Well...I won't call you names or insult you...even though you are a fucking moron and have the on-line personality of a brick, Dummie. But I gotta be honest with you.
Although I am not a communist or socialist (and frankly think the former is destructive of creativity and the latter is only successful if it borrows ideas extensively from capitalism/free enterprise)...I consider socialism to be a MUCH better choice than the kind of unfettered, irresponsible capitalism that American conservatives espouse.
That probably is because American capitalists have more than their fair share of ignorant, stupid sycophants among their numbers. They are, after all, supported by American conservatives.
As I see it, the socialist countries are making moves to borrow ideas from capitalistic societies...and are getting stronger in doing so. I am hopeful that America will finally chuck the hard-core American capitalism for a more human oriented variety...which means it will incorporate more ideas the socialists have developed.
I know...the idea of safety-net programs will be hated by people like you, Dummie...but who gives a shit about your type.