The principle at work in your cogitations seems to be that if a little bit of Socialism (such as what you'd cite our society already has adopted) is good, a LOT MORE SOCIALISM MUST BE GREAT!
This compilation of 50 different mousetraps being set off by mice & rats who think like you, is instructive.
Montage of 50 Rodent Traps In Action. 8 Minutes of Mouse/Rat/Squirrel Traps In Action.
Sometimes you get no clue when you have gone too far, as these rodents have gone, before the trap is sprung and you are a statistic.
America must learn from the mistakes of others throughout history.
More Marxism will result in America joining the long list of 40+ nations which thought like you. You would have no recourse to offer America after we became the latest statistic of nations who got snared by a seductive dream which can ONLY mean death, destruction, deprivation and disaster for America.