Use this video to beat Communist posters in debate

you want to keep incentivizing slavery by buying slave goods.

I advocate we don't trade with nations who use slaves.

you are pro slavery.

I am anti slavery.

it's basic, jimmy jackass.

You are full of shit...and my guess is you are as much a hypocrite as Trump and his daughter are on the question of what you buy and where it is produced.

You assholes on the right live a bumper sticker existence.
Only minds that suppose bleach can be injected into the human body to combat Covid 19...thinks that tariffs on China will do anything of value to deter what you see as wrong about China...or help anyone here in America.

You are as much a fool as Trump.

you're a globalist brainwash victim. you're a combination of greedy and stupid most repellant.
No Communist can deny or overcome the facts in this Prager U video.

All they can do is call you names and insult you.

Who Is Karl Marx? - Prager U (5:31)

MORE homework assignments? Why don't you present your own thoughts and words and opinions, rather than mindlessly parroting other's?

BTW, there is no one here who claims to be a communist. In fact, of the thousands of people that I know both IRL and online, I've never met a single one.

You may return to tilting at windmills after this commercial break.

MORE homework assignments? Why don't you present your own thoughts and words and opinions, rather than mindlessly parroting other's?

BTW, there is no one here who claims to be a communist. In fact, of the thousands of people that I know both IRL and online, I've never met a single one.

You may return to tilting at windmills after this commercial break.


he's a shell of a human being, and empty carapace with remnants of juice and bits.
So, maybe the Leftist educational system and the mainstream media and Hollywood failed those people?

But if they get welfare entitlements why do they struggle?

And maybe they WOULD be better off under Communism.

Everything You've Ever Seen About Cuba Is A Lie

So rather than providing support for your first video and telling me where I can buy a brand new cell phone for $40 you simply post another inane video.

And when the facts aren't on your side posting inane videos is the only card you can play.
You must have meant that as a note to yourself.

American conservatives have been on the wrong side of history...and morality...from the day the Pilgrims first landed on this continent.


they got too corporate. that's where you are now. you're a fascist.

nobody is always right or always wrong. only siths deal in absolutes.
So rather than providing support for your first video and telling me where I can buy a brand new cell phone for $40 you simply post another inane video.

And when the facts aren't on your side posting inane videos is the only card you can play.

so you admit many of the alleged benefits of internationalist fascism are fictitious.
they got too corporate. that's where you are now. you're a fascist.

nobody is always right or always wrong. only siths deal in absolutes.

Philosophy also is not your strong suit, Ass.

The American conservatives of Revolutionary days were the ones telling us that we owed our allegiance to George III...and that the founding fathers were traitors.

During Civil War days...American conservatives were the traitors who were rebelling against the Union...and who wanted the right to have and trade in slaves. (They were Democrats at that time.)

The fuck-head American conservative can always be counted on to back the wrong horse.

You are one of them.
Philosophy also is not your strong suit, Ass.

The American conservatives of Revolutionary days were the ones telling us that we owed our allegiance to George III...and that the founding fathers were traitors.

During Civil War days...American conservatives were the traitors who were rebelling against the Union...and who wanted the right to have and trade in slaves. (They were Democrats at that time.)

The fuck-head American conservative can always be counted on to back the wrong horse.

You are one of them.

conservatism doesnt mean anything specific.

the appropriate measures are always contextual.

only a sith deals in absolutes.

you're basically a retarded moron.

i favor what the founding fathers achieved.

it's your lefty 1619 project that denigrates the founding fathers. are they on the wrong side of history?

are totalitarian revisionists on the wrong side of history?
conservatism doesnt mean anything specific.

the appropriate measures are always contextual.

only a sith deals in absolutes.

you're basically a retarded moron.

i favor what the founding fathers achieved.

it's your lefty 1619 project that denigrates the founding fathers. are they on the wrong side of history?

are totalitarian revisionists on the wrong side of history?

You are completely full of shit...and have now run into a road block in your "thinking."

The fucking American conservatives of Revolutionary America DID consider the founding fathers to be traitors.

The fucking American conservatives of Civil War America DID rebel against the Union...and did want slavery to be legal.

The fucking American conservatives of the early 20th century DID want isolationism.

American conservatives have been on the wrong side of history and morality from the very beginning...and American conservatism today has at its core the most dishonest, hypocritical pieces of shit ever to involve itself in American politics.

You are too fucking stupid to be ashamed of those of us with brains have to be ashamed for you.

One good thing: America has survived the American conservative horse shit so far...and will probably survive the American conservative horse shit of today.
You are completely full of shit...and have now run into a road block in your "thinking."
No i haven't.
The fucking American conservatives of Revolutionary America DID consider the founding fathers to be traitors.
that's why i said conservative doesn't mean anything.

that's why i said the appropriate measures are always contextual.

it's a different time now, puke.

Now it's the globalists like you who are pro slavery.
The fucking American conservatives of Civil War America DID rebel against the Union...and did want slavery to be legal.

The fucking American conservatives of the early 20th century DID want isolationism.

American conservatives have been on the wrong side of history and morality from the very beginning...and American conservatism today has at its core the most dishonest, hypocritical pieces of shit ever to involve itself in American politics.

You are too fucking stupid to be ashamed of those of us with brains have to be ashamed for you.

One good thing: America has survived the American conservative horse shit so far...and will probably survive the American conservative horse shit of today.

You're a total and complete moron. thanks for showing us all how stupid you really are.
MORE homework assignments? Why don't you present your own thoughts and words and opinions, rather than mindlessly parroting other's?

BTW, there is no one here who claims to be a communist. In fact, of the thousands of people that I know both IRL and online, I've never met a single one.

You may return to tilting at windmills after this commercial break.


You are one silly poster when you want to be, aren't you?

You just used up your last bit of credibility with me.

And I thought very highly of you when I first arrived.

Oh well, it is no different than what the Democrats have done. They accepted the "go for broke" attitude of the invaders and threw all caution to the wind to achieve victry in America at any cost.

And if they win, it won't matter because they gain control of America. And if they lose, it won't be THEIR credibility they lost, it would be the efforts of hard working, dedicated American's who built the media and journo industry.

No skin off the invader's backs if they lose.

You stink, Hootie.
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