vacation starts today

Someday I plan to visit Nebraska (Omaha area), because all four of my grandparents came from there (two moved to Cali and met, two met in college and moved to Seattle), and so I thus have plenty of relatives floating around. Also, my dad currently owns farmland that he inherited from my late grandmother. The land is run by tenant farmers who sell the grain at a family store. don't have grain 'stores', 3d.....and you can't buy pigs at at a pet store either....
Apparently you have at least one. I can even ask someone what its called and get back to you sometime...

it might have been a feed mill....or perhaps an elevator....but it definitely wasn't a "store"......unless you were simply referring to storing grain.....
The title of it is X name Grain Co. I assume that means a store...

no.....a store is a place where people go to shop....they walk up and down aisles and select merchandise which they take to a counter and purchase......people don't walk into stores and say, do you have any fresh oats today?.....

you might find a livestock producer that purchases locally....calling up a feed mill and ordering for example, fifty tons of a mixture of ground corn and other products to be delivered to his farm.....

most grain is sold locally to cooperative elevators who sell by the train car load to places that grind wheat into flour or corn into ethanol or corn syrup....something like 60% of all corn grown in the US ends up as sweetener in soda pop.....less than 5% is consumed by humans as corn, corn flakes, or corn meal.......
We go to a feed store to buy mineral blocks, straw and alfalfa hay for our pygmy goats, and back in the day, we used to buy bags of GRAIN!!
Man, I'm so totally unhip. I have no clue what RAG-whatever means. :( I'll take your word on the awesomeness of Iowa. But to be honest, the only place in the fly over states I would remotely consider burning valuable vacation time on, is a trip through boundary waters. I think that crap would blow my mind.
RAGBRAI. It's an acronym for the Des Moine Registers Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa. It's the largest annual sponsored bike ride in the midwest (possibly even the country). You ride across Iowa over a week. If you like camping and out door activities you'd like RAGBRAI.
no.....a store is a place where people go to shop....they walk up and down aisles and select merchandise which they take to a counter and purchase......people don't walk into stores and say, do you have any fresh oats today?.....

you might find a livestock producer that purchases locally....calling up a feed mill and ordering for example, fifty tons of a mixture of ground corn and other products to be delivered to his farm.....

most grain is sold locally to cooperative elevators who sell by the train car load to places that grind wheat into flour or corn into ethanol or corn syrup....something like 60% of all corn grown in the US ends up as sweetener in soda pop.....less than 5% is consumed by humans as corn, corn flakes, or corn meal.......
I thought the shake down was like 60% corn syrup and about 30% for livestock feed and 10% for the rest.