uncomfortable, funny, cool as hell, all at the same time.

All this thread does is continue to normalize the objectification of women that results in women being unable to walk down the street without being harassed. It's not at all surprising that someone like Stoney found this imaginary encounter 'cool as hell'. This isn't the reaction of a grown man, it's the reaction of an infantile insecure male. It is what it is. My wife doesn't feel comfortable walking alone even during broad daylight. It's no wonder women are starting to understand the need to take back the power from these infantile misogynistic males. No surprise that people like Stoney worship Trump.
Of course I didnt. Why would I? All it would do is ruffle some feathers. No good could come from it.

So you'll post this for a bunch of anonymous strangers, but you're afraid to tell your wife. Speaks volumes about your character. Not surprising to me.
All this thread does is continue to normalize the objectification of women that results in women being unable to walk down the street without being harassed. It's not at all surprising that someone like Stoney found this imaginary encounter 'cool as hell'. This isn't the reaction of a grown man, it's the reaction of an infantile insecure male. It is what it is. My wife doesn't feel comfortable walking alone even during broad daylight. It's no wonder women are starting to understand the need to take back the power from these infantile misogynistic males. No surprise that people like Stoney worship Trump.

You are truly one obnoxious sanctimonious cunt.
He must be rich as he's one plug ugly mofo, his missus is his goldmate not soulmate.
:laugh: :laugh:

That made me laugh out loud, for real. Plug ugly is something I've said before, never heard anyone else use it before except my aunt years ago.

"Rode hard and put up wet" is another.

Yes, on all your points!
So you'll post this for a bunch of anonymous strangers, but you're afraid to tell your wife. Speaks volumes about your character. Not surprising to me.
You have demonstrated your lack of character and utter boorishness day after day here.

Remember the saying about the jar. A jar full of coins makes no sound when shaken. But a jar with one penny makes a whole lotta noise.

That would be you, the empty jar. With an empty soul to match.
He must be rich as he's one plug ugly mofo, his missus is his goldmate not soulmate.

Or its not his wife. If you really look at the pick it looks like he is gooning it up for the camera,....Like...hey can I take my picture with you? Female says .....sure,..but that'll be another 10 bucks! :laugh:
So you'll post this for a bunch of anonymous strangers, but you're afraid to tell your wife. Speaks volumes about your character. Not surprising to me.

You know,....you really arent worth my time but I will educate you anyway. WHY on Earth would I mention it to my wife? Would it make her feel good or could it possibly have a hurtful effect? DUMMY. I love my wife and never want her to feel bad about a damn thing if I can help it. I guess you never heard about some things are better left unsaid. No wonder you are alone.
We have to consider the psychology of this thread. Concart is the one who blew it up,...cant stop posting about it. THAT,... says A LOT about him. He's just too stupid to know it. Anger? envy? Who knows. I just know something isnt right with him and it comes thru loud and clear. Total loser.
You know,....you really arent worth my time but I will educate you anyway. WHY on Earth would I mention it to my wife? Would it make her feel good or could it possibly have a hurtful effect? DUMMY. I love my wife and never want her to feel bad about a damn thing if I can help it. I guess you never heard about some things are better left unsaid. No wonder you are alone.

Yes, better left unsaid. But you POSTED IT ON THE INTERNET you stupid fuck. Because you wanted to brag about what a man you are. Just not man enough to tell your wife about an incident in which you were completely innocent. Like I said, it speaks volumes about your character.
Or its not his wife. If you really look at the pick it looks like he is gooning it up for the camera,....Like...hey can I take my picture with you? Female says .....sure,..but that'll be another 10 bucks! :laugh:

Wrong again. Those are Versaces btw. Want to see more? I'll ask her if it's okay. She thinks this is pretty funny stuff. I don't hide shit from MY wife. No need.
Yes, better left unsaid. But you POSTED IT ON THE INTERNET you stupid fuck. Because you wanted to brag about what a man you are. Just not man enough to tell your wife about an incident in which you were completely innocent. Like I said, it speaks volumes about your character.

Like I said,....you cant let it go,...cant stop. Too funny.

Wrong again. Those are Versaces btw. Want to see more? I'll ask her if it's okay. She thinks this is pretty funny stuff. I don't hide shit from MY wife. No need.

Bwaaaaaa ha ha ha :laugh:

In the end it wont make your dick grow one little bit bigger. ;)
Like I said,....you cant let it go,...cant stop. Too funny.


No, you don't find this funny at all. You're defensive, because you bragged on the internet about an incident that you are too cowardly to tell your wife about. Most likely because it's bullshit, but either way.... poor widdo Stoney is skert that his wife might be SOOOO mad about his macho bragging.

What a wimp.
No, you don't find this funny at all. You're defensive, because you bragged on the internet about an incident that you are too cowardly to tell your wife about. Most likely because it's bullshit, but either way.... poor widdo Stoney is skert that his wife might be SOOOO mad about his macho bragging.

What a wimp.

Yes, better left unsaid. But you POSTED IT ON THE INTERNET you stupid fuck. Because you wanted to brag about what a man you are. Just not man enough to tell your wife about an incident in which you were completely innocent. Like I said, it speaks volumes about your character.

Is there an indicator in Myer-Briggs for nasty evil cunt, because you have that totally licked!!