Use this video to beat Communist posters in debate

Those right-wing cartoons are very interesting. Sometimes I wonder if those artists realize they are involved in a propaganda.

Extremism in Defense of Liberty is No Vice? - Public Seminar
Search domain
Or as Barry Goldwater, in his acceptance speech as the 1964 Republican Presidential candidate put it concerning his core convictions: "extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!"
yeah. amazon sponsors the real peoples revolution.

Don't know about sponsoring but they do have the book.

Revolution: Trump, Washington and "We the People" Hardcover – February 25, 2020
by KT McFarland (Author)

When McFarland left the Trump Administration and Washington, she disappeared from public view and refused to discuss her experiences. Now, for the first time, McFarland tells a story that reads more like a political thriller than a tour through this unique moment in history. Written with unusual candor, with insights into Trump and his inner circle, Putin, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong-un, McFarland’s book is destined to become a classic.
Don't know about sponsoring but they do have the book.

Revolution: Trump, Washington and "We the People" Hardcover – February 25, 2020
by KT McFarland (Author)

When McFarland left the Trump Administration and Washington, she disappeared from public view and refused to discuss her experiences. Now, for the first time, McFarland tells a story that reads more like a political thriller than a tour through this unique moment in history. Written with unusual candor, with insights into Trump and his inner circle, Putin, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong-un, McFarland’s book is destined to become a classic.

im talking about amazon being blm positive. they really care I'm sure. so sincere.
You don't care about accuracy.

So why should anyone care about anything you post?

Mr. Irrelevant Award?

So, teabaggers ( have tossed their dear leader aside?

"So why should anyone care about anything you post"?

Teabagger ( projection and hypocrisy exposure.

An "award"?

Great do I get a bigger bowl than Dotard got?

Republicans Ridiculed For Gifting Trump ‘Made Up’ Tiny Bowl Award.

On Saturday night, Donald Trump embarrassed Republican donors by delivering a rambling, grievance-laden speech that attacked Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell as a “dumb son of a bitch.” This morning, by an odd coincidence, the National Republican Senatorial Committee announced it was creating a new annual prize: the Champion for Freedom Award. And the inaugural winner is … Donald J. Trump!
This is an interesting problem to solve. There must be even fewer Communists in the US than there are Christians - fifty? forty? twenty nine? Must be getting old, too!
This is the perfect Trumptard thread. They let a video speak for them because they cannot speak for themselves. Thanks for that.
So, if that's so, I would assume you can show us how that is and refute it using facts...
