Unanimous Supreme Court preserves access to widely used abortion medication

What they did was follow the law . I know that is a novel idea for you Libratards.

Originalism is just an excuse for the court's refusal to allow the Constitution to reflect the changes of the world we live in.

But that's the central aim of conservatism.

Resist change and keep society living in the ignorance of the past.
That stupid remark that you phony Xrtians use is total BS. Why are you lying? Who believes" as needed at any time"? This is a Trumpian talking point that everyone should know is a lie.
It's not total BS...and Christianity (I'm assuming that's what you mean) has nothing to do with my comment...
There are doctors who specialize in High risk pregnancies and late term abortions...
If we have plenty of resources, why are so many of Americans hunger or homeless?
Homeless and hungry people in this country have the resources to live better than poor people anywhere else in the world if they CHOOSE to avail themselves of those resources which are readily available to them.

You're Ignoring my point... because no one is "writing off" the illegals who are already here...they're getting more resources than the people in our own neighborhoods...I'm sure you understand exactly what I'm saying... and there's nothing political what I'm doing... I've been working with families for years...and still am... I don't discriminate...no matter how much you would like to insist that I am...


You know good and well that's not what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about turning families with children away at the border and forgetting about them.

Isn't that what you're in favor of?

Answer yes or no.

Do you insist on...

A) turning away everyone at the southern border including families with children?

Or do you support...

B) providing shelter, food and medical care to families, something the wealthiest nation on Earth can easily afford?

Which is it?

Answer the question.
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The combination does cause the loss of the developing pregnancy...it would be preferable to focus on not creating unwanted pregnancies in the first place...
That's all... If you don't want children, don't create them...
That would make so much more sense...:)
Birth control is not all that difficult...;)
That's an idiotic and unrealistic answer.

Sex is one of the most basic of all human dives and people are not going to stop having it because right-wing nutjobs tell them to.

Just saying coulda shoulda woulda is not a solution to anything.

You are as hypocritical on this issue as you are on the border issue.

Typical Trumper conservative IOW.
That's an idiotic and unrealistic answer.

Sex is one of the most basic of all human dives and people are not going to stop having it because right-wing nutjobs tell them to.

Just saying coulda shoulda woulda is not a solution to anything.

You are as hypocritical on this issue as you are on the border issue.

Typical Trumper conservative IOW.
No one suggested to "stop having it"... :ROFLMAO: Birth control is pretty easy if you use it...;) Coulda shoulda woulda...You're hilarious...
No one suggested to "stop having it"... :ROFLMAO: Birth control is pretty easy if you use it...;) Coulda shoulda woulda...You're hilarious...
That was an accurate assessment of your answer.

So then you admit that your solution to birth control is hilarious.

As in hilariously lacking in any credibility whatsoever.

Good for you in admitting that. 👍🏽
Homeless and hungry people in this country have the resources to live better than poor people anywhere else in the world if they CHOOSE to avail themselves of those resources which are readily available to them.


You know good and well that's not what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about turning families with children away at the border and forgetting about them.

Isn't that what you're in favor of?

Answer yes or no.

Do you insist on...

A) turning away everyone at the southern border including families with children?

Or do you support...

B) providing shelter, food and medical care to families, something the wealthiest nation on Earth can easily afford?

Which is it?

Answer the question.
No one is forgetting about the illegal families who are here...that was easy...
How many is that now, btw? And how many Americans...families, children, veterans, etc. are in desperately in need...and last on the list? If they had access to as many resources as we're handing out to illegals, they wouldn't be homeless and in need...
Who should come first? Who deserves to come first?
Even the wealthiest nation on Earth can't save everyone...the government wastes too much money on other things...
Maybe we can get someone to get the border back under control... It's such a mess here now...
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That was an accurate assessment of your answer.

So then you admit that your solution to birth control is hilarious.

As in hilariously lacking in any credibility whatsoever.

Good for you in admitting that. 👍🏽
I have suggestions.. and you have nothing... That's an automatic win for me...
No one is forgetting about families who are here...that was easy...
Still up to your lame little tricks and word games.
Your unwillingness to address the issue and answer the question is plain to see.
Also plain to see is you doing your CHICKEN dance -----> :chicken:
How many is that now, btw? And how many Americans...families, children, veterans, etc. are in desperately in need...and last on the list?
There is no "list" and no Americans are last.
Americans have adequate resources at their disposal.
Who should come first? Who deserves to come first?
What you're really asking is who is more human than who? Who is less human than who?
You don't care about brown babies from foreign countries plain and simple.
Even the wealthiest nation on Earth can't save everyone...the government wastes too much money on other things...
Maybe we can get someone to get the border back under control... It's such a mess here now...
We can easily afford to provide food, basic shelter and medical care to the immigrants at the southern border.
You can keep on giving your non-answers all day long but it will continue to get you nowhere.
The most destructive anger is the kind that builds up in someone who more than likely has a good heart...
Don't let that happen...
Your suggestion is simplistic and solves nothing.

Your "win" only exists in the twisted labyrinth of your confused, irrational mind.
You do what you feel is helpful...and I will do what I feel is helpful...
As I have been doing for many years...I'm going to bet I've had way more success than you have...:)
In fact, I know I have...
Still up to your lame little tricks and word games.
Your unwillingness to address the issue and answer the question is plain to see.
Also plain to see is you doing your CHICKEN dance -----> :chicken:

There is no "list" and no Americans are last.
Americans have adequate resources at their disposal.

What you're really asking is who is more human than who? Who is less human than who?
You don't care about brown babies from foreign countries plain and simple.

We can easily afford to provide food, basic shelter and medical care to the immigrants at the southern border.
You can keep on giving your non-answers all day long but it will continue to get you nowhere.
Americans come in last every day...It's not about who is less human or more human...that's the point... I see examples of that every day....Don't bring your children and families here improperly because you've been "invited" and promised everything...I don't blame the parents or the children....they've been conned...
Get the border under control...and the overflow that's here as well....the end... This got out of control just about 4 years ago...That was easy...
We won't need to keep having this silly back and forth when Joe is gone...

( For the record...I love brown babies... I taught them for 30 years....I fed "a few"...and still do...I don't ask where they come from...it doesn't matter...And I have one of my own, btw...;) )
SUDDENLY - the Stalinists support the court - at least for this second..
Not suddenly, moron. Most of us have always supported the courts. They get it right more often than they get it wrong.

That’s different than supporting individual judges who violate ethical standards, like Thomas, by raking in multiple tens of thousands of dollars in gifts without reporting them or recusing himself.
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Americans come in last every day...It's not about who is less human or more human...that's the point... I see examples of that every day....Don't bring your children and families here improperly because you've been "invited" and promised everything...I don't blame the parents or the children....they've been conned...
Get the border under control...and the overflow that's here as well....the end... This got out of control just about 4 years ago...That was easy...
We won't need to keep having this silly back and forth when Joe is gone...

( For the record...I love brown babies... I taught them for 30 years....I fed "a few"...and still do...I don't ask where they come from...it doesn't matter...And I have one of my own, btw...;) )
You still refuse to answer the questions I asked.

Typical chicken dancing Trumper hypocrisy.... :chicken:


Your new avatar ^^^^

Claims to care about "saving babies!!!!" but refuses to state plainly and simply that she wants to save the babies who are brought to our southern border by no fault or decision of their own.

Why? Because she doesn't really give a hoot about THOSE babies.
So abort a child one week before their due date? Do you know that the abortionist sticks a suction cannula into the viable child's brain and sucks it out then crushes it's skull then delivers the lifeless body. If you are OK with that you are an animal.
No one is forgetting about the illegal families who are here...that was easy...
How many is that now, btw? And how many Americans...families, children, veterans, etc. are in desperately in need...and last on the list? If they had access to as many resources as we're handing out to illegals, they wouldn't be homeless and in need...
Who should come first? Who deserves to come first?
Even the wealthiest nation on Earth can't save everyone...the government wastes too much money on other things...
Maybe we can get someone to get the border back under control... It's such a mess here now...
Everybody coming over the border is illegal to you. The word "migrant" isn't in your vocabulary... ;)