Until We Find ONE WMD in Iraq, Republicans Should Really Calm Down About “Obamacare"

So Obama is a liar also.....just spit out Pedro, don't be bashful.

Why don't you give us Bush's full quote in question...in context.....you change it a little every day....

my beef with Bush was that he lied us into a war that we ought not and should not have fought. I am far from pleased with Obama at this point, but would still choose him over Romney or McCain even now.

And go do your own fucking research. The day I have to be your clerk is the day I poke my fucking eyes out.
agree with this, Saddam ( and Qaddafi's Libya for that matter) both tried to keep AQ out.
secular arabs - especially ba'athists have ZERO trust in or love for radical islam. period. Team Bush should have known that, and probably did...but that didn't stop them from peddling the bullshit about the Prague meeting over and over again.

Misleading my fear. Bush will forever inhabit my personal pantheon of evil people because of it.
I use the language with precision, or try to. I certainly expect my president to do likewise. It's telling that you give Dubya free pass when he lies, but not Obama. odd, eh?

And under your parameters, if the only person on the planet with a doubt was a penguin hunter at the South Pole, who scratched his chin while watching the news one night and mused to himself, "Hmmm, I don't know".... then you would still have the "AHA! Bush lied!" line in full use.

GTFOH. There is no doubt, I've seen smarter things than you fall out of a turtle's ass.

To borrow a line; Yes, you are THAT stupid.

And Obama knew he was lying. I knew it. Anyone with a brain knew it. I was just saying in this very forum, just in September, that everyone who had a catastrophic type policy wouldn't meet the individual mandate requirements, whether they liked it or not. That was obvious to anyone who thought about the issue for more than 3 seconds, which apparently wouldn't include you.

Yes, you are THAT stupid.
secular arabs - especially ba'athists have ZERO trust in or love for radical islam. period. Team Bush should have known that, and probably did...but that didn't stop them from peddling the bullshit about the Prague meeting over and over again.

Misleading my fear. Bush will forever inhabit my personal pantheon of evil people because of it.
from what I know from reading some of Woodward's accounts, the "slam dunk" (George Tenet) was almost pre-ordained. Rumsfeld wanted to go into Iraq, as did Cheney.Bush went along for the ride.

All this is speculative, and by reacall, so it might not be 100% accurate, but it's close enoguh for neocons.

What pisses me off is Obama / Hillary et all DEMOCRATS whom should have known better did the same thing i Libya, and more importanly followed the Bush doctrine in Afganistan.

Whay I am always forced to vote 3rd party to get away from US warmongers.
So Obama is a liar also.....just spit out Pedro, don't be bashful.

Why don't you give us Bush's full quote in question...in context.....you change it a little every day....

Guess this ain't gonna happen, huh ?
And under your parameters, if the only person on the planet with a doubt was a penguin hunter at the South Pole, who scratched his chin while watching the news one night and mused to himself, "Hmmm, I don't know".... then you would still have the "AHA! Bush lied!" line in full use.

GTFOH. There is no doubt, I've seen smarter things than you fall out of a turtle's ass.

To borrow a line; Yes, you are THAT stupid.

And Obama knew he was lying. I knew it. Anyone with a brain knew it. I was just saying in this very forum, just in September, that everyone who had a catastrophic type policy wouldn't meet the individual mandate requirements, whether they liked it or not. That was obvious to anyone who thought about the issue for more than 3 seconds, which apparently wouldn't include you.

Yes, you are THAT stupid.
So... I am sorry you cannot bring yourself to see that when President Bush stood in front of America and said "there is no doubt" concerning Saddam's STOCKPILES of weapons of mass destruction, even though he was well briefed on loads of doubts concerning that very subject, he was misleading us to believe that Saddam's stockpiles were an unassailable fact of nature. I am sorry... because obviously, you would have been a cheerleader for the Iraq war even if stockpiles of WMD's were not the issue, and you cannot see or admit to the fact that many Americans were not all that dead set on the subject of invading Iraq.

For many Americans, payback for 9/11, combined with fear of it happening again, was top on THEIR agenda. I am not going to take the time to go do the research again on this because it is old news, and it is late, and I am ready for bed..... but there was a poll taken - I THINK it was by Pew - that asked Americans who was responsible for 9/11. In the late fall/early winter of 2001-2, a huge majority of Americans KNEW that Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda were responsible. By the spring of 2003, as nearly large a majority of Americans thought that Saddam Hussein was responsible. How did that happen? Who brainwashed America into that false thinking? If you combine a majority of people who believed that Saddam was responsible for 9/11... and you toss onto that huge pile of folks, the CERTAINTY that Saddam has stockpiles of WMD's - maybe even the kind that can cause "mushroom clouds" (GASP!), and you add onto THAT, the suggestion that Saddam's folks actually met with Muhammed Atta - the top dog hijacker - in the months leading UP TO 9/11.... well then, with all of that feeding America's fear and its desire for revenge, war against Iraq is a pretty easy proposition to sell to America. But if all of those LIES and INNUENDOES were not piled onto an angry and frightened American public, would there have been a majority of Americans who thought invading Iraq - who had fuck all to do with 9/11 - was a smart move to make in lieu of concentrating all of our intel and military assets on the task of rooting out and defeating Al Qaeda around the globe?

I am not that stupid... in fact, I am not stupid at all. I have a high IQ...I went to a top shelf service academy... I had a stellar career in the US Navy... I had another career with a major northeastern utility... I've been a UCC interim minister... I have been a speechwriter for statehouse politicians... I am not dumb. I simply - and honestly - look at the war in Iraq - especially given my service with the UN in the middle east - and I think it was ill advised to begin it. And once it began, it chewed up an INCREDIBLE amount of treasure, time, toil AND blood, and I don't think that all that cost moved us anywhere near as far down the path of confronting and defeating Islamic extremism than if we had, instead, spent that treasure time toil and blood on activities and strategies that actually confronted and defeated Islamic extremism.

I am - I will proudly admit - a lifelong liberal democrat. But, I have always felt that partisan politics should stop at the water's edge. I would have been as vehemently opposed to the Iraq war - started by a republican - as I was to the Vietnam war - escalated by a democrat - as I would have been if the parties were reversed in both cases.

So... I tried to take the high ground with you on this post and not rise to the bait that your insults provided. What would you say to the two of us agreeing to stop that silly shit and converse on a higher, more respectful ground?

It's up to you. I can play it either way... but it is clear which one I prefer.
Christopher Hitchens bitchslaps your argument beautifully here. Starting at the 1:10 mark:

Hitchens makes the classic misstep of conflating Palestinian/Arab Nationalist terrorism - which is monetarily and emotionally supported by not only the governments, but the populace of most arab/muslim countries in the globe - with Islamic extremism. Such broad brush approaches serve to obscure the debate, rather than enlighten it.
Hitchens makes the classic misstep of conflating Palestinian/Arab Nationalist terrorism - which is monetarily and emotionally supported by not only the governments, but the populace of most arab/muslim countries in the globe - with Islamic extremism. Such broad brush approaches serve to obscure the debate, rather than enlighten it.

It's amazing how you can zero in on those four words from Bush, out of context of the millions of words spoken prior to the Iraq invasion by him and leaders all around the world, including Tony Blair, whose argument we can read above and which basically mirrors that of Bush.

Yet, you opt to ignore the precise words of Bush before the House and Senate in September 2001, when he announced a war on "terror."

Not a war on Al Qaeda. Not a war against Afghanistan. Not a war against the Taliban.

A war on terror, that would take us to many countries all over the planet. A war proposal that elicited a standing ovation from all of the Democrats on the floor.

Iraq harbored terrorists, as Hitchens put forth so well. He didn't even get to the $25,000 bounty Saddam Hussein was offering to the surviving family members of suicide bombers in Israel. So, yes, there were terrorists being harbored in Iraq. Saddam being among them as their own international banker and exporter of terrorism. Abu Nidal, once the world's most wanted terrorist, was working out of a government office in Baghdad.

"But ZOMG! They weren't Al Qaeda!"

First of all, they need not have been Al Qaeda to fit Bush's "war on terror" proposal, which if you applied the same carefully word dissection to that you applied to "There is no doubt" you would have to admit the terrorist situation in Iraq justified the invasion. As did the repeated violations of the ceasefire agreement of 1991.

Secondly, there *WAS* Al Qaeda operating in Iraq. Al Zarqawi was leading the operation well before the invasion.

But of course, I could point out your hypocrisies repeatedly, and bury you over and over again with facts, but you'll come back a month from now with the same "Bush lied" lie. You're a phoney.
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It's amazing how you can zero in on those four words from Bush, out of context of the millions of words spoken prior to the Iraq invasion by him and leaders all around the world, including Tony Blair, whose argument we can read above and which basically mirrors that of Bush.

Yet, you opt to ignore the precise words of Bush before the House and Senate in September 2001, when he announced a war on "terror."

Not a war on Al Qaeda. Not a war against Afghanistan. Not a war against the Taliban.

A war on terror, that would take us to many countries all over the planet. A war proposal that elicited a standing ovation from all of the Democrats on the floor.

Iraq harbored terrorists, as Hitchens put forth so well. He didn't even get to the $25,000 bounty Saddam Hussein was offering to the surviving family members of suicide bombers in Israel. So, yes, there were terrorists being harbored in Iraq. Abu Nidal was working out of a government office in Baghdad.

"But ZOMG! They weren't Al Qaeda!"

First of all, they need not have been Al Qaeda to fit Bush's "war on terror" proposal, which if you applied the same carefully word dissection to that you applied to "There is no doubt" you would have to admit the terrorist situation in Iraq justified the invasion. As did the repeated violations of the ceasefire agreement of 1991.

Secondly, there *WAS* Al Qaeda operating in Iraq. Al Zarqawi was leading the operation well before the invasion.

But of course, I could point out your hypocrisies repeatedly, and bury you over and over again with facts, but you'll come back a month from now with the same "Bush lied" lie. You're a phoney.

The problem is that the whole world knows Bush (like Bliar) is a war criminal who should be hanged, and we can't try him because you criminals prevent it. It doesn't make you admired.
Saddam was also harboring this dude:


Abdul Rahman Yasin is wanted for his alleged participation in the terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center, New York City, on February 26, 1993, which resulted in six deaths, the wounding of numerous individuals, and the significant destruction of property and commerce.

So, the notion that he only harbored regional terrorists... absurd. A lie.
It's amazing how you can zero in on those four words from Bush, out of context of the millions of words spoken prior to the Iraq invasion by him and leaders all around the world, including Tony Blair, whose argument we can read above and which basically mirrors that of Bush.

Yet, you opt to ignore the precise words of Bush before the House and Senate in September 2001, when he announced a war on "terror."

Not a war on Al Qaeda. Not a war against Afghanistan. Not a war against the Taliban.

A war on terror, that would take us to many countries all over the planet. A war proposal that elicited a standing ovation from all of the Democrats on the floor.

Iraq harbored terrorists, as Hitchens put forth so well. He didn't even get to the $25,000 bounty Saddam Hussein was offering to the surviving family members of suicide bombers in Israel. So, yes, there were terrorists being harbored in Iraq. Saddam being among them as their own international banker and exporter of terrorism. Abu Nidal, once the world's most wanted terrorist, was working out of a government office in Baghdad.

"But ZOMG! They weren't Al Qaeda!"

First of all, they need not have been Al Qaeda to fit Bush's "war on terror" proposal, which if you applied the same carefully word dissection to that you applied to "There is no doubt" you would have to admit the terrorist situation in Iraq justified the invasion. As did the repeated violations of the ceasefire agreement of 1991.

Secondly, there *WAS* Al Qaeda operating in Iraq. Al Zarqawi was leading the operation well before the invasion.

But of course, I could point out your hypocrisies repeatedly, and bury you over and over again with facts, but you'll come back a month from now with the same "Bush lied" lie. You're a phoney.

Zarqawi was not affiliated with, nor a member of AL Qaeda prior to 9/11. That's just a fact. sorry. AQ was NOT in Iraq prior to the invasion. The reason they WENT to Iraq after the invasion was because it made it so much easier for them to kill Americans in the middle east than having to fly across oceans to kill us at home.

And the "war on terror" is just as ill advised as the "war on drugs". This nation does not go to "war" against a tactic. As I have said before, I believe our war in Iraq was counterproductive and took our eye off the real enemy which is Islamic extremism.

If generic terror was our target, why weren't we invading Sri Lanka to go after the Tamil Tigers, or storming the streets of Belfast going after the IRA? A shotgun approach and a lack of focus on the enemies that most threatened us limited our effectiveness, imho.

And I guess I can take the bolded sentence as your answer to my suggestion we raise the level of debate....

why am I not surprised?
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Zarqawi was not affiliated with, nor a member of AL Qaeda prior to 9/11. That's just a fact. sorry. AQ was NOT in Iraq prior to the invasion. The reason they WENT to Iraq after the invasion was because it made it so much easier for them to kill Americans in the middle east than having to fly across oceans to kill us at home.

And the "war on terror" is just as ill advised as the "war on drugs". This nation does not go to "war" against a tactic. As I have said before, I believe our war in Iraq was counterproductive and took our eye off the real enemy which is Islamic extremism.

If generic terror was our target, why weren't we invading Sri Lanka to go after the Tamil Tigers, or storming the steers of Belfast going after the IRA? A shotgun approach and a lack of focus on the enemies that most threatened us limited our effectiveness, imho.

Nice burn!
Saddam was also harboring this dude:


So, the notion that he only harbored regional terrorists... absurd. A lie.

Oh... the guy they "harbored" in prison pajamas and handcuffs? The guy who they used as a bargaining chip, offering to give him to the US in exchange for lifting sanctions? The guy who hasn't been seen or heard from since before the invasion? Yeah... they "harbored" him ...kinda like how we harbored Jefrey Dahmer.
Oh... the guy they "harbored" in prison pajamas and handcuffs? The guy who they used as a bargaining chip, offering to give him to the US in exchange for lifting sanctions? The guy who hasn't been seen or heard from since before the invasion? Yeah... they "harbored" him ...kinda like how we harbored Jefrey Dahmer.

Right. So obviously we found him in a jail cell when we arrived and the FBI just hasn't updated their "most wanted" website in 10 years.
You don't believe that duping senators into supporting a war is criminal?

If by "duping" you mean presenting them the same intelligence you have, and the all of the world's major intelligence agencies agree with... then no, I don't believe "duping" them is criminal.