Using tobacco proves you're a real conservative

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I usually last about six months, then cave, smoke for about three months then try again... One of these times I'll make it.
I hope to hell you do Damo. You're missing out on a lot of good things and not to mention short changing your family on the health front. What worked for me in quiting was behavior modification. I analysed all the behaviors I had that I associated with smoking and I quit those too. For the first six months I quit I would not drink alcohol, go to a bar or any public place that permitted smoking, I quit drinking coffee, I stopped associating with anyone who smoked (until I got a grip on the addiction) including friends and family members and I banned smoking in my home. In addition I focused on positive habits that reinforced behavior that was antithetical to smoking. I started exercising and riding my bike. I went fishing and canoing a lot and generally spent a lot of time out doors. I also focused on startegy. I would purposefully put my self into positions and places where it would be difficult to drop what you were doing to to grab a pack of smokes.

A good example of that is like after a meal when I craved a cigerette the most I would go out for a walk or a jog or go do some household chore, anything to keep my mind off of having a smoke.

The hard part though is that 3 to 6 months after you quit and when you get tempted. What helped me with that was my fear of death. I knew that smoking would kill me if I didn't quit and I would think about that when I got tempted. Do I want to die early?

Don't know how I managed to get through that period of time but it's those sneaky nicotene cravings you get from the 6 month point to the 2 year point that trip you up. If you can get past that 6 month point you have the physilogical addicion beat but you can't get complacent cause it takes about two years to beat the psychological addiction and that's what trips up most people who try but can't quit.

No you can't have just one. No you can't just smoke a couple a day. Yes, you will be a cigerette addict for the rest of your life even if, like me, you haven't had a cigerrette in nearly 20 years.
The gum worked for me. Now if I could quit the gum I'd be onto something.

LOL. At least it is cheaper than smoking. Even if you pay full price for the gum it is cheaper than the equivalent in cigarettes.

I'm on day 3 of my latest attempt to quit. I'm working with the girls on their black belt testing in Tae Kwon Do as a replacement for the nicotine deprivation. We've also begun lessons in Ninjitsu, Aikido, and Kung Fu (the last two are kissing cousins, easier to teach in concert)... soft arts are more difficult for kids to understand, it is necessary for them to be a bit older IMO to truly appreciate the usefulness of the tactics. As well as the far more deadly nature of some of what I teach in each of those arts. Kids need to show that they will be responsible with the knowledge before I'll show them the more advanced techniques that are in the softer arts that are designed to end a fight almost instantly.
I usually last about six months, then cave, smoke for about three months then try again... One of these times I'll make it.

Wow! I am shocked, I would never think of you as a smoker! Come on Damo, you can do this! Think of your kids and you future grand kids who would love you to be around for a long time.

My dad didn't stop smoking till he was 85. He started to get pneumonia, that is when he finally quit.
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LOL. At least it is cheaper than smoking. Even if you pay full price for the gum it is cheaper than the equivalent in cigarettes.

I'm on day 3 of my latest attempt to quit. I'm working with the girls on their black belt testing in Tae Kwon Do as a replacement for the nicotine deprivation. We've also begun lessons in Ninjitsu, Aikido, and Kung Fu (the last two are kissing cousins, easier to teach in concert)... soft arts are more difficult for kids to understand, it is necessary for them to be a bit older IMO to truly appreciate the usefulness of the tactics. As well as the far more deadly nature of some of what I teach in each of those arts. Kids need to show that they will be responsible with the knowledge before I'll show them the more advanced techniques that are in the softer arts that are designed to end a fight almost instantly.

Good luck.
Wow! I am shocked, I would never think of youas a smoker! Coe on Damo, you can do this! Think of your kids and you future grand kids who would love you to be around for a long time.

My dad isn't stop smoking till he was 85. He started to get pneumonia, that is when he finally quit.

One thing I can say from experience, when someone bugs you about quitting, it doesn't help. I used to backslide all the time, and there was always someone to say " I thought you quit" with either a smirk, or a disapproving look. I'd always be like, f you. LOL

But now that I am a complete non-smoker and have actually gotten to the point that the smell if it makes me sick, I do the same thing. "Oh you should quit" even though I know from experience that they are thinking "you should go f yourself".
One thing I can say from experience, when someone bugs you about quitting, it doesn't help. I used to backslide all the time, and there was always someone to say " I thought you quit" with either a smirk, or a disapproving look. I'd always be like, f you. LOL

But now that I am a complete non-smoker and have actually gotten to the point that the smell if it makes me sick, I do the same thing. "Oh you should quit" even though I know from experience that they are thinking "you should go f yourself".

I'm at the point now where I just say, "Yeah, I know." and just keep doing what I am. Even when I slide it is all part of the larger attempt to quit anyway... Every puff more shame.
I'm at the point now where I just say, "Yeah, I know." and just keep doing what I am. Even when I slide it is all part of the larger attempt to quit anyway... Every puff more shame.

It is all part of the larger attempt, that is so true. And once it's finally all over, and you look back, you can so clearly see that.
One thing I can say from experience, when someone bugs you about quitting, it doesn't help. I used to backslide all the time, and there was always someone to say " I thought you quit" with either a smirk, or a disapproving look. I'd always be like, f you. LOL

But now that I am a complete non-smoker and have actually gotten to the point that the smell if it makes me sick, I do the same thing. "Oh you should quit" even though I know from experience that they are thinking "you should go f yourself".

You are right, it has to be your decision alone.
I'm at the point now where I just say, "Yeah, I know." and just keep doing what I am. Even when I slide it is all part of the larger attempt to quit anyway... Every puff more shame.
If you are determined to quit you will do so when you are ready. For me my cycling helped out tremendously cause you simply can't ride seriously and smoke. Unfortunately for some they never can break the addiction. I hope you do. :)

When I first quit smoking what I hated was when I had finally got cigerettes off my mind and then someone would say or ask "Hey I heard you quit smoking, how's that going?" and I'd instantly would have a nicotene fit! LOL
I love how Top has to constantly make gay (literally and figuratively) jokes. It makes you wonder... :cof1:

Well, when one of your favorite sports is watching men roll around on a mat while wearing cups on their ears and one-piece girl's swimsuits trying to pin another guy to the floor it really helps if you can object convincingly when others wonder about you.

I can smoke a joint and not get a craving, and I never thought that would happen. :)

It took me about two years too. What a grip it gets on you.

[h=2]Using tobacco proves you're a real conservative[/h]

Using drugs proves you're a real liberal,......aka Democrat......aka Asshole.....aka Pinhead.....aka Doper.....

At lease I was always under control with a cigarette in my hand......