Unpopular Opinion Time

I go with the FACTS

we are in a cycle where one side is using facts to decide where to fall on things and the other side is lying about everything

right now

if you side with anything in the republicans platform you are doing the bidding of FOX "news"

and Vald Putin
I go with the FACTS

we are in a cycle where one side is using facts to decide where to fall on things and the other side is lying about everything

right now

if you side with anything in the republicans platform you are doing the bidding of FOX "news"

and Vald Putin

But the Republicans can still get things right sometimes, right? Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
this current right is owned by Putin

The democratic party platform is WRONG WHERE

lets nitty gritty it

Tell me the parts you don't like
I go with the FACTS
