Use this video to beat Communist posters in debate


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No Communist can deny or overcome the facts in this Prager U video.

All they can do is call you names and insult you.

Who Is Karl Marx? - Prager U (5:31)

The founders of the USA wrote the post office into the constitution

They didn’t even care if it paid for itself

They also did the Cumberland road

Both would fit the socialist ideals

The founders created a hybrid government unlike any government previously known by man at the time

Republicans just lie about everything
Liberals and Democrats don't support Communism.


Nah, they support totalitarian Socialism that amounts to the same thing. It's like why they changed to calling themselves "Progressives" rather than "Liberals." They turned the word liberal into such a pejorative and negative terms by their words, actions, and deeds, that they had to abandon it and get a new handle to replace it. Same with Communism. They still want it but they know you mention communism to anyone and instantly that person thinks they'll be bagged with piles of shit and ass fucked. So, they switch to a new brand name...
Nah, they support totalitarian Socialism that amounts to the same thing. It's like why they changed to calling themselves "Progressives" rather than "Liberals." They turned the word liberal into such a pejorative and negative terms by their words, actions, and deeds, that they had to abandon it and get a new handle to replace it. Same with Communism. They still want it but they know you mention communism to anyone and instantly that person thinks they'll be bagged with piles of shit and ass fucked. So, they switch to a new brand name...

Uh huh.
It's simple. In fact, it's two absolutes.

Every rule has an exception

And it's only known exception

Everything is a poison, it's simply a matter of dosage.

Both are universally true. You can move the target anywhere you like and you'll still hit a bulls eye.

You can even die from drinking too much water. There is nothing that can be taken at every dose and not kill you, including subjectivity.

Saying communism or capitalism etc. as a way of life and as an absolute, just makes you look like an asshole trying to radicalize fools by using buzzwords.

As americans, we're no true anything. You say, "no thats not right we're a democracy because blah blah blah" or you say, "no thats not right, we're a republic because blah blah blah." Neither of those are nearly as true as, "no, were a functional corruption, duh." Which isnt true at all now because there's absolutely nothing functional about this sht. It's just a plain old, "corrupt nepotism."

In short, anyone trying to tell you we're a capitalism is a thoughtless rhetorical partisan slime bucket who is simply trying to sell you out to someone else. Be my noun, it means something because i said so.

How would you like to be served?

Well done, or medium rare.
Nah, they support totalitarian Socialism that amounts to the same thing. It's like why they changed to calling themselves "Progressives" rather than "Liberals." They turned the word liberal into such a pejorative and negative terms by their words, actions, and deeds, that they had to abandon it and get a new handle to replace it. Same with Communism. They still want it but they know you mention communism to anyone and instantly that person thinks they'll be bagged with piles of shit and ass fucked. So, they switch to a new brand name...

It was teabaggers ( that keep changing names, they were republicans, then the moral majority, then conservatives, then constitutionalist, not in any particular order.

Teabaggers(www.teaparty.rg) totalitarianism, like January 6th, voter suppression and gerrymandering and trying to overturn elections.
Teabaggers ( socialism, al of it..............................CORPORATE.
No Communist can deny or overcome the facts in this Prager U video.

All they can do is call you names and insult you.

Who Is Karl Marx? - Prager U (5:31)

"All they can do is call you names and insult you".

Hmmmmmmm, reminds me of someone orange and in Palm Beach.

Who loves communist.

At the rally, Trump said of the world leaders: ‘One thing I’ve learnt, President Xi of China’s 100%. Putin of Russia, 100%. Kim Jong-un – by the way what happened to that war we were supposed to be in? – Kim Jong-un of North Korea, 100%.’
These people are sharp and they are smart. › news › trump-claims-kim-jong-un

'I was really being tough - and so was he. And we would go back and forth,” Trump told a rally in West Virginia.

“And then we fell in love, okay? No, really - he wrote me beautiful letters, and they’re great letters,” he said.
His supporters laughed and applauded. › article › us-northkorea-usa-trump
"All they can do is call you names and insult you".

Hmmmmmmm, reminds me of someone orange and in Palm Beach.

Who loves communist.

At the rally, Trump said of the world leaders: ‘One thing I’ve learnt, President Xi of China’s 100%. Putin of Russia, 100%. Kim Jong-un – by the way what happened to that war we were supposed to be in? – Kim Jong-un of North Korea, 100%.’
These people are sharp and they are smart. › news › trump-claims-kim-jong-un

'I was really being tough - and so was he. And we would go back and forth,” Trump told a rally in West Virginia.

“And then we fell in love, okay? No, really - he wrote me beautiful letters, and they’re great letters,” he said.
His supporters laughed and applauded. › article › us-northkorea-usa-trump

It was teabaggers ( that keep changing names, they were republicans, then the moral majority, then conservatives, then constitutionalist, not in any particular order.

Teabaggers(www.teaparty.rg) totalitarianism, like January 6th, voter suppression and gerrymandering and trying to overturn elections.
Teabaggers ( socialism, al of it..............................CORPORATE.

yeah. amazon sponsors the real peoples revolution.