Unvaccinated People Likely to Catch COVID Repeatedly


Leftist Vermin
"The risk of COVID-19 reinfection is about 5% at three months, which jumps to 50% after 17 months, the research team found. Reinfection could become increasingly common as immunity wanes and new variants develop, they said.

""We tend to think about immunity as being immune or not immune. Our study cautions that we instead should be more focused on the risk of reinfection through time," Alex Dornburg, senior study author and assistant professor of bioinformatics and genomics at UNC, said in the statement.

""As new variants arise, previous immune responses become less effective at combating the virus," he said. "Those who were naturally infected early in the pandemic are increasingly likely to become reinfected in the near future.""

The preliminary evidence for this was coming in months ago. There were places in Brazil that had 80% infection rates, and yet were having another wave of Covid-19. We are now moving from it being "possible" to get Covid-19 multiple times to it being "likely".

It appears unvaccinated people will get Covid-19 once or twice a year, and the damage done by it will be cumulative. So the first time you might not even notice it, the second time it is bad, the third time it is life threatening, and the fourth time it kills you.

There will definitely be a lot of dead trump supporters next election.
"The risk of COVID-19 reinfection is about 5% at three months, which jumps to 50% after 17 months, the research team found. Reinfection could become increasingly common as immunity wanes and new variants develop, they said.

""We tend to think about immunity as being immune or not immune. Our study cautions that we instead should be more focused on the risk of reinfection through time," Alex Dornburg, senior study author and assistant professor of bioinformatics and genomics at UNC, said in the statement.

""As new variants arise, previous immune responses become less effective at combating the virus," he said. "Those who were naturally infected early in the pandemic are increasingly likely to become reinfected in the near future.""

Until/unless they do comprehensive tests to check longevity of the antibodies after catching Covid, we can't move forward in the quest to get the morons vaccinated.

There are too many non peer reviewed 'studies' that are giving Right Wing media fodder for conspiracies about the lack of need for vaccination.
"The risk of COVID-19 reinfection is about 5% at three months, which jumps to 50% after 17 months, the research team found. Reinfection could become increasingly common as immunity wanes and new variants develop, they said.

""We tend to think about immunity as being immune or not immune. Our study cautions that we instead should be more focused on the risk of reinfection through time," Alex Dornburg, senior study author and assistant professor of bioinformatics and genomics at UNC, said in the statement.

""As new variants arise, previous immune responses become less effective at combating the virus," he said. "Those who were naturally infected early in the pandemic are increasingly likely to become reinfected in the near future.""


Maybe in the next election all of the Trump supporters will either be in an ICU or the morgue
Maybe in the next election all of the Trump supporters will either be in an ICU or the morgue

Not all, but several million more trump voters will be dead. More Biden voters turn 18 than die, so there will be more Biden voters. trump voters are not just dying from not being vaccinated, but also from all the other alt right health mistakes they make. This is a long term political loser for them.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

"The risk of COVID-19 reinfection is about 5% at three months, which jumps to 50% after 17 months, the research team found. Reinfection could become increasingly common as immunity wanes and new variants develop, they said.

""We tend to think about immunity as being immune or not immune. Our study cautions that we instead should be more focused on the risk of reinfection through time," Alex Dornburg, senior study author and assistant professor of bioinformatics and genomics at UNC, said in the statement.

""As new variants arise, previous immune responses become less effective at combating the virus," he said. "Those who were naturally infected early in the pandemic are increasingly likely to become reinfected in the near future.""


Everyone needs to get vaccinated.

That is how we get out of this.

The hold-outs are holding everything up, holding up the end of this pandemic.

The hold-outs are making it last longer, costing us more lives.

Get vaccinated.

Show some bravery. Face the risk. It is smart because the risk of being a hold-out is a greater risk. Even if you don't get it or don't die, you pass it on to others who might die. Hold-outs risk killing people. Death is the risk of being a hold-out. It is time to do the right thing and get the jab.

We all did it. We need you to do it, too.

Do it for America.


This is what you can do for your country.

Get vaccinated.
Hello Walt,

Not all, but several million more trump voters will be dead. More Biden voters turn 18 than die, so there will be more Biden voters. trump voters are not just dying from not being vaccinated, but also from all the other alt right health mistakes they make. This is a long term political loser for them.

We just reached 5 million dead worldwide.

We have not yet reached a million dead Americans but we will if we don't force the hold-outs to get vaccinated.

At first, the pandemic spread in large cities where there were more Democratic voters. Then, as the pandemic spread to rural areas, there began to be more Trump voters dying than Democrats. But in 2021 most of the deaths have been among the unvaccinated. There have been approximately 200K deaths since vaccines became available. Nearly all of them were likely Trump voters.

Liberals are more likely to take precautions and protect themselves from the virus.

Trump voters are dying at a rate of 11 to 1 over Biden voters as long as the pandemic rages.

And it is Trump voters who are keeping the pandemic going strong. Go figure.
Getting control of the pandemic is becoming a matter of attrition.

The unvaccinated are not likely to willingly change their minds; but we need more people to get vaccinated in order to get control.

Logically, that means people are going to have to be forced to get vaccinated.

We will have to institute more vaccine mandates.

Work-related vaccine mandates, school-attendance vaccine mandates and public function entry-related vaccine mandates.

Vaccine passports are in our future.

It is the only way.

One by one we have to force people to get vaccinated.

We began by offering for people to do this voluntarily. We laid out the science and the reasoning. Most people accepted that. But some have not. Now, we are going to have to move beyond voluntary. It is going to have to be required to do things.

There should be a vaccine mandate to fly or use any public transportation. Even going to the airport at all. Everyone at every airport needs to be vaccinated. All the workers. All the passengers. All the people just there to pick someone up or see them off.

Any public gathering needs to require proof of vaccination.

Bars and restaurants. Stores and shops. Libraries, Schools, Concerts, Football games. Everything.

It is foolish for us to pretend we can gather safely without required vaccinations. And even then, we must still wear masks and keep as much distance as possible.

If we do all this we can beat it.

We need to beat it and get our world back.

We can do this together.

It is the only way.
We just reached 5 million dead worldwide. We have not yet reached a million dead Americans but we will if we don't force the hold-outs to get vaccinated.

We were already losing trump voters at greater numbers before Covid-19. trump voters are the one group with falling life expectancy in the USA. More Americans have died due to this than have died from AIDS.

Then you add in a million more from Covid-19 in the next three years. Maybe it will be less, but maybe it will be more. Even without Covid-19, it would be millions.

Millions of Biden voters will die too, but they will be more than replaced by new Biden voters(coming of age, becoming citizens, or moving to somewhere they can vote). trump voters not so much.

trump is very much on the wrong end of a demographic shift. he can beat this, by convincing Hispanics to vote for him or something, but it would be an uphill battle.

Trump voters are dying at a rate of 11 to 1 over Biden voters as long as the pandemic rages. And it is Trump voters who are keeping the pandemic going strong. Go figure.

We have had several elections that have come down to a few thousand votes. This is not a good demographic shift for trump.
Hello Walt,

We were already losing trump voters at greater numbers before Covid-19. trump voters are the one group with falling life expectancy in the USA. More Americans have died due to this than have died from AIDS.

Then you add in a million more from Covid-19 in the next three years. Maybe it will be less, but maybe it will be more. Even without Covid-19, it would be millions.

Millions of Biden voters will die too, but they will be more than replaced by new Biden voters(coming of age, becoming citizens, or moving to somewhere they can vote). trump voters not so much.

trump is very much on the wrong end of a demographic shift. he can beat this, by convincing Hispanics to vote for him or something, but it would be an uphill battle.

We have had several elections that have come down to a few thousand votes. This is not a good demographic shift for trump.

Well, there have been over 500 police killed by corona. Most of them are Trump voters. And still they hold out from getting protected.

Shoot. If they were dying at this rate from gunfire they would be protesting and speaking out in objection to the risk. But this was made political by Trump, so they are dying for him.

One thing is for certain. It makes no sense at all to have unvaccinated police spreading the virus in public. We need to have all police vaccinated for public safety.

Everyone who interfaces with the public needs to be forced to get vaccinated or go crawl in a hole and stop working.

We have to shut the virus down.

This never should have been made political.

It is irresponsible of the Trump party to oppose vaccination. That is the same as pro-death.
"The risk of COVID-19 reinfection is about 5% at three months, which jumps to 50% after 17 months, the research team found. Reinfection could become increasingly common as immunity wanes and new variants develop, they said.

""We tend to think about immunity as being immune or not immune. Our study cautions that we instead should be more focused on the risk of reinfection through time," Alex Dornburg, senior study author and assistant professor of bioinformatics and genomics at UNC, said in the statement.

""As new variants arise, previous immune responses become less effective at combating the virus," he said. "Those who were naturally infected early in the pandemic are increasingly likely to become reinfected in the near future.""


Although he won't admit it in public, I have no doubts Donald Trump received his vaccine booster shot sometime recently.
Getting control of the pandemic is becoming a matter of attrition.

The unvaccinated are not likely to willingly change their minds; but we need more people to get vaccinated in order to get control.

Logically, that means people are going to have to be forced to get vaccinated.

We will have to institute more vaccine mandates.

Work-related vaccine mandates, school-attendance vaccine mandates and public function entry-related vaccine mandates.

Vaccine passports are in our future.

It is the only way.

One by one we have to force people to get vaccinated.

We began by offering for people to do this voluntarily. We laid out the science and the reasoning. Most people accepted that. But some have not. Now, we are going to have to move beyond voluntary. It is going to have to be required to do things.

There should be a vaccine mandate to fly or use any public transportation. Even going to the airport at all. Everyone at every airport needs to be vaccinated. All the workers. All the passengers. All the people just there to pick someone up or see them off.

Any public gathering needs to require proof of vaccination.

Bars and restaurants. Stores and shops. Libraries, Schools, Concerts, Football games. Everything.

It is foolish for us to pretend we can gather safely without required vaccinations. And even then, we must still wear masks and keep as much distance as possible.

If we do all this we can beat it.

We need to beat it and get our world back.

We can do this together.

It is the only way.

Our proof of vaccination card is effectively a passport
Until/unless they do comprehensive tests to check longevity of the antibodies after catching Covid, we can't move forward in the quest to get the morons vaccinated.

There are too many non peer reviewed 'studies' that are giving Right Wing media fodder for conspiracies about the lack of need for vaccination.

Never has so much misinformation harmed so many, eh?
The preliminary evidence for this was coming in months ago. There were places in Brazil that had 80% infection rates, and yet were having another wave of Covid-19. We are now moving from it being "possible" to get Covid-19 multiple times to it being "likely".

It appears unvaccinated people will get Covid-19 once or twice a year, and the damage done by it will be cumulative. So the first time you might not even notice it, the second time it is bad, the third time it is life threatening, and the fourth time it kills you.

There will definitely be a lot of dead trump supporters next election.

A lot of dead (D) voters too. The virus knows no political boundaries.
Maybe in the next election all of the Trump supporters will either be in an ICU or the morgue

The virus cares not for our political POV. It infects indiscriminately. However, your odds of making it to Nov. 2024 are greatly increased if you are vaccinated.
Hello Walt,

Well, there have been over 500 police killed by corona. Most of them are Trump voters. And still they hold out from getting protected.

Shoot. If they were dying at this rate from gunfire they would be protesting and speaking out in objection to the risk. But this was made political by Trump, so they are dying for him.

One thing is for certain. It makes no sense at all to have unvaccinated police spreading the virus in public. We need to have all police vaccinated for public safety.

Everyone who interfaces with the public needs to be forced to get vaccinated or go crawl in a hole and stop working.

We have to shut the virus down.

This never should have been made political.

It is irresponsible of the Trump party to oppose vaccination. That is the same as pro-death.

It is insane that Republicans are now the pro-virus party.
It is insane that Republicans are now the pro-virus party.

It would really be unrealistic to expect Republicans to take a sane position on much of anything.

It's a serious problem.

Our country has lots of them (Republicans) , the constitution gives them political power well in excess of their population percentage,
and what record does history have of civilizations thriving when oversaturated with mentally deficient people?