US passport

Maybe it is the assumption thing you got going on there. "Americans" are this way so "some of these people" should "travel around and learn how the rest of the world is"... therefore you decide to tell us all about how you are superior...

I don't like people who think they are superior just based on where they were born, whether they are American or some jealous European...


On the subject of sterotypes and assumptions, here is what Grind said on another thread. I happen to think he is mostly right but I doubt you will say anything about the sweeping generalisations made about your fellow Americans.

It's important to note that this is not a fringe person. This is what the vast majority of conservatives think in this country. They are all as stupid as this woman. This religious trash is holding us back.
Tom must have bad teeth. :chesh:

Not as bad as this guy! This is how they cure toothache in Mongolia.

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