I don't necessarily believe that unfreedumb is gay. It does seem odd that he is as dumb as any of the other social conservatives, except on homosexuality. It's possible he just has someone close to him that is gay.

BTW, the reason I say that is because it is fairly clear that his views are based on personal bias and his gut feelings about an issue. He thinks it's fine to force people to adhere to his own arbitrary choices. There is no consistency in his views. There is no logic. He cannot support his views with any sort of rational and/or coherent principles.

Like most statists, his views are a mish-mash of contradictions based on mere whim and largely influenced by the dominant culture in which he finds himself. I have little doubt that his type would be a member/sympathizer of al Quaida if raised in a Muslim state. Ditzy and SM have acknowledged their acceptance of the importance of cultural bias going so far as to argue that it is a major factor determining sexuality.

unfreedumb would be against homosexuality but either he or someone close to him is gay and so his feelings are torn against the traditions he usually accepts without question. It's more likely that it is someone close to him, as spending a lifetime as the victim of cultural bias cannot possibly result in anything but forcing the emotive thinker into a war against the entirety of that culture. This is why many dispossessed groups throw the baby out with the bath water and reject all things traditional. That's a bad idea. But, maybe freedumb spent a long time in the closet and has only recently accepted his sexuality.

Since I know the attack on me will come... I have a wicked temper, but I am mostly a cold and rational thinker. I have been called Spock (which I take as an insult) by many people close to me, including the two people that probably know me best. But I do analyze the shit out of every emotion that registers in my mind and few register on my face. I don't just assume my emotions are correct and I do my best to be brutally honest with myself. Of course, I sometimes fail there, especially in the heat of the moment. But, usually after time has passed I see my errors, even though some I just repeat over and over.
Since I know the attack on me will come... I have a wicked temper, but I am mostly a cold and rational thinker. I have been called Spock (which I take as an insult) by many people close to me, including the two people that probably know me best. But I do analyze the shit out of every emotion that registers in my mind and few register on my face. I don't just assume my emotions are correct and I do my best to be brutally honest with myself. Of course, I sometimes fail there, especially in the heat of the moment. But, usually after time has passed I see my errors, even though some I just repeat over and over.

You sound like me, talking to myself. I sometimes become frightened watching Dexter Morgan fake emotions on the box. Thankfully, I do experience them, some powerfully, and I'm not a serial killer. :clink:
BTW, the reason I say that is because it is fairly clear that his views are based on personal bias and his gut feelings about an issue. He thinks it's fine to force people to adhere to his own arbitrary choices. There is no consistency in his views. There is no logic. He cannot support his views with any sort of rational and/or coherent principles.

Like most statists, his views are a mish-mash of contradictions based on mere whim and largely influenced by the dominant culture in which he finds himself. I have little doubt that his type would be a member/sympathizer of al Quaida if raised in a Muslim state. Ditzy and SM have acknowledged their acceptance of the importance of cultural bias going so far as to argue that it is a major factor determining sexuality.

unfreedumb would be against homosexuality but either he or someone close to him is gay and so his feelings are torn against the traditions he usually accepts without question. It's more likely that it is someone close to him, as spending a lifetime as the victim of cultural bias cannot possibly result in anything but forcing the emotive thinker into a war against the entirety of that culture. This is why many dispossessed groups throw the baby out with the bath water and reject all things traditional. That's a bad idea. But, maybe freedumb spent a long time in the closet and has only recently accepted his sexuality.

Since I know the attack on me will come... I have a wicked temper, but I am mostly a cold and rational thinker. I have been called Spock (which I take as an insult) by many people close to me, including the two people that probably know me best. But I do analyze the shit out of every emotion that registers in my mind and few register on my face. I don't just assume my emotions are correct and I do my best to be brutally honest with myself. Of course, I sometimes fail there, especially in the heat of the moment. But, usually after time has passed I see my errors, even though some I just repeat over and over.

I've had enough of your name calling, you fucking asswipe.
Too many times you've had to resort to it; because you've had your ass handed to you and that's exactly what happened in the exchange.

You have no idea what or how I feel about prohibition; becasue you were to fucking dumb to read the posts and thing about them.
You tried to put the blame on others and therefore it's apparent that you don't think that people should be held responsible for their actions.
You were probably one of those pathetic children who's parents constantly made excuses for your fucked up behavior; all the while they weren't able to see that the big reason you were such a failure, is because of their lack of patenting skills.
You're what can be referred to as a "free range child"; becuase you were never held accountabl for your own behavior.

You're nothing but an overgrown emo; except you probably can still fit into your sisters pants and probably still have eyes for her boyfriends.

Were you able to understand that, you fucking imbecilic, lump of human excrement??

Gee, now I feel better. :cof1:
I've had enough of your name calling, you fucking asswipe.
Too many times you've had to resort to it; because you've had your ass handed to you and that's exactly what happened in the exchange.

You have no idea what or how I feel about prohibition; becasue you were to fucking dumb to read the posts and thing about them.
You tried to put the blame on others and therefore it's apparent that you don't think that people should be held responsible for their actions.
You were probably one of those pathetic children who's parents constantly made excuses for your fucked up behavior; all the while they weren't able to see that the big reason you were such a failure, is because of their lack of patenting skills.
You're what can be referred to as a "free range child"; becuase you were never held accountabl for your own behavior.

You're nothing but an overgrown emo; except you probably can still fit into your sisters pants and probably still have eyes for her boyfriends.

Were you able to understand that, you fucking imbecilic, lump of human excrement??

Gee, now I feel better. :cof1:

You've had enough of HIS name calling?

Can someone pick USF up some Depends next time you go to the store? He's wet himself during his latest hissy fit.
You've had enough of HIS name calling?

Can someone pick USF up some Depends next time you go to the store? He's wet himself during his latest hissy fit.

OH Look, the fat man has finally found somethng he can latch onto.

Now, don't let it slip from those little pudgy fingers of yours.

You sound like me, talking to myself. I sometimes become frightened watching Dexter Morgan fake emotions on the box. Thankfully, I do experience them, some powerfully, and I'm not a serial killer. :clink:

Yes, you sound like a highly introspective pain in the ass, too.

I was just trying to head off the attack and acknowledge my own shortcomings. I have plenty. I should not keep calling people retards. It only distracts from my point.

I just can't stop myself from becoming frustrated with others who pretend they know best and everything would be fine if everyone just listened to their demands. Meanwhile, they don't have a clue and some are certifiable (I am sure you know who I mean with that, so I will just leave it there).

It seems to have become more common with the rise of the idiot right. That is, the Palin/Bush types who think being dumber than a box of rocks is a virtue and that the problem with Democrats is that they went to college. The problem with some Democrats is many of them do not understand economics and they think (just like the social conservatives) that they can control others.

Some controls may be necessary and useful. Some drugs ARE very dangerous and highly addictive. I am willing to see if the drug war will be worth it if we legalize mj. I doubt it, but...
I name call too much. I accept that. But usf, you were name calling when I entered the discussion. Your name calling was an actual ad hom and a fallacious one.

To help you understand the difference and why the distinction matters, saying you are gay or must have someone close to you that is gay IS an ad hom. I just don't believe it is fallacious. But I am willing to accept it might be. That's why I don't base my entire argument on it.

Your entire argument "pot smokers are just whining and only want to get high, therefore we should ignore their arguments" is an ad hom. You have not offered anything else in support of mj prohibition and if you honestly don't believe in mj prohibition why any of that matters is unclear. In trying to turn the tables on you, I obscured the point. My bad.
I name call too much. I accept that. But usf, you were name calling when I entered the discussion. Your name calling was an actual ad hom and a fallacious one.

To help you understand the difference and why the distinction matters, saying you are gay or must have someone close to you that is gay IS an ad hom. I just don't believe it is fallacious. But I am willing to accept it might be. That's why I don't base my entire argument on it.

Your entire argument "pot smokers are just whining and only want to get high, therefore we should ignore their arguments" is an ad hom. You have not offered anything else in support of mj prohibition and if you honestly don't believe in mj prohibition why any of that matters is unclear. In trying to turn the tables on you, I obscured the point. My bad.

Either show it, or you're just full of shit as usual.

I never said we should ignore their arguments; but whining isn't going to convince anyone that you're right.

Try actually reading what is presented, instead of getting all emo about it and then reacting.
Either show it, or you're just full of shit as usual.

I never said we should ignore their arguments; but whining isn't going to convince anyone that you're right.

Try actually reading what is presented, instead of getting all emo about it and then reacting.

Show what?

I have read what you presented, over and over and over again. I have responded in several ways and you just keep repeating.

Maybe you can explain to us what sort of activism is not "whining?" You have been told repeatedly that many of us have participated in multiple forms of traditional activism and yet you just continue your tried comments. What have you done to advance any cause you advocate?
Show what?

I have read what you presented, over and over and over again. I have responded in several ways and you just keep repeating.

Maybe you can explain to us what sort of activism is not "whining?" You have been told repeatedly that many of us have participated in multiple forms of traditional activism and yet you just continue your tried comments. What have you done to advance any cause you advocate?

Now you're being a fucking idiot.
Go back and read the post your replying to.
If you look at the comments I'm responding to, you should be able to figure it out.
This is the second or third time that you've feigned ignorance over the discussion and the ignorance comes from your lack of fucking ability to read.
From now on, if you aren't going to follow the flow of the discussion; just shut the fuck up and save yourself from the embarassment.
Until you can do that, any other reponses would just add to your lack of cognitive abilities.
Now you're being a fucking idiot.
Go back and read the post your replying to.
If you look at the comments I'm responding to, you should be able to figure it out.

I am not sure to what comment that was in response. How can I be? I am guessing you are asking me to prove you are gay or have someone close to you that is gay? I don't care. My interests is only in how you maintain this strange mix of contradictory positions. I already, clearly, acknowledged it might not be an accurate ad hom.

The point was only to help you understand the distinction and that your argument is nothing but ad hom. You are now whining about name calling when that is the sum of your posts on this subject.

This is the second or third time that you've feigned ignorance over the discussion and the ignorance comes from your lack of fucking ability to read.

I don't care to guess at your argument. Learn how to avoid misusing pronouns and express yourself clearly. It's not my fault that you are incapable of making a clear point.

From now on, if you aren't going to follow the flow of the discussion; just shut the fuck up and save yourself from the embarassment.
Until you can do that, any other reponses would just add to your lack of cognitive abilities.

You have not engaged in any discussion. Your points have been countered or shown to be in error and you just keep repeating them. That's not a discussion, it's more like me talking to a broken record or a parrot.
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I am not sure to what comment that was in response. How can I be? I am guessing you are asking me to prove you are gay or have someone close to you that is gay? I don't care. My interests is only in how you maintain this strange mix of contradictory positions. I already, clearly, acknowledged it might not be an accurate ad hom.

The point was only to help you understand the distinction and that your argument is nothing but ad hom. You are now whining about name calling when that is the sum of your posts on this subject.

I don't care to guess at your argument. Learn how to avoid misusing pronouns and express yourself clearly. It's not my fault that you are incapable of making a clear point.

You have not engaged in any discussion. Your points have been countered or shown to be in error and you just keep repeating them. That's not a discussion, it's more like me talking to a broken record or a parrot.

Just because you're a fucking spoiled child, who never was held accountable, shouldn't have affected your reading abilities that much; but evidently is has and now not only has your long term memory, but your short term memory has suffered to the point of you being just barely functional.

The posts of yours that barely contained congnitive thought, were answered; but you failed to spend the time reading them and therefore you're spatial memory now tells you that they never existed.

I suggest you take your time and go back over the exchange.
If you can put aside your bias and preconceived ideas, along with your feelings, you might just be able to educate yourself and by doing so, you may even be able to elevate your cognitive skills.
These improvements can only help you, in the future; but without them, it appears that you'll just continue to whine and cry when society doesn't go your way.

The balls in your court, so to speak, and it's your chance to shine.
Show everyone that you are capable of finally taking charge of your behavior.
I have doubts; but I'm also hoping that you'll be able to succeed.

Good luck. :good4u:
I name call too much. I accept that. But usf, you were name calling when I entered the discussion. Your name calling was an actual ad hom and a fallacious one.

RStringfield, Don't try to reason with him. He doesn't believe in reason.

No one's running to his defense.

He's doing a great job of alienating himself from anyones respect that views this site.

You've made enough good points while he's rambled on with the same old crap.

I say you've beat him up and down the street.

What say you all. Or should I say, "I wonder how others feel about this."

Maybe a poll would be nice at this point.
RStringfield, Don't try to reason with him. He doesn't believe in reason.

No one's running to his defense.

He's doing a great job of alienating himself from anyones respect that views this site.

You've made enough good points while he's rambled on with the same old crap.

I say you've beat him up and down the street.

What say you all. Or should I say, "I wonder how others feel about this."

Maybe a poll would be nice at this point.

Fuck you
I stand by what I have said.
The black market is being funded and supported by those who use mj and by doing so, they are responsible for the resulting death's and misery.
If my users truly got behind and pushed the agenda, instead of getting busted on the streets or in their homes and then whining about the consequences, they might actually accomplish something on a greater scale then just getting a single State bill passed and then having it blocked by the courts.
I've never said I agree with the prohibition or that mj shouldn't be legalized; but because I had the backbone to state the ugly truth, regarding mj users and the black market, others want to berate me because the FEEL that I'm wrong.
The fact that you want to see who else agrees with me, only solidifies what I've presented; because it proves that to many of you don't have the backbone to speak out against the users of mj and their support of the black market.

That's been a problem that's created this situation, involving mj. To many of those that want to have mj legalized, want someone else to do it and they refuse to take a hard look at what the cause and affect is, of their own behavior

So keep whining about the consequences while more and more mj users get locked up and acquire criminal records.
Go ahead and try to make it "harder" for the authorities, that way they can confiscate more cars, homes, businesses; while everyone bitches and moans, but do nothing.

40 fucking years and the accomplishments can be counted on both hands.
This is your brain.
This is your brain on drugs.

Run your fucking poll; because I don't state my opinions on the FEAR of what others may think or who's going to agree with me.

At least have the maturity to look back, oh about 20 years from now if the mj users don't start becoming united, and kick yourselves in the ass.

Like I said; fuck you.
Fuck you
I stand by what I have said.
The black market is being funded and supported by those who use mj and by doing so, they are responsible for the resulting death's and misery.
If my users truly got behind and pushed the agenda, instead of getting busted on the streets or in their homes and then whining about the consequences, they might actually accomplish something on a greater scale then just getting a single State bill passed and then having it blocked by the courts.
I've never said I agree with the prohibition or that mj shouldn't be legalized; but because I had the backbone to state the ugly truth, regarding mj users and the black market, others want to berate me because the FEEL that I'm wrong.
The fact that you want to see who else agrees with me, only solidifies what I've presented; because it proves that to many of you don't have the backbone to speak out against the users of mj and their support of the black market.

That's been a problem that's created this situation, involving mj. To many of those that want to have mj legalized, want someone else to do it and they refuse to take a hard look at what the cause and affect is, of their own behavior

So keep whining about the consequences while more and more mj users get locked up and acquire criminal records.
Go ahead and try to make it "harder" for the authorities, that way they can confiscate more cars, homes, businesses; while everyone bitches and moans, but do nothing.

40 fucking years and the accomplishments can be counted on both hands.
This is your brain.
This is your brain on drugs.

Run your fucking poll; because I don't state my opinions on the FEAR of what others may think or who's going to agree with me.

At least have the maturity to look back, oh about 20 years from now if the mj users don't start becoming united, and kick yourselves in the ass.

Like I said; fuck you.

I wasn't talking to you, but sense you bring it up,,,,,,, you're wrong. Prohibition kills.