Use this video to beat Communist posters in debate

No Communist can deny or overcome the facts in this Prager U video.

All they can do is call you names and insult you.

Who Is Karl Marx? - Prager U (5:31)

How cute a cartoon made by a right wing kook about Marx to trigger the low IQ, how about actually reading Marx's works
No Communist can deny or overcome the facts in this Prager U video.

All they can do is call you names and insult you.

Who Is Karl Marx? - Prager U (5:31)

Well...I won't call you names or insult you...even though you are a fucking moron and have the on-line personality of a brick, Dummie. But I gotta be honest with you.

Although I am not a communist or socialist (and frankly think the former is destructive of creativity and the latter is only successful if it borrows ideas extensively from capitalism/free enterprise)...I consider socialism to be a MUCH better choice than the kind of unfettered, irresponsible capitalism that American conservatives espouse.

That probably is because American capitalists have more than their fair share of ignorant, stupid sycophants among their numbers. They are, after all, supported by American conservatives.

As I see it, the socialist countries are making moves to borrow ideas from capitalistic societies...and are getting stronger in doing so. I am hopeful that America will finally chuck the hard-core American capitalism for a more human oriented variety...which means it will incorporate more ideas the socialists have developed.

I know...the idea of safety-net programs will be hated by people like you, Dummie...but who gives a shit about your type.
You first have to find a communist, dumbfuck. :lolup:

I know.

One viewing of this video and the Commies who don't scurry away, make devious denials of their own political orientations and intentions.

You will like this video MUCH more. It describes what you are and what you love.

Paul Harvey: If I were the Devil...

CCV (Christ's Church of the Valley)
13.7K subscribers

Paul Harvey was an American radio broadcaster. He originally broadcast this on April 3rd, 1965. We watched it this weekend as we learned about why God must be first in every area of our lives.
im saying as trade policy as a nation, is it wise to allow all our jobs to go to overseas slaves?

No, no...we should keep them right here in the US of A.

We should have no trouble finding Americans to do those jobs at comparable wages paid my our over-seas competitors. There must be millions of Americans willing to work for 75 cents per hour...and American corporations, being as generous as they are, would probably be willing to kick that number up to $.85 per hour.
Well...I won't call you names or insult you...even though you are a fucking moron and have the on-line personality of a brick, Dummie. But I gotta be honest with you.

Although I am not a communist or socialist (and frankly think the former is destructive of creativity and the latter is only successful if it borrows ideas extensively from capitalism/free enterprise)...I consider socialism to be a MUCH better choice than the kind of unfettered, irresponsible capitalism that American conservatives espouse.

That probably is because American capitalists have more than their fair share of ignorant, stupid sycophants among their numbers. They are, after all, supported by American conservatives.

As I see it, the socialist countries are making moves to borrow ideas from capitalistic societies...and are getting stronger in doing so. I am hopeful that America will finally chuck the hard-core American capitalism for a more human oriented variety...which means it will incorporate more ideas the socialists have developed.

I know...the idea of safety-net programs will be hated by people like you, Dummie...but who gives a shit about your type.

The principle at work in your cogitations seems to be that if a little bit of Socialism (such as what you'd cite our society already has adopted) is good, a LOT MORE SOCIALISM MUST BE GREAT!

This compilation of 50 different mousetraps being set off by mice & rats who think like you, is instructive.

Montage of 50 Rodent Traps In Action. 8 Minutes of Mouse/Rat/Squirrel Traps In Action.

Sometimes you get no clue when you have gone too far, as these rodents have gone, before the trap is sprung and you are a statistic.

America must learn from the mistakes of others throughout history.

More Marxism will result in America joining the long list of 40+ nations which thought like you. You would have no recourse to offer America after we became the latest statistic of nations who got snared by a seductive dream which can ONLY mean death, destruction, deprivation and disaster for America.
No, no...we should keep them right here in the US of A.

We should have no trouble finding Americans to do those jobs at comparable wages paid my our over-seas competitors. There must be millions of Americans willing to work for 75 cents per hour...and American corporations, being as generous as they are, would probably be willing to kick that number up to $.85 per hour.

You seem like the kind of person who has an opinion on selfishness.

Socialism Makes People Selfish

2.89M subscribers

Which is better: socialism or capitalism? Does one make people kinder and more caring, while the other makes people greedy and more selfish? In this video, Dennis Prager explains the moral differences between socialism and capitalism, and why anyone who wants a kind and generous society must support one and oppose the other.
No Communist can deny or overcome the facts in this Prager U video.

All they can do is call you names and insult you.

Who Is Karl Marx? - Prager U (5:31)

Karl Marx is a cartoon character? OK. You win. :awesome:

I wonder how many on the right will recognize the following for the logical fallacy it is while supporting the same fallacy in the video

If you are still a fan of capitalism after all the deaths, suffering and destruction it's caused, that's your right.
Karl Marx is a cartoon character? OK. You win. :awesome:

I wonder how many on the right will recognize the following for the logical fallacy it is while supporting the same fallacy in the video

If you are still a fan of capitalism after all the deaths, suffering and destruction it's caused, that's your right.

Income Inequality is Good

2.89M subscribers

What if everything you've heard about income inequality is wrong? What if it's actually a good thing for there to be people who are rich and people who aren't? John Tamny, editor of RealClearMarkets, clarifies one of the big misunderstandings of our time
Karl Marx is a cartoon character? OK. You win. :awesome:

I wonder how many on the right will recognize the following for the logical fallacy it is while supporting the same fallacy in the video

If you are still a fan of capitalism after all the deaths, suffering and destruction it's caused, that's your right.

What if your understanding of Capitalism is wrong?

Is Communism Moral?
Premiered Apr 12, 2021

2.89M subscribers

Capitalism has produced freedom and crushed poverty. Communism has produced poverty and crushed freedom. So why is there still a debate as to which system is more moral?

Dennis Prager explains.
No, no...we should keep them right here in the US of A.

We should have no trouble finding Americans to do those jobs at comparable wages paid my our over-seas competitors. There must be millions of Americans willing to work for 75 cents per hour...and American corporations, being as generous as they are, would probably be willing to kick that number up to $.85 per hour.

nope. we should not trade with slave nations.

your idiocy is a race to the bottom.