US deportations under Biden surpass Trump

he let millions in u stupid cock sucking POS**
Did he? Did he give them blankets and water bottles?

You fucking brainless piles of shit have let Trump convince you that the country's problem is immigrants and transgender people.

Seriously, how fucking stupid do you have to be to believe that?
Actually, this is a tough question to answer. If you look at all the data from various sources, you get the impression PDQ that nobody really has a handle on just how many have crossed into the US illegally, are here illegally, or anything else to do with this.

This is the best I can figure given some wild variations in figures from various sources. Those against illegal immigration are the high end, those that support Biden and Democrats generally are the low end.

Under the last Trump administration, about 2.5 million illegals entered or attempted to enter the US. With 4 years of Biden somewhere between 6.5 and 10.8 million illegals have entered the US, the high number might be as much as 15 million, but that figure is questionable.

The Biden administration has deported somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 and 2.5 million since taking office. That's roughly 20 to 30% of the total entering. Most sources put the percentage at about 15% give or take where they list a percentage. The more hostile to illegals and Biden put it at 9 or 10%.

Of that, somewhere in the neighborhood of 450,000 to 800,000 are known criminals with criminal records, many awaiting deportation in the US and not in prison. About half that number are in federal prison.

In 2024, there have been about 2.8 to 3.1 million encounters on the US border with a deportation of 271,000 or about 9 to 10% deported. Yes, that's the highest since about the middle of Obama's terms in office, but it is also the lowest percentage in decades. Trump, Obama, Bush, etc., all deported far more of illegal crossers than Biden has. The reason Biden's numbers are so large on deportation is the sheer number of encounters is massively more than with previous administrations. This year alone, the Biden administration has had more border encounters than during the entire time Trump was in office.

So, the best answer is, Biden is doing little or nothing to stem the flow of illegals into the US and is deporting the fewest, by percentage of encounters, of any presidential administration in post WW 2 history.
Uh huh. You still haven't provided a source.
Who did you vote for in 2024?
I was in Portugal during the election and didn’t bother with early voting. Line was too long. So I didn’t vote.
The election was big news over there.
Overall the reaction to the outcome was quite positive.
I was in Portugal during the election and didn’t bother with early voting. Line was too long. So I didn’t vote.
The election was big news over there.
Overall the reaction to the outcome was quite positive.
Yeah, I don't believe that, but I haven't been in Portugal for more than a year. Why are you such a MAGA cultist now?
Oh, then you're getting her content from somewhere else. You're literally quoting her and don't even know it. #SAD
So you admit you watch mindless tv.
Anyway I thought that was a Mark Twain quote.

You should read more, watch mindless tv less.

Although I hear Twain has been cancelled.

US deportations under Biden surpass Trump's record

US immigration authorities last year deported the largest number of undocumented immigrants in nearly a decade, surpassing the record of Donald Trump's first term in office.

More than 271,000 immigrants were deported from the US over the last fiscal year, according to a report released by the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency on Thursday.

Makes sense. The most, probably in recent history, were let in under Biden and given how uncommon asylum approvals are, we should expect most to be removed.
Why are you such a MAGA cultist now?
Good question. I was wondering when someone would ask me that.
MAGA is the antidote for all the damage that brainless turnip we had posing as president the last four years incurred.
All meds have negative side effects and MAGA is no exception.
But it’s necessary.
I’d like to see national politics return to sanity but I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

Yeah, I don't believe that, but I haven't been in Portugal for more than a year.
So you would if you had? That makes no sense.
So you admit you watch mindless tv.
Anyway I thought that was a Mark Twain quote.

You should read more, watch mindless tv less.

Although I hear Twain has been cancelled.

Nope, I didn't, you psycho whacko. Try again. And be a better version of yourself. This MAGA trash you've become is unsophisticated and unbecoming. I actually, really think that you are embarrassing yourself.
Good question. I was wondering when someone would ask me that.
MAGA is the antidote for all the damage that brainless turnip we had posing as president the last four years incurred.
All meds have negative side effects and MAGA is no exception.
But it’s necessary.
I’d like to see national politics return to sanity but I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

So you would if you had? That makes no sense.
Ah, finally. You admit that you're brain dead and announce your pride for it. Jesus fucking Christ, you loser, think of how you got here.
US deportations under Biden surpass Trump's record

US immigration authorities last year deported the largest number of undocumented immigrants in nearly a decade, surpassing the record of Donald Trump's first term in office.

More than 271,000 immigrants were deported from the US over the last fiscal year, according to a report released by the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency on Thursday.

The Obama administration also deported more people than Trump. Democraps, historically do good things for this country after GOP slobs leave the white house and for some fuckin reason, end up taking the shit for it at the polls and we lose. How this happens over and over and over, is because Democraps have a habit of keeping their good work under lock and key, they don't talk about it, brag about it, they just do it and because of that, nobody knows jack. If they learn anything moving forward, stop keeping your good work silent, talk about it often and let the people know what your doing.
Who is Judge Jeanine?
She is some minor alt right celebrity, who was briefly a small claims judge a few decades ago. She, and her husband, were caught taking bribes, but plea bargained to only him serving time, and then FoxNews decided that was the type of legal commentary they wanted.