I'm talking about families with small children who show up at our southern border.

The people whose politics you share, raise hell about not letting them in, and demand that they be turned away to go twist in the wind.

Babies and all.

Therefore, you either care about babies, or you only care about Americans babies.

Which is it?

For the record...I've never said anything about abortion being murder...it's elective termination of a developing life...
Miscarriage is when that life ends for any number of reasons...from baby's abnormalities to issues with the mother's health...When a woman has a miscarriage, she mourns the loss of the pregnancy...the loss of a child..
Does she not?
So then you support abortion rights?

Yes or no.

If no, why not?
Who said anything about saving the world? I'm talking about families with small children who show up at our southern border.

The people whose politics you share, raise hell about not letting them in, and demand that they be turned away to go twist in the wind.

Babies and all.

Therefore, you either care about babies, or you only care about Americans babies.

Which is it?

So then you support abortion rights?

Yes or no.

If no, why not?
i said that we can't save the world...because we can't...
If you have a 100 babies to take care of at one time, no one will get the proper care or attention... Don't put us into a position to have to try to do that, Joe...Why doesn't he listen? or care?
I do not agree with abortion as a form of birth control...plain and simple...how could anyone?
Surely millions of people can find a way to be more responsible...why is it wrong to wish for that?
i said that we can't save the world...because we can't...
If you have a 100 babies to take care of at one time, no one will get the proper care or attention... Don't put us into a position to have to try to do that, Joe...Why doesn't he listen? or care?
I do not agree with abortion as a form of birth control...plain and simple...how could anyone?
Surely millions of people can find a way to be more responsible...why is it wrong to wish for that?
You keep dancing around the truth and the point.

I'm not suggesting that YOU should do anything or take care of anyone. This country has more than enough resources to provide humanitarian support for these families with children.

I'm talking about your attitude towards the situation at the border regarding those babies and children.

Right-wingers wring their hands and cry fake tears over the unborn, calling these barely developed fetuses "babies" simply because they know that word invokes sympathy and emotional response. But when it comes to actual, real, living babies who've been born and are breathing the Earth's atmosphere, but whose parents haven't completed the proper paperwork and procedural requirements, you have no problem writing them off to whatever their fate will be and never thinking about them again or ever uttering a word in their defense.


Because the right's care and concern for "saving babies" only extends to how effective the issue can be exploited in the furtherance of their political views.

Like I said, keep on fancy-dancing around the issue and I'll keep on pointing out the hypocrisy.
i said that we can't save the world...because we can't...
If you have a 100 babies to take care of at one time, no one will get the proper care or attention... Don't put us into a position to have to try to do that, Joe...Why doesn't he listen? or care?
I do not agree with abortion as a form of birth control...plain and simple...how could anyone?
Surely millions of people can find a way to be more responsible...why is it wrong to wish for that?
I cannot see the problem with using Mifepristone and Misoprostol, it truly baffles me why anyone has an issue with them.
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Yeah it shows they follow the law and aren't ideologys .
First of all, WTF are "ideologys"???

Or did you mean "ideologues" but couldn't figure out how to spell it? :LOL:

But, to the point, what they did was typical right-wing sleight of hand.

All they did was temporarily delay outlawing the drug, while tacitly telling the anti-choice Nazis to go out and find a better, more suitable case with which they can give these Nazis their desired outcome without making themselves look as much like the conservative biased IDEOLOGUES we all know they really are.
First of all, WTF are "ideologys"???

Or did you mean "ideologues" but couldn't figure out how to spell it? :LOL:

But, to the point, what they did was typical right-wing sleight of hand.

All they did was temporarily delay outlawing the drug, while tacitly telling the anti-choice Nazis to go out and find a better, more suitable case with which they can give these Nazis their desired outcome without making themselves look as much like the conservative biased IDEOLOGUES we all know they really are.
What they did was follow the law . I know that is a novel idea for you Libratards.
You keep dancing around the truth and the point.

I'm not suggesting that YOU should do anything or take care of anyone. This country has more than enough resources to provide humanitarian support for these families with children.

I'm talking about your attitude towards the situation at the border regarding those babies and children.

Right-wingers wring their hands and cry fake tears over the unborn, calling these barely developed fetuses "babies" simply because they know that word invokes sympathy and emotional response. But when it comes to actual, real, living babies who've been born and are breathing the Earth's atmosphere, but whose parents haven't completed the proper paperwork and procedural requirements, you have no problem writing them off to whatever their fate will be and never thinking about them again or ever uttering a word in their defense.


Because the right's care and concern for "saving babies" only extends to how effective the issue can be exploited in the furtherance of their political views.

Like I said, keep on fancy-dancing around the issue and I'll keep on pointing out the hypocrisy.
If we have plenty of resources, why are so many of Americans hunger or homeless? You're Ignoring my point... because no one is "writing off" the illegals who are already here...they're getting more resources than the people in our own neighborhoods...I'm sure you understand exactly what I'm saying... and there's nothing political what I'm doing... I've been working with families for years...and still am... I don't discriminate...no matter how much you would like to insist that I am...
I cannot see the problem with using Mifepristone and Misoprostol, it truly baffles me why anyone has an issue with them.
The combination does cause the loss of the developing pregnancy...it would be preferable to focus on not creating unwanted pregnancies in the first place...
That's all... If you don't want children, don't create them...
That would make so much more sense...:)
Birth control is not all that difficult...;)