fully immersed in faith..
You can argue with anything. Would you rather I cite Fox news or one of your ridiculous RW rags. Or is it your contention that the further you are away from something the truer it becomes.
One of the main differences between those that you label left and those that are RW is that, like the scientist, the liberal continues to question whereas the RW, like religion, accepts 'what is written' and believes it a sin to question.
Bow down to the born again, conservative dogma. Never question it. You-are-a-con-ser-va-tive-do-not-ques-tion - all-non-con-serv-a-tives-are-bad. Read-your-bible-hal-le-freak-in-lu-jah-kill-the-non-be-liev-ers.
You are extremely immature in your approach to new thoughts. But it probably keeps you quite happy.
I would rather you would cite something legitimate to support your contention that Iraq had a right to invade Kuwait and the world had no right to stop it......
beyond that, are you really claiming that the war in Iraq was begun because Christians want to kill people who don't believe in the bible?......