Universal, subsidized child Day care - scandinavian style

tell me genius... on what positions do you find I am on the left?

Try to keep your cool, SuperFreak, getting this upset, will only get you constipated some moore? You are obviously a leftie, sticking up for The Schoolboy, Obama, and flirting with your fatboy, Beefy, who rode to your rescue while I was cyber-skewering you, hopefully not on a horse, ouch?
I have to rescue SuperFreak all the time. That was a pretty good skewering this morning, I mean Wow!
I have to rescue SuperFreak all the time. That was a pretty good skewering this morning, I mean Wow!

I can tell, he needs a ghost writer, even the one line usc, seems to be above him on the posting hierarchy? I am starting to feel sorry for him, butt, I cannot help ripping into him, it is like a mean streak I have, when it comes to lefties?
my kind??? please.

I find it hard to believe it is Cypress... he just doesn't possess the required sense of humor to attempt this. although RSJ does seem a bit obsessed with "skewering" me.... so perhaps I am wrong. I still think it is you... trying to blame Darla and all... for shame.
Frankly speaking I think it is NONE OF THE ABOVE (for logistical reasons)