Use this video to beat Communist posters in debate

I might be a liar but my statement about liberals and Democrats stand on it's own.

No, it doesn't.

Originally Posted by AProudLefty
Liberals and Democrats don't support Communism.

To be accurate, you could say that Liberals and Democrats ignorantly support Communism because they don't see it accurately and honestly.

This video speaks directly to that.

No, it doesn't.

To be accurate, you could say that Liberals and Democrats ignorantly support Communism because they don't see it accurately and honestly.

This video speaks directly to that.

By your logic, conservatives and Republicans support Fascism because they support crony capitalism and the rich elite.
I knew you wouldn't read the fine print. Go back and read my entire post by highlighting it. Thanks for proving you love your logical fallacies rather than facts.

Cleverness sometimes works against your interests.

But when the facts are not on your side, figurative tap dancing or being clever is the only card you can play.
for all you neocon fascists.

do you believe there was ever a place for unions in our history?

do you thnk it's fair to lay all progress on the altar of a "rising tide raises all ships" when the labor movement did happen and corporations were brought kicking and screaming out of the gilded age?
Cleverness sometimes works against your interests.

But when the facts are not on your side, figurative tap dancing or being clever is the only card you can play.

And when the facts aren't on your side sometimes posting inane videos is the only card you can play. And you have played that card several times already now.
You are one seductive salesman for Communism!

I was wondering where you could actually buy a brand new $40 cell phone as promised by your video salesman.

Then can you tell us how anyone can become a teacher as promised by your video salesman if they can't afford college in the US. It was a moronic video. And calling it moronic doesn't mean I am selling communism as your leap of illogic seems to imply. The video was moronic because it only compared the middle class to the elite and never dealt with the true income inequality which is the lower class that often struggles to afford food and shelter.
I know.

One viewing of this video and the Commies who don't scurry away, make devious denials of their own political orientations and intentions.

You will like this video MUCH more. It describes what you are and what you love.

Paul Harvey: If I were the Devil...


Here you go again, dumbing down the forum.
I was wondering where you could actually buy a brand new $40 cell phone as promised by your video salesman.

Then can you tell us how anyone can become a teacher as promised by your video salesman if they can't afford college in the US. It was a moronic video. And calling it moronic doesn't mean I am selling communism as your leap of illogic seems to imply. The video was moronic because it only compared the middle class to the elite and never dealt with the true income inequality which is the lower class that often struggles to afford food and shelter.

So, maybe the Leftist educational system and the mainstream media and Hollywood failed those people?

But if they get welfare entitlements why do they struggle?

And maybe they WOULD be better off under Communism.

Everything You've Ever Seen About Cuba Is A Lie

The principle at work in your cogitations seems to be that if a little bit of Socialism (such as what you'd cite our society already has adopted) is good, a LOT MORE SOCIALISM MUST BE GREAT!

Obviously logic is not your strong suit.

There is no way that "a lot more socialism must be great" derives logically from "a little bit of socialism is good."

Only a moron would attempt to make that "therefore."

I note that you made that attempt.

This compilation of 50 different mousetraps being set off by mice & rats who think like you, is instructive.

Montage of 50 Rodent Traps In Action. 8 Minutes of Mouse/Rat/Squirrel Traps In Action.

Sometimes you get no clue when you have gone too far, as these rodents have gone, before the trap is sprung and you are a statistic.

America must learn from the mistakes of others throughout history.


China is the most socialistic society that has ever existed on planet Earth...and it now has the second most robust economy going. More than likely, especially if people like Trump and his morons get more influence, it will soon become number 1.

More Marxism will result in America joining the long list of 40+ nations which thought like you. You would have no recourse to offer America after we became the latest statistic of nations who got snared by a seductive dream which can ONLY mean death, destruction, deprivation and disaster for America.

I want you to know that I forgive your pathetic reasoning, because I recognize that you are a dope.
You seem like the kind of person who has an opinion on selfishness.

Socialism Makes People Selfish

Only a fucking moron would think that socialism = making people selfish. And only a morbidly stupid American conservative would attempt to make that case.

I note you attempted to make that case.
I was wondering where you could actually buy a brand new $40 cell phone as promised by your video salesman.

Then can you tell us how anyone can become a teacher as promised by your video salesman if they can't afford college in the US. It was a moronic video. And calling it moronic doesn't mean I am selling communism as your leap of illogic seems to imply. The video was moronic because it only compared the middle class to the elite and never dealt with the true income inequality which is the lower class that often struggles to afford food and shelter.

Amazon has some cell phones even cheaper than $40.
Only a fucking moron would think that socialism = making people selfish. And only a morbidly stupid American conservative would attempt to make that case.

I note you attempted to make that case.

Capitalism has produced freedom and crushed poverty. Communism has produced poverty and crushed freedom. So why is there still a debate as to which system is more moral?
