Universal, subsidized child Day care - scandinavian style

right... jealous... gotcha... You are such a funny lady, T.

Your need to insult me and call me a woman, shows that I own you, mentally? You must be a big dummy who was not dealt a full deck, by the MAIN MAN, as they say? On Earth, as far as you are concerned, I am your MAIN MAN, so get ready to shine and polish my Salvatore Farragamo shoes, size 13 D, and you know what they say about big feet, there is no Tiana here?
the Sword of Damocles....actually that would work... disturbing twist to the thread, but valid.

Beefy said:
You know, the Sword of Damocles. It a double entre' or something.

Damocles said:
Why thanks!

These three will claim they are not lefties, all the while, involved in some cyber-underground homosexual cabal? You can always tell a leftie male, no matter what they claim, by the fact that you can go either way on their posts, because they always have that touch of feminity about them? I reconized that right away in SuperFreaks, and once he begged the fatboy Beefy for help, he became suspect lefty number two, and now there is Damocles with his open flirting with these two? How am I doing? It is just a talent of mine?
These three will claim they are not lefties, all the while, involved in some cyber-underground homosexual cabal? You can always tell a leftie male, no matter what they claim, by the fact that you can go either way on their posts, because they always have that touch of feminity about them? I reconized that right away in SuperFreaks, and once he begged the fatboy Beefy for help, he became suspect lefty number two, and now there is Damocles with his open flirting with these two? How am I doing? It is just a talent of mine?

yep... you busted us... three lefties... you are too smart for us.... twit.
The troll is obviously a male, whoever it is. I don't know why SF would think it was either of us.

Although. The question marks are starting to make me laugh now. I really don't know who it is. Does Ornot troll much?
Although. The question marks are starting to make me laugh now. I really don't know who it is. Does Ornot troll much?

Um, yes, Ornot is a big troll actually. lol

No, I don't know, probably a little. This could be someone we don't even know.
Oh so in conclusion:

universal gov't funded daycare = good

all others who oppose are heartless libertarians and conservatives who don't care about children or their future.
because both of you are intelligent enough to make it appear to be an ignorant male conservative?

Or its just that your kind is so easy to immitate!

I'll bet its Cypress. He hasn't commented on the original topic in a while.
because both of you are intelligent enough to make it appear to be an ignorant male conservative?

Look who is calling me ignorant, the lefty I cyber-skewered until he was begging for mercy, and his own lib cohors had to come out in force, to save his ass? You are like my man Friday, my stooge, my servant?
Or its just that your kind is so easy to immitate!

I'll bet its Cypress. He hasn't commented on the original topic in a while.

my kind??? please.

I find it hard to believe it is Cypress... he just doesn't possess the required sense of humor to attempt this. although RSJ does seem a bit obsessed with "skewering" me.... so perhaps I am wrong. I still think it is you... trying to blame Darla and all... for shame.
Look who is calling me ignorant, the lefty I cyber-skewered until he was begging for mercy, and his own lib cohors had to come out in force, to save his ass? You are like my man Friday, my stooge, my servant?

tell me genius... on what positions do you find I am on the left?
Look who is calling me ignorant, the lefty I cyber-skewered until he was begging for mercy, and his own lib cohors had to come out in force, to save his ass? You are like my man Friday, my stooge, my servant?

The question marks seem to get funnier and funnier.
my kind??? please.

I find it hard to believe it is Cypress... he just doesn't possess the required sense of humor to attempt this. although RSJ does seem a bit obsessed with "skewering" me.... so perhaps I am wrong. I still think it is you... trying to blame Darla and all... for shame.

Do you think it should be illegal kill & torture puppies for fun?