vacation starts today

off to Iowa to visit family...see you in a week...
I did that too. Went to my parents for a family reunion. Got the rest of the week off. Got a bit burned at the pool today and two cuties in bikini's were fussen over me. Tomorow I think i'll do.....NOTHING! :)

Poor wife couldn't get this week off. Well darn.
Yikes! That's the first time I've ever heard "Iowa" and "vacation" mentioned in the same sentence.

Enjoy the corn fields, or whatever!
You've never been to the Yellow River forest or the Maquoketa caves or spent a lazy summer afternoon on the bank of the river in Leclair fishin for channel cats. Anyone who thinks Iowa is only flat land and cornfield needs to do RAGBRAI.
You've never been to the Yellow River forest or the Maquoketa caves or spent a lazy summer afternoon on the bank of the river in Leclair fishin for channel cats. Anyone who thinks Iowa is only flat land and cornfield needs to do RAGBRAI.

Man, I'm so totally unhip. I have no clue what RAG-whatever means. :( I'll take your word on the awesomeness of Iowa. But to be honest, the only place in the fly over states I would remotely consider burning valuable vacation time on, is a trip through boundary waters. I think that crap would blow my mind.
James Kirk has a shitload of fun in Iowa, driving red sportscars off of cliffs, and whatnot!!


See ya in a week, PMP...

Iowa though... Yeah, Iowa.

Someday I plan to visit Nebraska (Omaha area), because all four of my grandparents came from there (two moved to Cali and met, two met in college and moved to Seattle), and so I thus have plenty of relatives floating around. Also, my dad currently owns farmland that he inherited from my late grandmother. The land is run by tenant farmers who sell the grain at a family store.
Thank God I don't ever have to see the mainland again unless i want to.

Whadda dump.
Man, I'm so totally unhip. I have no clue what RAG-whatever means. :( I'll take your word on the awesomeness of Iowa. But to be honest, the only place in the fly over states I would remotely consider burning valuable vacation time on, is a trip through boundary waters. I think that crap would blow my mind.
Well ok, Iowa is not exactly on the top of my vacation list either but it does have it's good points.