US passport

I've been to Britlandia, France, Norway, and such exotic places as the 48 contiguous states and Mexico, and the more mundane Canada. What's your point? Other than you have yet to overcome stupid prejudices and stereotypes about Americans. I'm glad such childlike insistence on stereotyping an entire group of people wasn't the norm when I was in Britlandia. I would have then thought you were even more rude than the French.

I also speak three languages. ;)

Speaking in tongues does not count as a language.
So what made you think I was talking about you? I have always assumed you to be urbane and well travelled, that you feel it necessary to be the spokesman for all your fellow Americans is slightly puzzling though. I guess the old blood is thicker than water thing is really true.
Damo, come on, most Americans aren't like you, they do fit the stereotypes of the Ugly American.
I wanted to get a passport but figured fuck it and got an EDL instead. It's a fuck load cheaper and I can still go see hookers in Canadia, donkey shows in Mexico, and Caribbean women in the Caribbean without ever setting foot in an airport.

Also, I have finally figured out how to handle the new search policies of the TSA and will list them in order:

1. Wear spandex pants, preferably ones that are just barely able to fit your body.
2. No underwear whatsoever
3. Bowel movement food. Be sure to eat plenty of it prior to your security check, giving it enough time to digest. I suggest oysters and Taco Bell, but everyone has their own unique combination.
4. Exlax. Be sure to take this about 4 hours before you arrive at the airport.
5. I think we can all see what step 5 will entail.

Now this may be too extreme for some, so if that's the case only use steps 1&2.

#6. Say to them, "You missed a spot."

#7. and then ask them for a cavity search. Right before number 5.
anyone apply and recieve one in the past few years?

i have an expired passport issued 18 years ago, so can't renew....i've looked online and it appears to be a six week process or one site said 6 months...anyone here with real world experience on the timeline....i need it by may 2011

I got one in 2002. It took 4 weeks but I was told it would take 6 to 12 weeks. My wife just applied for one in October and they told her to expect 6 weeks and it took 6 weeks on the nose. She just received it earlier this week.
Remember, you can't use a short form Birth Certificate, or a Certification of Birth, you have to have the original in order to get one of those bad boys...

You can't get the original. You can only get a certified copy of the original. That's what you really need.
It would be nice to think that some of these people would expand their horizons by travelling elsewhere, I somehow doubt it.

Tom, Have you ever been to North America? Do you have any idea how freaken big it is? Did you realize that until recently that a US Citizen didn't need a passport to visit Canada or Mexico? Did you realize that you could travel, and travel and travel and travel here until you're so freaken sick of all that traveling that you never ever want to do it again and not once ever have the need for a passport?

Not to mention that fact that there are lots of great places in North America that'd actually like to stay there for as long as you can. Where as most Brits I know who have two quid they can rub together and some Holiday time usually can't wait to get out of the UK to go where the sun actually shines! LOL

Think about it Tom. This aint Europe. A US Citizen can get in a car at Mexico City and drive up the Pan American Highway to Anchorage Alaska (> 8,000 km, which is farther then traveling from London to Beijing) and never need a passport!! Hell it's farther from my home to Los Angeles then it is to travel from London to Moscow!
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Damo, come on, most Americans aren't like you, they do fit the stereotypes of the Ugly American.
That's unfortunately to true but having said that, as I've pointed out. You can be extremely well travelled, fluent in multiple languages and cultures and not once had the need for a passport if you live in North America. That's the real reason most Americans don't have a passport. They simply don't need one.
Tom, Have you ever been to North America? Do you have any idea how freaken big it is? Did you realize that until recently that a US Citizen didn't need a passport to visit Canada or Mexico? Did you realize that you could travel, and travel and travel and travel here until you're so freaken sick of all that traveling that you never ever want to do it again and not once ever have the need for a passport?

Not to mention that fact that there are lots of great places in North America that'd actually like to stay there for as long as you can. Where as most Brits I know who have two quid they can rub together and some Holiday time usually can't wait to get out of the UK to go where the sun actually shines! LOL

Think about it Tom. This aint Europe. A US Citizen can get in a car at Mexico City and drive up the Pan American Highway to Anchorage Alaska (> 8,000 km, which is farther then traveling from London to Beijing) and never need a passport!! Hell it's farther from my home to Los Angeles then it is to travel from London to Moscow!

I have been to the US a couple of times and I'm aware of its size and I also know that Beijing is nearly 14,000 kms from London. I also know that you could travel to Canada on an EDL in the past. I have a good friend who lives in Vancouver and his best friend is American, so I know this from them also. My comment was mostly designed to get a rise out of Yurt who never fails to rise to the bait, I hadn't predicted your outburst.
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Don't worry, Tom, you got a rise out of me...

I have been to the US a couple of times and I'm aware of its size and I also know that Beijing is nearly 14,000 kms from London. I also know that you could travel to Canada on an EDL in the past. I have a good friend who lives in Vancouver and his best friend is American, so I know this from them also. My comment was mostly designed to get a rise out of Yurt who never fails to rise to the bait, I hadn't predicted your outburst.

I was just surprized you would throw out that old beaten to death canard.
According to Answers.Com, the distance is 5,070 miles.

According to, 5,070 miles = 8159.374 km

I stand corrected, I was thinking that it take 12 hours to get to Bangkok and Beijing is another 4 hours from there. I blame that Mercator and his projections.
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I have been to the US a couple of times and I'm aware of its size and I also know that Beijing is nearly 14,000 kms from London. I also know that you could travel to Canada on an EDL in the past. I have a good friend who lives in Vancouver and his best friend is American, so I know this from them also. My comment was mostly designed to get a rise out of Yurt who never fails to rise to the bait, I hadn't predicted your outburst.

really, never...yet i didn't "rise" to this one

poor tom :(
So what made you think I was talking about you? I have always assumed you to be urbane and well travelled, that you feel it necessary to be the spokesman for all your fellow Americans is slightly puzzling though. I guess the old blood is thicker than water thing is really true.
Maybe it is the assumption thing you got going on there. "Americans" are this way so "some of these people" should "travel around and learn how the rest of the world is"... therefore you decide to tell us all about how you are superior...

I don't like people who think they are superior just based on where they were born, whether they are American or some jealous European...

Maybe it is the assumption thing you got going on there. "Americans" are this way so "some of these people" should "travel around and learn how the rest of the world is"... therefore you decide to tell us all about how you are superior...

I don't like people who think they are superior just based on where they were born, whether they are American or some jealous European...

Well Tom made the mistake of stereotyping but he does have a point. A lot of the people in the rural county I come from consider people over in the next county "foreigners".
Maybe it is the assumption thing you got going on there. "Americans" are this way so "some of these people" should "travel around and learn how the rest of the world is"... therefore you decide to tell us all about how you are superior...

I don't like people who think they are superior just based on where they were born, whether they are American or some jealous European...


Well Tom made the mistake of stereotyping but he does have a point. A lot of the people in the rural county I come from consider people over in the next county "foreigners".

but guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuys....i said:

My comment was mostly designed to get a rise out of Yurt who never fails to rise to the bait, I hadn't predicted your outburst.

yours truly,
