Until We Find ONE WMD in Iraq, Republicans Should Really Calm Down About “Obamacare"

If you declare, "There is no doubt, I love my wife"(assuming you do love your wife)....even though you KNOW shes has reservations and doubts about your love....
you'd be lying.
So you are lying...." because you can only speak for yourself"....and WHO would you be speaking for IF you made that statement ? Someone else ?

Can you explain who that is you'd be speaking for ?

You can't give me an answer, huh...........

Its your opinion, you love your wife, ....I just can't get a grip on that statement.....its kinda sad in a way........
You can't give me an answer, huh...........

Its your opinion, you love your wife, ....I just can't get a grip on that statement.....its kinda sad in a way........

I love my wife. There is not a doubt in my mind that I love my wife. You put words in MY mouth that I never would utter and then ask me to explain them. Kinda like you put words in Dubya's mouth that he never uttered.
I love my wife. There is not a doubt in my mind that I love my wife. You put words in MY mouth that I never would utter and then ask me to explain them. Kinda like you put words in Dubya's mouth that he never uttered.

Yeah, in your opinion, which I supplied the definition for....

If you declare, "There is no doubt, I love my wife"(assuming you do love your wife)....even though you KNOW shes has reservations and doubts about your love....
you'd be lying.

So you are lying...." because you can only speak for yourself"....and WHO would you be speaking for IF you made that statement ? Someone else ?

Can you explain who that is you'd be speaking for ?

The scenario is exactly the same as Bush's comment....in which you claim he wasn't speaking JUST for himself (as I claim he was)...

I'm still trying to find out who would the speaker be speaking for....which you refuse to answer...

YOU SAID " because you can only speak for yourself"....and I asked WHO would you be speaking for IF you (or Bush) made that statement ?
If its someone else, WHO ?

You know perfectly well what the question means and why its asked...you just can't answer it.
The president speaks on behalf of, and with the authority and knowledge of and over the entire executive branch. If he says THERE IS NO DOUBT, that means that there IS NO DOUBT.

But there was. As Truth deflector pointed out, there are always degrees of doubt regarding intelligence gathered by our intelligence services. always. to claim otherwise is to LIE.

Which is what Bush did, when he mischaracterized his personal opinion as a statement of fact.
My mother in law may doubt that I love her daughter... my now deceased father in law may have doubted it... maybe my catty sister in law doubts it. I could give a fuck. There may be doubts about my love for my wife, but I certainly have none...which is why I would proudly say that I have no doubt about that. I would not say that THERE IS NO DOUBT, because there are people within my family that, for all I know, may have doubts about it.

In Bush's case, his own intelligence community DID have doubts about it... so for him to say THERE IS NO DOUBT was clearly inaccurate and he knew it to be so when he said it. If he had phrased his statement as an opinion, we wouldn't be having this discussion... but, as we now know... you are apparently incapable of discerning the difference between statements of fact and assertions of opinion. Until you can learn the difference, we'll never make any progress in this discussion.
The president speaks on behalf of, and with the authority and knowledge of and over the entire executive branch. If he says THERE IS NO DOUBT, that means that there IS NO DOUBT.

But there was. As Truth deflector pointed out, there are always degrees of doubt regarding intelligence gathered by our intelligence services. always. to claim otherwise is to LIE.

Which is what Bush did, when he mischaracterized his personal opinion as a statement of fact.

Just as you admit about yourself, "you can only speak for yourself".....I give everyone that same right....president to peon, Bush to maineman....that
same right.....and unless you specifically, in no ambiguous terms say you speak for others, that right is a given...you speak for yourself

The president speaks as the top executive of the executive branch, he does not speak for every single individual that makes it up....

After hearing the opinions, concerns and conclusions of numerous people that make up the exe. branch, along with many others,
pro and con,
for and against,
agreements and the dis-agreements, and of course the
doubts and assurances,
the president comes to his own conclusions about whatever issue is .

And he says things like.....,
"If you like your healthcare, you can keep it, PERIOD."
"If you like your doctor, you can keep him, PERIOD."

Words that leave no wiggle room....unambiguous...more definite than "there is no doubt".....
Did he come to this conclusion through ignorance of his own legislation? Was he mis-informed ? Didn't he know it was absolutely wrong (he should have)
Does he speak for the country ?....
the entire exe. branch?....
for all those that wrote up the ACA legislation ?
all the Democrats in Congress ?
all those that absolutely know he was wrong ?...and there was plenty.
was he speaking for the intelligence community ?
was he speaking for the insurance industry?
maybe the AMA ?
does he speak "on behalf of, and with the authority and knowledge of and over the entire executive branch" ? (whatever the hell that implys)
Did everyone in the exe. branch he talked to agree with that conclusion, yet every insurance company in the country know it was bullshit....did he knowingly lie ?
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Just as you admit about yourself, "you can only speak for yourself".....I give everyone that same right....president to peon, Bush to maineman....that
same right.....and unless you specifically, in no ambiguous terms say you speak for others, that right is a given...you speak for yourself

The president speaks as the top executive of the executive branch, he does not speak for every single individual that makes it up....

After hearing the opinions, concerns and conclusions of numerous people that make up the exe. branch, along with many others,
pro and con,
for and against,
agreements and the dis-agreements, and of course the
doubts and assurances,
the president comes to his own conclusions about whatever issue is .

And he says things like.....,
"If you like your healthcare, you can keep it, PERIOD."
"If you like your doctor, you can keep him, PERIOD."

Words that leave no wiggle room....unambiguous...more definite than "there is no doubt".....
Did he come to this conclusion through ignorance of his own legislation? Was he mis-informed ? Didn't he know it was absolutely wrong (he should have)
Does he speak for the country ?....
the entire exe. branch?....
for all those that wrote up the ACA legislation ?
all the Democrats in Congress ?
all those that absolutely know he was wrong ?...and there was plenty.
was he speaking for the intelligence community ?
was he speaking for the insurance industry?
maybe the AMA ?
does he speak "on behalf of, and with the authority and knowledge of and over the entire executive branch" ? (whatever the hell that implys)
Did everyone in the exe. branch he talked to agree with that conclusion, yet every insurance company in the country know it was bullshit....did he knowingly lie ?

Please. If I had a dollar for everytime "W" fucked up, I could fly first class to Paris and back.
if Nova wants to talk about Obamacare, perhaps he should do so on a thread about it.

So... when the president of the united states speaks in front of the United Nations General Assembly, he is not speaking on behalf of our nation? really? He only ever speaks for himself unless he specifically clarifies that fact? So when Bush said that he would hunt down Obama and get him dead or alive, we were supposed to assume that Bush himself would put on the dayglo orange vest, grab the 30-06 and go hunting for OBL in the wilds of Afghanistan all by himself?

Do you really mean that? Does the president only speak for you when he says, specifically, that he is speaking on behalf of all Americans? I would suggest that exactly the opposite is the case. Unless he takes the time to specifically state that the words he is about to speak reflect his views and his views alone, he ALWAYS speaks for the office and not the individual.

Again... only when you learn enough about the english language to understand the difference between a statement of fact and the assertion of a personal opinion will we ever be able to take this conversation any further. I have no intention of tutoring you on english composition, so when you've got that done, please let me know and we can continue.
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if Nova wants to talk about Obamacare, perhaps he should do so on a thread about it.

So... when the president of the united states speaks in front of the United Nations General Assembly, he is not speaking on behalf of our nation? really? He only ever speaks for himself unless he specifically clarifies that fact? So when Bush said that he would hunt down Obama and get him dead or alive, we were supposed to assume that Bush himself would put on the dayglo orange vest, grab the 30-06 and go hunting for OBL in the wilds of Afghanistan all by himself?

Do you really mean that? Does the president only speak for you when he says, specifically, that he is speaking on behalf of all Americans? I would suggest that exactly the opposite is the case. Unless he takes the time to specifically state that the words he is about to speak reflect his views and his views alone, he ALWAYS speaks for the office and not the individual.

Again... only when you learn enough about the english language to understand the difference between a statement of fact and the assertion of a personal opinion will we ever be able to take this conversation any further. I have no intention of tutoring you on english composition, so when you've got that done, please let me know and we can continue.

The topic is lies, not Obamacare....

Are you implying that a speech in front of the United Nations General Assembly, speaking on behalf of our nation, that EVERYONE in the nation agrees with him....
or that he believes that EVERYONE in the nation agrees with him ? Whats your point ?
Was Obama speaking for the nation when he said "if you like your doctor, you can keep him, PERIOD ?

You can take any little sentence out of context and twist the words to make your lies appear true...you're almost famous for that tactic...that, and parsing words, breaking down a text into its component parts to discover if there is any plausible way for you to twist the meaning into something other than what was intended by the speaker.....knowing your tactics makes it that much easier to expose you as nothing more than
just another hyper-partisan, Bush hating asshole.

Your lies are getting more frequent, too....did you notice that....

This is what Bush said and this is what Bush intended to get across to even pinheads like you...

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"The most important thing is for [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]us[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]we[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] will not rest until we find him."
- G.W. Bush, 9/13/01

"Now the Taliban will pay a price."
-U.S. President George W. Bush

"Make no mistake: The United States will hunt down and punish those responsible for these cowardly acts."
-U.S. President George W. Bush

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

"I am truly not that concerned about him."
- G.W. Bush, repsonding to a question about bin Laden's whereabouts,
3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)

LOL! What a difference a year makes.

Every time a president opens his mouth he's speaking for the office unless he says otherwise.

since Bush flipped in 1 year I believe all this was lies from the start....

"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him."
- G.W. Bush, 9/13/01

"Now the Taliban will pay a price."
-U.S. President George W. Bush

"Make no mistake: The United States will hunt down and punish those responsible for these cowardly acts."
-U.S. President George W. Bush


Bush & Saudis.jpg
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Absolutely, and fight comes with it. Bitch please. I dismiss you, ev'ry single day. Please ignore me, as I do you. I care not for your opinions or insight. You're like a flushed toilet.
Folks, here the "poet" is making a veiled threat to US, "And Fight Comes With It"; that if we do not do what they want, they are going to take US on, forget about it, we would turn your thug asses everyway butt loose, and you know it. If the 2nd Amendment is ever changed then only the street corner thug hoods will have guns, and that is what this faux poet of a big Fool is hoping for. Always remember Fool; "ten to one, ten to one gets you none", now that is some real poetry, I am a poet and now I knows it.
Folks, here the "poet" is making a veiled threat to US, "And Fight Comes With It"; that if we do not do what they want, they are going to take US on, forget about it, we would turn your thug asses everyway butt loose, and you know it. If the 2nd Amendment is ever changed then only the street corner thug hoods will have guns, and that is what this faux poet of a big Fool is hoping for. Always remember Fool; "ten to one, ten to one gets you none", now that is some real poetry, I am a poet and now I knows it.
No he didn't
And your a pussy
You wouldn't do dick
The topic is lies, not Obamacare....

Are you implying that a speech in front of the United Nations General Assembly, speaking on behalf of our nation, that EVERYONE in the nation agrees with him....
or that he believes that EVERYONE in the nation agrees with him ? Whats your point ?
Was Obama speaking for the nation when he said "if you like your doctor, you can keep him, PERIOD ?

You can take any little sentence out of context and twist the words to make your lies appear true...you're almost famous for that tactic...that, and parsing words, breaking down a text into its component parts to discover if there is any plausible way for you to twist the meaning into something other than what was intended by the speaker.....knowing your tactics makes it that much easier to expose you as nothing more than
just another hyper-partisan, Bush hating asshole.

Your lies are getting more frequent, too....did you notice that....

This is what Bush said and this is what Bush intended to get across to even pinheads like you...

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"The most important thing is for [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]us[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]we[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] will not rest until we find him."
- G.W. Bush, 9/13/01

"Now the Taliban will pay a price."
-U.S. President George W. Bush

"Make no mistake: The United States will hunt down and punish those responsible for these cowardly acts."
-U.S. President George W. Bush

I am not implying anything about unanimity of belief on the part of the American people. But when the president speaks, he speaks for the office and not his own personally held beliefs unless he so clarifies.

THERE IS NO DOUBT means something substantively different than I HAVE NO DOUBT. For you to willfully refuse to acknowledge that fact shows either your incredible stupidity or your blind partisan love for the former president. Which is it?
Should we also calm down about closing Gitmo, the individual mandate being unnecessary, the YouTube video that lead to Benghazi, sitting down with Ahmedinejad, Syria's government not being allowed to stand, cutting the deficit in half, ending warrantless wiretaps, ad infinitum...?
"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

Every time a president opens his mouth he's speaking for the office unless he says otherwise.
"if you like your doctor, you can keep him, PERIOD
You don't speak FOR an office...you hold an office...you speak for yourself, your conlusions are not the countrys, in any personal sense...the country may or may
agree with you.....thats pretty obvious in 2013

"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him."
- G.W. Bush, 9/13/01

"Now the Taliban will pay a price."
-U.S. President George W. Bush

"Make no mistake: The United States will hunt down and punish those responsible for these cowardly acts."
-U.S. President George W. Bush
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Folks, here the "poet" is making a veiled threat to US, "And Fight Comes With It"; that if we do not do what they want, they are going to take US on, forget about it, we would turn your thug asses everyway butt loose, and you know it. If the 2nd Amendment is ever changed then only the street corner thug hoods will have guns, and that is what this faux poet of a big Fool is hoping for. Always remember Fool; "ten to one, ten to one gets you none", now that is some real poetry, I am a poet and now I knows it.

A veiled threat to the US??????????????????????????????? Are you retarded or what? You, bitch....you. Not the US. I was addressing your tired and poor ass. You're not the fucking US. So stop trying to create drama where there is none. Bitch, no one cares what you do. You are one person...and the others that think like your stupid ass are a distinct minority. You don't matter. So twist, spin, gyrate, or masturbate. No one gives a good fuck. You're not anymore the entire US than I am. Obamacare was voted into law, and sanctioned by the Supreme Court as Constitutional. You have a problem with the Constitution, then you're the enemy of the state, not me. And you're completely incompetent. If the 2nd amendment is repealed and all guns banned, then the market will dry up. I'm against guns, having been a victim of gun violence. My right. My prerogative. So eat it. You're as far from being a poet as the Earth is to Alpha Centauri. LOL
Lets see...

Bush lied, got us into a war killing over 4000 American heroes, Killed untold numbers of Civilians, cost trillions of dollars, ruined America's reputation, never admitted it, never apologised, never took any steps to correct it. Conservatives re-elected and treated like a Hero.

Obama lied after the fact, people lost insurance (not because of the lie), Obama admitted it, Obama apologised, Obama has taken steps to fix it. Republicans want to impeach him.