Unpopular Opinion Time

so you are now searching for more to BACK what you conjured up as an idea by not knowing how to vet your sources

you are looking for "facts" to back your opinion now

um Dude

that is NOT thinking for your self
you cant huh stone

the republican party bases their world on what corporations and racists want

So to win votes they have to lie and cheat

Hense all their issue stances are based on lies

Lies are bad information to base your decisions on

Bad information in means bad decisions out

all their stances are infected with lies

only an idiot would embrace that

their entire platform is based on lies

give me another one

maybe when we get through every one you will actually understand


you are not really a lefty and you can admit it now and save your self some embarrassment
seven Nobel economists—Kenneth Arrow, Peter Diamond, Eric Maskin, Thomas Schelling, Robert Solow, Michael Spence, and Joseph Stiglitz—and 600 other economists
I bet the vast majority of you leftys would be surprised by how much of the Democratic platform you would agree with
Like I said before, raising the minimum wage leads to selfish Capitalists just cutting hours and laying people off.

You are still wrong. the min wage has been elevated many times in many countries and there is lots of data. It results in more employment and business activity in the short future.
When you run a company you have so many man hours needed to keep the place running. Truth is the increase in demand will likely cause you to hire more workers. But you don't just cut workers and hours. The work still has to be done.
I bet the vast majority of you leftys would be surprised by how much of the Democratic platform you would agree with

Often in concept but not degree. I lean slightly left and I want most of the left programs followed. But the rich people want to keep looting, so it will not get done.
You are still wrong. the min wage has been elevated many times in many countries and there is lots of data. It results in more employment and business activity in the short future.
When you run a company you have so many man hours needed to keep the place running. Truth is the increase in demand will likely cause you to hire more workers. But you don't just cut workers and hours. The work still has to be done.

I wish that were true, but that's not what's happening in New York right now.
Maybe sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. But whatever the case, there are better ways to redistribute wealth.
their entire platform is based on lies

give me another one

maybe when we get through every one you will actually understand


you are not really a lefty and you can admit it now and save your self some embarrassment

I agree with Trump's wall, and disagree with sanctuary cities.
Why can't they lay them off if they are forced to pay even more for labor regardless of skill?
No, I don't think there should be any kind of required wage by business owners. They can refuse to pay their employees anything for all I care.
I want a government-issued guaranteed wage and generous social programs. That plus a mostly free market would help the working-class. If a company refused to pay a decent wage, they just won't have any employees, because people would no longer be starving to death, and desperate for any work, no matter how terrible.

You don't spread wealth through Government confiscation schemes. It isn't the Governments job to spread wealth. That's a moronic idea. It is up to the people to gain the skills and education necessary to make a higher rate of pay.
Says who? The economy does better when wealth is more evenly spread throughout the population. Government taxation and distribution does that better than Capitalism.

Government needs to stay out of the way and promote policies that CREATE more jobs and OPPORTUNITY. Liberal confiscatory Government solutions do just the opposite.
It's been working in all of the Liberal Socialist countries of Europe and East Asia.

So you think capitalism doesn't work and is about not making a profit. Dumb.
It works for the privileged.
I didn't say it's not about making a profit, that's the problem. Capitalism is for selfish people who ONLY care about making a profit. Socialism is about the good of society as a whole.