Until We Find ONE WMD in Iraq, Republicans Should Really Calm Down About “Obamacare"

your own link said he could not possess nuclear weapons usable material. natural uranium is not nuclear weapons usable material. sorry.

No, I'm sorry. I asked you several times for a plausible explanation as to why he would have acquired several hundred tons of uranium and you've repeatedly come up short, but I expect that's your modus operandi.
Yeah, I know the difference. Do you?

Is; "If you like your health insurance you can keep it. Period."

... supposed to be some sort of opinion?

Obama made a statement that was incorrect. absolutely. Did he KNOW it was deceptive when he said it? I dunno...do you?

I KNOW that there was all sorts of doubts about the veracity of Curveball as a reliable witness, about the interpretation of satellite photos, about the age of some of the intelligence data points.... and so did Bush. SO...when HE said, THERE IS NO DOUBT... he knew there was... ergo, it was a lie.
We've got to think about economic development because although there's not a direct correlation between terrorism and the economy, there is no doubt that if you've got a lot of unemployed, uneducated young men in societies, that there is a greater likelihood that terrorist recruits are available.........http://tinyurl.com/jwo3s6k

Is this a statement of fact .... or Obama's opinion ?
No, I'm sorry. I asked you several times for a plausible explanation as to why he would have acquired several hundred tons of uranium and you've repeatedly come up short, but I expect that's your modus operandi.

No explanation is required. Possessing natural uranium was not a violation of the agreement. Possessing weapons grade enriched uranium was.

No different that someone trying to tell me I have a pile of beef in my backyard, when all I have is grass. It has the capacity to BECOME someday, but it ain't now.
And there's no doubt that Mr. Snowden's leaks

triggered a much more rapid and passionate response than would have been the case if I had simply appointed this review board to go through --
and I'd sat down with Congress and we had worked this thing through --
it would have been less exciting and
it would not have generated as much press -- Obama

Facts or opinion.....??
We've got to think about economic development because although there's not a direct correlation between terrorism and the economy, there is no doubt that if you've got a lot of unemployed, uneducated young men in societies, that there is a greater likelihood that terrorist recruits are available.........http://tinyurl.com/jwo3s6k

Is this a statement of fact .... or Obama's opinion ?

a statement of fact, of course.

If you had data that would cast doubt on that statement of fact, and if you had presented that data to the president before he made it, and he made it anyway, then it would be a lie, just like "THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT SADDAM HAS STOCKPILES OF WMD's" was a lie. Bush had knowledge of doubt about the absolute certainty and he said there was none.
Obama made a statement that was incorrect. absolutely. Did he KNOW it was deceptive when he said it? I dunno...do you?

Yeah, internal reports told him so as far back as 2010.

I KNOW that there was all sorts of doubts about the veracity of Curveball as a reliable witness, about the interpretation of satellite photos, about the age of some of the intelligence data points.... and so did Bush. SO...when HE said, THERE IS NO DOUBT... he knew there was... ergo, it was a lie.

Back to the dumbest argument ever. So all he had to do was phrase it a little differently, such as "I have no doubt..." and you wouldn't be stamping your feet for the past 10 years? Really? How stupid.

Maybe he should have had someone write it down for him and read it off a teleprompter like Obama does, and a slight phrasing issue wouldn't have millions of liberal panties in perpetual wadding for endless decades?

I'm supposed to believe that? Moronic. Worse. Sub-moronic.
And there's no doubt that Mr. Snowden's leaks

triggered a much more rapid and passionate response than would have been the case if I had simply appointed this review board to go through --
and I'd sat down with Congress and we had worked this thing through --
it would have been less exciting and
it would not have generated as much press -- Obama

Facts or opinion.....??

a statement of fact. again... if you had data that showed there was doubt and had presented it to the president prior to him making that statement and he made it anyway, it would be a lie.
There is no doubt that in implementing the Affordable Care Act -- a program of this significance -- there are going to be some glitches. No doubt about it. http://tinyurl.com/nyov5a6

Fact or opinion ?

but he just said today, if he knew the website wasn't ready, he wouldn't have delayed the startup
Yeah, internal reports told him so as far back as 2010.

Back to the dumbest argument ever. So all he had to do was phrase it a little differently, such as "I have no doubt..." and you wouldn't be stamping your feet for the past 10 years? Really? How stupid.

Maybe he should have had someone write it down for him and read it off a teleprompter like Obama does, and a slight phrasing issue wouldn't have millions of liberal panties in perpetual wadding for endless decades?

I'm supposed to believe that? Moronic. Worse. Sub-moronic.

telling America there was absolute certainty about the existence of stockpiles of Iraqi WMD's... and combining that lie with the knowingly false suggestion that 9/11 hijackers and Iraqi officials were in cahoots prior to 9/11 scared the shit out of America.... Bush misled us into war. I hope I live long enough to piss on his grave. I really do.
There is no doubt that in implementing the Affordable Care Act -- a program of this significance -- there are going to be some glitches. No doubt about it. http://tinyurl.com/nyov5a6

Fact or opinion ?

but he just said today, if he knew the website wasn't ready, he wouldn't have delayed the startup

asked and answered. If Obama ever claims that there is no doubt about something, and he is aware that there is doubt within his own administration. He's a liar. To date, Obama's lies - if there have been any - have not led us to a major ground war, however.
Yeah, internal reports told him so as far back as 2010.

Back to the dumbest argument ever. So all he had to do was phrase it a little differently, such as "I have no doubt..." and you wouldn't be stamping your feet for the past 10 years? Really? How stupid.

Maybe he should have had someone write it down for him and read it off a teleprompter like Obama does, and a slight phrasing issue wouldn't have millions of liberal panties in perpetual wadding for endless decades?

I'm supposed to believe that? Moronic. Worse. Sub-moronic.

I use the language with precision, or try to. I certainly expect my president to do likewise. It's telling that you give Dubya free pass when he lies, but not Obama. odd, eh?
Wrong. Bush only needed to know that there were doubts for his statement to be a lie. He said there WAS NO DOUBT. and... as you later go on to say:

Wrong again shit-for brains; he believed that there was NO DOUBT just like other leaders in 35 other countries, most of the Democrat leadership and the previous Democrat administration.

How many times does the reality and facts have to be beat into that thick empty moron head of yours?

I agree with the bolded statement wholeheartedly! You know that and I know that, AND BUSH KNEW THAT.

There is no such thing as perfect intelligence and leaders who lead go with the intelligence they have shit-for-brains.

There ARE always doubts. ERGO... for Bush to say THERE IS NO DOUBT about any intelligence concerning the existence of Saddam's WMD's was a lie. See how simple that is?

There wasn’t any doubt because he had USED them in the past on his own people and on Iranians you moron.

English... in the hands of a good writer, a lovely and expressive language. In the hands of a hamfisted moron like you or Dubya... it's embarrassing to witness. :lol:

I am amused that you believe that you can comprehend the written word with the asinine arguments you are making here.

But then, you are a repugnant empty headed partisan dimwit who wishes to deflect the lies of the guy you voted for onto a man you apparently dislike for retarded reasons.

Yes; you really are THAT stupid and THAT repugnant.
Obama made a statement that was incorrect.

Wrong again shit-for-brains; Obama made a claim he KNEW was false in order to sell a train wreck called ACA which no one apparently wanted or thought they needed.

Did he KNOW it was deceptive when he said it? I dunno...do you?

He absolutely knew it shit-for-brains; but he knew that he had an army of dumbasses like you out there who don’t give a shit about truth, honesty or the facts and would defend his abomination by empty headedly parroting his talking points.

I KNOW that there was all sorts of doubts about the veracity of Curveball as a reliable witness, about the interpretation of satellite photos, about the age of some of the intelligence data points.... and so did Bush. SO...when HE said, THERE IS NO DOUBT... he knew there was... ergo, it was a lie.

There was little doubt by the previous administrations, 35 leaders in foreign nations and the Democrat leadership regarding Saddam’s potential for re-developing his WMD program. What also was not in doubt was Saddam’s absolute refusal to abide by the agreements he had signed to remain in power and his ten years of obfuscations and defiance even with sanctions that were hurting the Iraqi people more than they were hurting Saddam’s regime.

But you’re a dumbass who seldom exhibits the ability to think beyond your mindless parroting of leftist talking points; because yes, you really are THAT incredibly stupid.
Wrong again shit-for brains; he believed that there was NO DOUBT just like other leaders in 35 other countries, most of the Democrat leadership and the previous Democrat administration.

How many times does the reality and facts have to be beat into that thick empty moron head of yours?

are you honestly suggesting that Bush had not read any of the NIE's on the subject, each one containing plenty of caveats and qualifiers as to the data?

There is no such thing as perfect intelligence and leaders who lead go with the intelligence they have shit-for-brains.

so you agree that there are always degrees of doubt as to the certainty of intelligence gathered?

There wasn’t any doubt because he had USED them in the past on his own people and on Iranians you moron.

and we were absolutely certain he still had stockpiles of twenty year old, severely degraded chemical weapons? I disagree. We did not have absolute certainty.
There was little doubt by the previous administrations, 35 leaders in foreign nations and the Democrat leadership regarding Saddam’s potential for re-developing his WMD program. What also was not in doubt was Saddam’s absolute refusal to abide by the agreements he had signed to remain in power and his ten years of obfuscations and defiance even with sanctions that were hurting the Iraqi people more than they were hurting Saddam’s regime.

"little doubt" does not equal an absence of all doubt.

"potential for redeveloping programs" does not equate to stockpiles of WMD's.