Valentine's Day


Independent Thinker
This will be my first Valentine's Day with my girlfriend, and I'm looking for creative ideas. I've already made plans to go away for the weekend but that's about it so far. Any advice would be mucho appreciated. :)
This will be my first Valentine's Day with my girlfriend, and I'm looking for creative ideas. I've already made plans to go away for the weekend but that's about it so far. Any advice would be mucho appreciated. :)

Chocolate, wine, diamonds. Can't go wrong with any combination of these.
To a resort town about 100 miles away. It'll be friggin cold, but that probably won't be much of an issue. ;)

I was kind of hoping for something a bit more tangible in the way of information, but whatever. Look for something memorable in the area you are visiting. When I took my wife to San Diego for her 50th birthday, I arranged a special trip to the wild animal park. We toured the park in the back of a stakebed truck that drove through the animal paddocks rather than around them like the tram. I also arranged a swim with the dolphins at SeaWorld. While they were both things any member of the public are able to do, we were lucky to be alone in the truck and she had a very small group with the dolphins.
To a resort town about 100 miles away. It'll be friggin cold, but that probably won't be much of an issue. ;)

If you're going to go to a resort town, I assume they'll have some fancy type of spa that you can lodge in, such as this one in Blaine, WA:

See what kinds of sports she's into and bring the equipment (tennis, kayaking, golf, fishing, hiking, etc.) and do some of that while you're at it. Also make sure there's a nice dance club or jazz club or swing dance club in or near the town, because they will probably put on a kickass Valentine's Day Dance.

Hope this helps. Good luck, I hope you two enjoy yourselves!
You want something creative? Buy her chocolate, lingerie, diamonds, and flowers all during the year for no reason at all.

I don't do valentines day. Its a bogus holiday made up by jewelers, florists and candy stores. Its heavily one sided in favor of women, and it makes it look as though men have to "buy" the affections of their lady-love.
You want something creative? Buy her chocolate, lingerie, diamonds, and flowers all during the year for no reason at all.

I don't do valentines day. Its a bogus holiday made up by jewelers, florists and candy stores. Its heavily one sided in favor of women, and it makes it look as though men have to "buy" the affections of their lady-love.

At least if you are going to buy the stuff anyway, you can get good deals. I always have enjoyed Valentines in the school and college setting. People do funny things. In high school, girls wore hearts around their necks and were supposed to refrain from talking to a guy in order to maintain their heart. Guys could cash in all the hearts they collected for candy at the end of the day.

On St. Paddy's day we would wear shamrocks and it was the girl's turn to do the victimizing.
don't do an awesome job, cause then the gf will expect you to top yourself every follow year. leave room for improvement :)
Chocolate, wine, diamonds. Can't go wrong with any combination of these.

True, though diamonds are probably a bit much to hope for in today's economy. AFter all, "WOMEN WHO DATE BANKERS" are having their Bergdoff allowances cut Ann. Don't be greedy!

Personally I am a classics girl. I have to have the dozen long stem red roses, and I like them delivered. When my bf and I first started dating, he said something that made me think he was going to send me roses at home, and I was like, um, you totally have to send that kind of thing to work, you know that right? So he didn't say anything but he sent them to work and the card said "roses are red, violets are blue, i hope all of the girls are jealous of you"

And I laughed so hard. He has always seen through me, but liked me anyway. But anyway, yeah, got to have the roses on Valentine's Day. I just love them. The rest of the year I like peach colored roses, or lavender.
True, though diamonds are probably a bit much to hope for in today's economy. AFter all, "WOMEN WHO DATE BANKERS" are having their Bergdoff allowances cut Ann. Don't be greedy!

Personally I am a classics girl. I have to have the dozen long stem red roses, and I like them delivered. When my bf and I first started dating, he said something that made me think he was going to send me roses at home, and I was like, um, you totally have to send that kind of thing to work, you know that right? So he didn't say anything but he sent them to work and the card said "roses are red, violets are blue, i hope all of the girls are jealous of you"

And I laughed so hard. He has always seen through me, but liked me anyway. But anyway, yeah, got to have the roses on Valentine's Day. I just love them. The rest of the year I like peach colored roses, or lavender.

Roses are definitely good. :clink: Should be champagne glasses, but I'll use what's available. ;) The work deliveries, ah yes a very smooth move.
You want something creative? Buy her chocolate, lingerie, diamonds, and flowers all during the year for no reason at all.

I don't do valentines day. Its a bogus holiday made up by jewelers, florists and candy stores. Its heavily one sided in favor of women, and it makes it look as though men have to "buy" the affections of their lady-love.

We're the same. We have a sort of pact concerning programmed gift-giving occasions such as Valentine's Day. We're just good to each other year-round, and occasionally might use a birthday to do something special. It seems that the programmed occasions might get in the way of that somehow. I don't care about diamonds, but would really like a 15-foot Agility tunnel surprise sometime soon! :)
We're the same. We have a sort of pact concerning programmed gift-giving occasions such as Valentine's Day. We're just good to each other year-round, and occasionally might use a birthday to do something special. It seems that the programmed occasions might get in the way of that somehow. I don't care about diamonds, but would really like a 15-foot Agility tunnel surprise sometime soon! :)

Maybe your hubby thinks you are agile enough already? :cof1:
This will be my first Valentine's Day with my girlfriend, and I'm looking for creative ideas. I've already made plans to go away for the weekend but that's about it so far. Any advice would be mucho appreciated. :)

Don't do it dude. You are going to have to top what you do this year every year going forward. You are setting yourself up for disaster. And serious, make sure your gal celebrates Steak and BJ day with you. You have to lay the ground work early or she'll walk all over you later. Good luck.
Maybe your hubby thinks you are agile enough already? :cof1:

LOL! The problem is that we have two small, flimsy practice tunnels, but our Aussie is, let's say, clumsy and a big guy for his breed (52 lbs.). Though he's not the one involved in Agility training, he does like to play along and has, through his enthusiasm, broken the supports for both tunnels. The usual supports aren't workable for this design. I need something substantial that he can also enjoy without the risk of breaking it.

The border collie is much more delicate in his approach to the equipment. Rory, however, just seems to forget much of the time that he has a back end.
Don't do it dude. You are going to have to top what you do this year every year going forward. You are setting yourself up for disaster. And serious, make sure your gal celebrates Steak and BJ day with you. You have to lay the ground work early or she'll walk all over you later. Good luck.

Seriously, where do you guys get these crazy ideas? What is this "you'll have to top yourself every year" thing? I never heard of anything like that. If you don't make the grand gestures early in the relationship, you'll never make them.

And wtf is steak and blowjob day? You people are such whiners. I'd love to have been a fly on the wall during that whinefest. ohhhh girls have valentines day and what do we have?

That is such a stereotype. If you are with a woman who is not doing something for you on Valentine's day, which is a holiday for both genders, then that is your bad judgement. I love Valentine's day and have always done something really nice, sweet, and often sexy, for it.
Seriously, where do you guys get these crazy ideas? What is this "you'll have to top yourself every year" thing? I never heard of anything like that. If you don't make the grand gestures early in the relationship, you'll never make them.

And wtf is steak and blowjob day? You people are such whiners. I'd love to have been a fly on the wall during that whinefest. ohhhh girls have valentines day and what do we have?

That is such a stereotype. If you are with a woman who is not doing something for you on Valentine's day, which is a holiday for both genders, then that is your bad judgement. I love Valentine's day and have always done something really nice, sweet, and often sexy, for it.

I'm not 100% anti-Valentine's Day because no woman wants to be alone on that day so there are often good 'anti-Valentine's Day' parties and the bars are usually full so its a good day to be out meeting people.

(Generally speaking) relationships are about setting expectations and if you fail at that as a male you set yourself to be walked over the remainder of your relationship. (Women run relationships anyway but you can dermine to what degree)
I'm not 100% anti-Valentine's Day because no woman wants to be alone on that day so there are often good 'anti-Valentine's Day' parties and the bars are usually full so its a good day to be out meeting people.

(Generally speaking) relationships are about setting expectations and if you fail at that as a male you set yourself to be walked over the remainder of your relationship. (Women run relationships anyway but you can dermine to what degree)

Whatever! Another bitter male.

I forgot about those anti-valentine's day parties. My friend Ilene went to one last year. I bet that would be a marvelous place to market my weenie-patch!