Until We Find ONE WMD in Iraq, Republicans Should Really Calm Down About “Obamacare"

If I were to say, "there is no doubt that Truth deflector has the IQ of a carrot", that would be a lie... because I am quite certain that you and your gang of sycophants all believe that you are, in fact, somewhat smarter than a carrot.

If I were to say, "I have no doubt that Truth deflector has the IQ of a carrot", that would NOT be a lie.

English... once you get past the ESL stage, it really is a pretty remarkable language. Keep studying... you'll get there.

OT but Truth Deflector need to connect with a thesaurus. He's stuck on "repugnant", in more ways than one.
so that, somehow, makes it NOT a lie when Bush told us there was no doubt that Saddam had stockpiles of WMD's even though he knew of doubts within his own administration? really?


Doubts which Colin Powell knew about when he had to make that speech in front of the UN.

"Asked by Ms. Walters how painful this was for him, Mr. Powell replied: "It was painful. It's painful now." Asked further how he felt upon learning that he had been misled about the accuracy of intelligence on which he relied, Mr. Powell said, "Terrible." He added that it was "devastating" to learn later that some intelligence agents knew the information he had was unreliable but did not speak up.

Mr. Powell also implied in the interview that the United States did not go to war in Iraq with sufficient troops to secure the country and failed to keep sufficient Iraqi forces to help stabilize the country."

Doubts which Colin Powell knew about when he had to make that speech in front of the UN.

"Asked by Ms. Walters how painful this was for him, Mr. Powell replied: "It was painful. It's painful now." Asked further how he felt upon learning that he had been misled about the accuracy of intelligence on which he relied, Mr. Powell said, "Terrible." He added that it was "devastating" to learn later that some intelligence agents knew the information he had was unreliable but did not speak up.

Mr. Powell also implied in the interview that the United States did not go to war in Iraq with sufficient troops to secure the country and failed to keep sufficient Iraqi forces to help stabilize the country."


Key words here: "He added that it was "devastating" to learn later that some intelligence agents knew the information he had was unreliable but did not speak up."

I’m sure Bush felt the same way; but you leftist dimwits still claim that Bush lied because you all are really THAT incredibly stupid.

Mr. Powell also implied in the interview that the United States did not go to war in with sufficient troops to secure the country and failed to keep sufficient Iraqi forces to help stabilize the country."

This is another incredibly dense statement when the American troops DID destroy Saddam’s military in two weeks and DID secure the country.

It really is a disservice by Colin to play politics with the issue after the fact. But alas, he is a BLACK man who voted for and supported the current dipshit in charge which says all one needs to know about Colin Powell these days.
you do understand that Bush claiming that doubt did not exist about Saddam's WMD's when he was aware of doubts about that very subject.... that was a lie?

Wrong again dimwit; because in order for it to have been a lie, Bush would have had to have known there were not any WMDs. But he didn't know this as well as the leaders of 36 coalition nations and most of the leadership in the Democratic Party and the previous Clinton administration.


It wasn't true.

It was true for those who read the intel; which the coalition troops could only ascertain AFTER the fact...MORON.

There WERE doubts and he knew about them. You understand that, don't you?

There are ALWAYS doubts about intelligence dumbass. There is no such thing as perfect information except when you are a second guessing partisan asshat like yourself.

Because you are a hyper partisan moron of epic proportions, no amount of reality, the facts and the truth will prevent you from removing all doubt what a repugnant hyper partisan asshat you are.
and...the difference between a lie and a mistake is easy. A mistake is when you say something that you think is true, and it turns out to be false. A lie is when you say something you KNOW to be false at the time you say it. Bush was well aware of the sketchy nature of some of the WMD intel. He was well aware that analysts doubted Curveball and that many of the bits of data were old and possibly obsolete. He KNEW of the existence of doubts surrounding Saddam's stockpiles of WMD's even as he told us that THERE IS NO DOUBT. THAT's a lie. And all you can do is call ME names because you cannot refute that basic statement.



You keep insisting that Bush was speaking for and about what was in the minds of other people....and THAT is the difference....

Unless a speaker specifically says otherwise, he is obviously speaking ONLY FOR HIMSELF.....

(the difference between a lie and a mistake is easy. A mistake is when you say something that you think is true, and it turns out to be false)...

this shows you do understand the difference, your Bush hate just won't let you apply it in his case......while you boor us with the repetitious contention
that Bush was telling us what was in the minds of others and not just his own mind because he wasn't specific enough for you.....

The fact is "YOU are a pinhead" and "I say you are a pinhead" and "No doubt you are a pinhead" and "I have no doubt you are a pinhead" all mean the same thing.

They are all personal declarations by me and and me only.....and have nothing to do with what anyone else says or believes....
So being a "house painter" with the English language, Bush isn't specific enough for you, so you paint him a liar ?.....hypocrite.
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you do understand that Bush claiming that doubt did not exist about Saddam's WMD's when he was aware of doubts about that very subject.... that was a lie? It wasn't true. There WERE doubts and he knew about them. You understand that, don't you?

ESL must have been hard for you.

Explain and prove that he meant "There is no doubt"......(Bush DID NOT say doubt did not EXIST, adding words that aren't there makes you a liar)....

'there is no doubt" where?....anywhere?...In that room?...In the world?....In the front row?...Maybe in the back row?

Be specific, Merlin....where is there no doubt......other than in his mind, of course, only a fool would deny that.
The incessant defending of Bush sickens me.

Forget the documented lies (i.e. Curveball). The way he presented the entire case was hopelessly dishonest. He FIXED THE INTEL AROUND THE POLICY. It can't be stated any clearer than that. Instead of trying to find reasons to avoid war, he cherrypicked whatever he could to justify a case for war - a decision he had already made.

We should have higher standards for a world leader. Much higher standards. The apologists should be ashamed of themselves.
If I were to say, "there is no doubt that Truth deflector has the IQ of a carrot", that would be a lie... because I am quite certain that you and your gang of sycophants all believe that you are, in fact, somewhat smarter than a carrot.

If I were to say, "I have no doubt that Truth deflector has the IQ of a carrot", that would NOT be a lie.

English... once you get past the ESL stage, it really is a pretty remarkable language. Keep studying... you'll get there.

So you said the first line too, but claim thats means you're speaking for others, unknown others at that, is that your claim ?

How do we know that if you don't specify that, as in, "there is no doubt anywhere" or
" there is no doubt in this room" or "there is no doubt except for TD's friends", .....or something to that effect....

do we just guess?...do we just add the rest as we see fit?...so we just make shit up as you do ?

Or do we do what normal people do and understand that you're speaking for yourself unless you actually do add some specificity.....
The incessant defending of Bush sickens me.

Bush doesn’t need defending asshat; we are defending the truth and facts here.

But you’re a dimwit; how could you possibly comprehend this?

You know what sickens me; the repugnant ignorance you and other leftist display when this topic is used to deflect from the current moron in the White House.

Forget the documented lies (i.e. Curveball). The way he presented the entire case was hopelessly dishonest.

That is a lie; why do brain dead hyper partisan Democrat hacks always have to lie to defend their absurd and moronic arguments?


That is another lie; why do brain dead hyper partisan Democrat hacks always have to lie to defend their absurd and moronic arguments?

It can't be stated any clearer than that.

It is only clear to lying asshats; what is clear is that you are lying to defend a moronic ideological view that Saddam was not that bad, but Bush was worse for purely partisan political purposes.

The same leftist asshats lying about Bush also defend the lies of the Obama administration when they claimed Benghazi was a protest as the result of some obscure video.

Yes, you and your leftist pals really are THAT stupid and THAT repugnant.

Instead of trying to find reasons to avoid war, he cherrypicked whatever he could to justify a case for war - a decision he had already made.

This is a lie; why do brain dead hyper partisan Democrat hacks always have to lie to defend their absurd and moronic arguments?

His Democratic Party opponents cherry picked the same intel when they voted FOR the war and made the exact same claims. Why are you being purposefully ignorant?

We should have higher standards for a world leader. Much higher standards. The apologists should be ashamed of themselves.

Did you vote for Obama? What high standards does he bring when he lies about Benghazi, authorizes drone attacks on US citizens living abroad and ignores international laws?

Do you vote Democrat? What high standards do they bring when they vote FOR a war then protest against it and impugn the efforts of the men and women they voted to send into harms way?

Yes; you really are THAT ignorant and THAT repugnant.
If someone makes a declarative statement that proclaims a total absence of doubt about something, when they are aware of the existence of doubt about that very thing, it's a lie. pure and simple. They KNOW it's a lie because they know of the existence of doubt, even if they, themselves, have convinced themselves of the matter, that does not change the fact that they know of, and are well aware of the presence of doubt in others. So... "THERE is no doubt", is clearly a lie. END OF STORY.

"I would never declare that THERE IS NO DOUBT that I love my wife, because I can only speak for myself. I have no doubt, and, I'd like to think that she has none either"-Maineman.
Thats mind boggleing....If, as you say above, YOU have no doubt, why would you not say, there is no doubt ? because you think you'd be speaking for someone other than youself ?

So in this case....If you declare, "There is no doubt, I love my wife"(assuming you do love your wife)....even though you KNOW shes has reservations and doubts about your love....
you'd be lying.
So you are lying...." because you can only speak for yourself"....and WHO would you be speaking for IF you made that statement ? Someone else ?

So who is that ? I certainly can't figure out who it is.
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Wrong again dimwit; because in order for it to have been a lie, Bush would have had to have known there were not any WMDs.

Wrong. Bush only needed to know that there were doubts for his statement to be a lie. He said there WAS NO DOUBT. and... as you later go on to say:

There are ALWAYS doubts about intelligence

I agree with the bolded statement wholeheartedly! You know that and I know that, AND BUSH KNEW THAT.

There ARE always doubts. ERGO... for Bush to say THERE IS NO DOUBT about any intelligence concerning the existence of Saddam's WMD's was a lie. See how simple that is?

English... in the hands of a good writer, a lovely and expressive language. In the hands of a hamfisted moron like you or Dubya... it's embarrassing to witness. :lol:

So in this case....If you declare, "There is no doubt, I love my wife"(assuming you do love your wife)....even though you KNOW shes has reservations and doubts about your love....
you'd be lying.
So you are lying...." because you can only speak for yourself"....and WHO would you be speaking for IF you made that statement ? Someone else ?

So who is that ? I certainly can't figure out who it is.

And you can't adequately answer my question .... see how simple that was....
Thats mind boggleing....If, as you say above, YOU have no doubt, why would you not say, there is no doubt ? because you think you'd be speaking for someone other than youself ?

So in this case....If you declare, "There is no doubt, I love my wife"(assuming you do love your wife)....even though you KNOW shes has reservations and doubts about your love....
you'd be lying.
So you are lying...." because you can only speak for yourself"....and WHO would you be speaking for IF you made that statement ? Someone else ?

So who is that ? I certainly can't figure out who it is.

again... if you do not understand the difference between a declarative statement of fact and the assertion of an opinion, you'll never understand. Do you think that when the president stands before the American people as the commander in chief of the US military and the boss of our government's entire intelligence apparatus and he says THERE IS NO DOUBT that he is speaking entirely for himself? What basis does he have to come to that conclusion? He is briefed by the heads of all the intelligence agencies in great detail. He KNOWS, as Truth Deflector has admitted, that there are ALWAYS doubts, so when he looks the collective body of Americans in the eye and tells us that there is, in this instance, a complete absence of doubt... totally surety... absolute 100% ironclad smoking gun "we know right where they are" sort of confidence.... where does he get that? And how does he have the right to state, as a fact, that doubt is non-existent? Again... if he had said, I have no doubt, or there is little doubt, or any of a number of carefully crafted and nuanced phrases that were anything less than an unqualified statement of fact, his statement would not have been a lie. THERE IS NO DOUBT... was and remains a lie. Period. Learn how to speak and write with accuracy. You'll be far ahead of George W. Bush if you do. Take a college level composition class. Smarten up. Really. You may think you have Dubya's back on this one, but you're just making yourself look more and more like a buffoon.
And you can't adequately answer my question .... see how simple that was....
asked and answered. I would never say THERE IS NO DOUBT about ANYTHING, unless the total absence of doubt was a foregone conclusion.

THERE IS NO DOUBT the earth revolves around the sun.

In absence of absolute certainty, I would phrase my statements as opinions and not statements of fact. It really is that simple.
asked and answered. I would never say THERE IS NO DOUBT about ANYTHING, unless the total absence of doubt was a foregone conclusion.

So you're not quite certain you love your wife....I get it.

THERE IS NO DOUBT the earth revolves around the sun.

Imagine all those guys in the old that lied about it....

In absence of absolute certainty, I would phrase my statements as opinions and not statements of fact. It really is that simple.

So there it is....you can't adequately answer my question, we're done....I've got better things to do....think I'll just go and poke my eyes out.

Schools out.
So there it is....you can't adequately answer my question, we're done....I've got better things to do....think I'll just go and poke my eyes out.

Schools out.

I did answer your question. I am quite certain that I love my wife. THERE IS NO DOUBT IN MY MIND that I love her dearly. that is my opinion.

Can you explain how someone can state, as a matter of fact, that doubt did not exist concerning Saddam's stockpiles when they knew full well that doubt DID exist about Saddam's stockpiles?

Of course you can't... without putting words in Dubya's mouth that he did not utter.
I did answer your question. I am quite certain that I love my wife. THERE IS NO DOUBT IN MY MIND that I love her dearly. that is my opinion.

Its your opinion, you love your wife, huh ?

Opinion is a conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof....I wouldn't tell my wife that in my opinion, I love her....something
tells me that my pussy days would take a big hit....

Can you explain how someone can state, as a matter of fact, that doubt did not exist concerning Saddam's stockpiles when they knew full well that doubt DID exist about Saddam's stockpiles?

Of course you can't... without putting words in Dubya's mouth that he did not utter.

If you declare, "There is no doubt, I love my wife"(assuming you do love your wife)....even though you KNOW shes has reservations and doubts about your love....
you'd be lying.
So you are lying...." because you can only speak for yourself"....and WHO would you be speaking for IF you made that statement ? Someone else ?

Can you explain who that is you'd be speaking for ?
again, if I were speaking for myself, I would phrase my assertion to reflect that. I would say that I have no doubt. or I would say there is no doubt in my mind.

But then, I don't use words like a housepainter, the way you do. I strive for accuracy and correctness in my word choices. You obviously don't.

Can you explain how someone can state, as a matter of fact, that doubt did not exist concerning Saddam's stockpiles when they knew full well that doubt DID exist about Saddam's stockpiles?

Of course you can't... without putting words in Dubya's mouth that he did not utter.