Until We Find ONE WMD in Iraq, Republicans Should Really Calm Down About “Obamacare"

NO... He WASN'T. Zarqawi was NOT a part of AQ until 2004. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Regarding the "war on terror" "fit"....so do the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka... Continuity IRA (CIRA) in Ireland.... Shining Path in Peru.... AAMB and PFLP in Israel.... FARQ in Columbia, ETA in Spain and France.... and the list goes on and on and on and on.

why, when we were attacked by a handful of Saudis on 9/11, did we invade Iraq and NONE of those other places where "terror" resides around the globe? Did you and Dubya just lose interest, like he did in OBL?

Are you retarded? We didn't go into Iraq because of 9-11; it was to enforce resolutions Saddam purposefully ignored for a decade. We didn't go into Afghanistan because of who the suicide pilots were or where they were from retard; we went there because that was where the PLANNERS and LEADERS were being sheltered.

You're an idiot who when proven to be a lying uninformed dumbass jumps to the next strawman as idiots are prone to do as they engage in a never ending circle of stupidity. You have bombarded the thread with stupidity and one false claim after another because of your incoherent retarded hatred for Bush. We get it, you don't like Bush and you're willing to wallow in the sewer in an effort to rationalize your irrational hatred of the man.

It is you who doesn't know what the fuck you are talking about and all the facts in the world won't change that because you're an idiot of epic proportions.

Because not every place needs to be invaded, conquered, and occupied. The Philippines for instance. We're providing them with military and tactical advice to deal with their problem.

Buffalo New York had an Al Qaeda cell, and clearly didn't need invasion, conquering, and occupation.

Boston? Well, Russian and Saudi intelligence gave us the names and addresses of Tsarnaev brothers and Obama opted to ignore the whole thing.

so... afghanistan, which actually harbored the folks who attacked us.... they needed invading... and Iraq... who had fuck all to do with 9/11 and didn't have any WMD's... they needed invading.... but nobody else anywhere on the face of the earth did? all those other places where "terror" lives, didn't make the cut, I guess.
Are you retarded? We didn't go into Iraq because of 9-11; it was to enforce resolutions Saddam purposefully ignored for a decade. We didn't go into Afghanistan because of who the suicide pilots were or where they were from retard; we went there because that was where the PLANNERS and LEADERS were being sheltered.

You're an idiot who when proven to be a lying uninformed dumbass jumps to the next strawman as idiots are prone to do as they engage in a never ending circle of stupidity. You have bombarded the thread with stupidity and one false claim after another because of your incoherent retarded hatred for Bush. We get it, you don't like Bush and you're willing to wallow in the sewer in an effort to rationalize your irrational hatred of the man.

It is you who doesn't know what the fuck you are talking about and all the facts in the world won't change that because you're an idiot of epic proportions.


what was so incredibly critically important about enforcing UN resolutions when the perpetrators of 9/11 were still on the loose?

and... for the record... al-Zarqawi was NOT a member of AQ until 2004. AQ did not have a presence in Iraq until a local franchise operation formed in the wake of our invasion... because it was so much easier to kill Americans in Iraq.... no long plane flights were required.... no jet lag.... we were nice enough to bring the targets right to their backyard.
so... afghanistan, which actually harbored the folks who attacked us.... they needed invading... and Iraq... who had fuck all to do with 9/11 and didn't have any WMD's... they needed invading.... but nobody else anywhere on the face of the earth did? all those other places where "terror" lives, didn't make the cut, I guess.

I suggest you revisit more about what President Bush said than just those four words.

He said we would be all over the world, some things we would hear about, some we wouldn't....

It got a big standing ovation from the Dems.... the kind they usually only reserve for child molesters.
again.... if a "war on terror" around the globe was what Bush set out to do....why aren't we invading, conquering and occupying all those other places on the globe where "terror" lives?

Another moronic statement from the dumbass who still doesn't comprehend why we went into Afghanistan and Iraq.

You really are THAT incredibly stupid and THAT repugnant.

And please.... people of intelligence and goodwill can disagree as to whether invading Iraq was the appropriate thing to do.

Theres nothing intelligent or of goodwill with your repugnant and ignorant hyper partisan claims.

People can disagree; but not fabricate their own facts and versions of events. You're a moron of epic proportions. But then, Democrats need morons like you to vote for them. Did you vote for Obama? Yes you did, because you really are THAT stupid.
what was so incredibly critically important about enforcing UN resolutions when the perpetrators of 9/11 were still on the loose? .

Why do you ask questions that have already been answered ad naseum? Because you're a simple minded dimwit who really is THAT incredibly stupid and a repugnant ill mannered hyper partisan asshat.
Another moronic statement from the dumbass who still doesn't comprehend why we went into Afghanistan and Iraq.

I guess in Maimedmind's world there's no distinguishing between nations that are harboring terrorists and exporting terrorism, and those that are working with the United States to eliminate them from within their borders.

It's all "one problem - one fix" to him.
Why do you ask questions that have already been answered ad naseum? Because you're a simple minded dimwit who really is THAT incredibly stupid and a repugnant ill mannered hyper partisan asshat.

And because he doesn't wish to talk about health insurance that people liked but couldn't keep.

Or $2500 less in annual premiums

Or keeping their doctors.

Or cutting the deficit in half.

Or a YouTube video precipitating Benghazi.

Or Syria's use of chemical weapons "can't be allowed to stand."

Or closing Gitmo on Obama's first day in office.

Or the individual mandate not being necessary.

Or shovel ready jobs.

Or ending the practice of warrantless wiretaps.

Ad infinitum...
I guess in Maimedmind's world there's no distinguishing between nations that are harboring terrorists and exporting terrorism, and those that are working with the United States to eliminate them from within their borders.

It's all "one problem - one fix" to him.

The unfortunate thing with idiots like these is that our policy has changed to one of abandonment after all the military sacrifices to liberate Iraq and Afghanistan so that they can once again descend into chaos and opportunity for the enemies of peace and freedom.

Yes, Obama and Democrats really are THAT incredibly stupid and THAT repugnant.
And because he doesn't wish to talk about health insurance that people liked but couldn't keep.

Or $2500 less in annual premiums

Or keeping their doctors.

Or cutting the deficit in half.

Or a YouTube video precipitating Benghazi.

Or Syria's use of chemical weapons "can't be allowed to stand."

Or closing Gitmo on Obama's first day in office.

Or the individual mandate not being necessary.

Or shovel ready jobs.

Or ending the practice of shovel ready jobs.

Ad infinitum...

Bumped for the truth; something idiots from the left can never comprehend or willingly ignore.
Sometimes I am struck by the meaningless futility of any attempts at civil dialog about this or any topic on an internet message board. The Iraq was recedes in the rearview mirror of our lives and arguing over who spilt the milk is a waste of time. I will go to my grave believing that the war in Iraq was an ill-advised adventure that did NOT make us safer, or more secure in the world community. And, regarding our current president, I think he has not done as good a job as I had hoped he would have done. Some of that is because of republican obstructionism, but a great deal has to do with his failed leadership style. I will not be voting for him ever again.... much the same as I will not be voting for Dubya ever again either.

Now... our spanish tutor arrives in less than a hour and my wife and I have homework that needs to be done.... so, have a great day, all of you. It's a gift, and the only gift that matters. SEIZE IT.
again.... if a "war on terror" around the globe was what Bush set out to do....why aren't we invading, conquering and occupying all those other places on the globe where "terror" lives?

And please.... people of intelligence and goodwill can disagree as to whether invading Iraq was the appropriate thing to do.

Bush isn't the president any more....guess that fact hasn't sunk in for you yet either....
Only because they are figments of your imagination.....and of course lies like mainemans's.....

Bitch, please. I used to be off, but I'm in my right mind today. Ain't no figments of my imagination. I betcha, neither he nor Cheney will ever venture near the Netherlands, for fear of being arrested on the spot for crimes against humanity. Figment. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Bitch, please. I used to be off, but I'm in my right mind today. Ain't no figments of my imagination. I betcha, neither he nor Cheney will ever venture near the Netherlands, for fear of being arrested on the spot for crimes against humanity. Figment. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Have you and your queer husband considered a vacation to Iran to tour the oil fields or maybe the olymipics,,,, ? could get interesting.
Have you and your queer husband considered a vacation to Iran to tour the oil fields or maybe the olymipics,,,, ? could get interesting.

No. I have had Iranian friends. And I'm anti-Russia, about now. Have you considered a vacation to Watts, Chicago or Detroit...could get interesting for you.
Funny....no comment on my conclusion. I'll take that as a concession.