I think your gripe is really with the extremists trying to take over America, whose cause and attitudes and tactics are indistinguishable from yours.
You THINK?????
Who are you trying to kid? You are an American conservative. You do not THINK!
I think your gripe is really with the extremists trying to take over America, whose cause and attitudes and tactics are indistinguishable from yours.
So, that was your expression, when Trump's "university' closed and you realized Dotard doesn't give refunds?
How do you get out of bed and actually go outdoors unattended, Asswipe? you?
Continue with your hysteria. Don't mind me laughing at you. I'm only one of MANY.
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win" (Mahatma Gandhi)
on to victory! #winning
Oh, so you think you are Mahatma Gandhi?
You are a fucking moron, Ass.
That is all you will ever be.
But you dumb enough to be happy with being a good on you.
you should be able to conjure up a more effective rebuttal then, but you can't.
Claiming superiority on the basis of who pays the cost of a cheap cell phone is the best you can do.
Time for a musical break.
Maxine Nightingale - Right Back Where We Started From
Not true.
I just know that a picture is worth a thousand words.
I post videos to help inform those who need information from those who have the information and communicate their information very effectively.
That's why you don't like the vids.
I communicate less effectively when I fail to use well produced audio visual aids.
That's why you want me to use my words and not Dennis Prager's or whoever the EXPERTS are whose info I share here.
You are like the media which wants to keep Americans unaware of the facts.
That is how an enemy attacks in this day and age and in this venue.
I can do better...MUCH BETTER, in fact. But I am sending my remarks to an American why do better. They are morons...and do not deserve "better."
Did you get your shots yet, Jerkoff?
So, where is this brand new cell phone that costs less than $40 with no other hidden fees? If Dennis Prager is such an expert certainly he would have used a real world example to support his conclusions, wouldn't he?
yes. accept your cognitive limitatiions.
I am smart enough to spell "limitations"
...ya know.
you're pathetic.
You are fucking stupid enough to post a comment on my cognitive "limitatiions" with a spelling error (typo) in it!
And you call me pathetic.
You really are a major league jerkoff.
But I am happy that you are a vaccinated major league jerkoff.
Now go back to masturbating's...or whatever else it is that you do when not fucking up.
no tard. it's you. see how dumb you are?
I suggest a warning label for now.
warning: parts or all of this product rely on slave labor from tyrannical governments.
what say youse?
my dad got one off consumer cellular for 30$. there's no doubt slavery can cut costs in the short term. but the long term affects are a race to the bottom.
please tell me I didn't convince you slavery is, in fact, awesome.
A phone with a contract locked in is not a $30 phone. It is a phone with hidden costs.
Examples that don't exist in the real world are not evidence of something working.
A phone with a contract locked in is not a $30 phone. It is a phone with hidden costs.
Examples that don't exist in the real world are not evidence of something working.