Valentine's Day

Well first of all, for anyone to be asking for Valentine's Day advice on a political message board i would normally suggest that you may as well just give up and accept a lifetime of celibacy and/or sustained periods of frenzied self-abuse.

However, seeing as this is Damocles' political message board which, almost uniquely amongst its peers, combines the heady mixture of barely suppressed passion and repulsive perversion in almost equal measure, you may just have struck lucky.

The perfect Valentine's gift, eh?

One word for you - sculpture.

What woman could resist a perfect facsimile of their beloveds profile fashioned, and this is the romantic part, from your own frozen blood? You have to use your own mind, no cheating with pig's blood or anything. They can always tell.
Well first of all, for anyone to be asking for Valentine's Day advice on a political message board i would normally suggest that you may as well just give up and accept a lifetime of celibacy and/or sustained periods of frenzied self-abuse.

However, seeing as this is Damocles' political message board which, almost uniquely amongst its peers, combines the heady mixture of barely suppressed passion and repulsive perversion in almost equal measure, you may just have struck lucky.

The perfect Valentine's gift, eh?

One word for you - sculpture.

What woman could resist a perfect facsimile of their beloveds profile fashioned, and this is the romantic part, from your own frozen blood? You have to use your own mind, no cheating with pig's blood or anything. They can always tell.
Yeah, it always tastes differently when you try to cheat. It's a dead giveaway.

I'd also suggest to not be stingy on the m&ms..
Well first of all, for anyone to be asking for Valentine's Day advice on a political message board i would normally suggest that you may as well just give up and accept a lifetime of celibacy and/or sustained periods of frenzied self-abuse.

However, seeing as this is Damocles' political message board which, almost uniquely amongst its peers, combines the heady mixture of barely suppressed passion and repulsive perversion in almost equal measure, you may just have struck lucky.

The perfect Valentine's gift, eh?

One word for you - sculpture.

What woman could resist a perfect facsimile of their beloveds profile fashioned, and this is the romantic part, from your own frozen blood? You have to use your own mind, no cheating with pig's blood or anything. They can always tell.

Ok, gross, but up until the last paragraph I was with you. I love sculputures! What is more beautiful than Rodin's The Kiss sculpture? And I have this beautiful Cupid and Psyche sculpture that I got from The Museum Store. Very romantic gifts.
Ok, gross, but up until the last paragraph I was with you. I love sculputures! What is more beautiful than Rodin's The Kiss sculpture? And I have this beautiful Cupid and Psyche sculpture that I got from The Museum Store. Very romantic gifts.
I like Caryatid better:


She makes me sad.
Ok, gross, but up until the last paragraph I was with you. I love sculputures! What is more beautiful than Rodin's The Kiss sculpture? And I have this beautiful Cupid and Psyche sculpture that I got from The Museum Store. Very romantic gifts.

Christ. The bloke who got you 'The Kiss' really must have been smitten.
Rodin is by far my favorite sculptor. Another of my favorites is "La Belle Heaulmiere".

But one of his best is enough for anybody to consider deeply in a day.

I'll give my personal feelings on that one later. I think I have something in my eye...
I'm not 100% anti-Valentine's Day because no woman wants to be alone on that day so there are often good 'anti-Valentine's Day' parties and the bars are usually full so its a good day to be out meeting people.

(Generally speaking) relationships are about setting expectations and if you fail at that as a male you set yourself to be walked over the remainder of your relationship. (Women run relationships anyway but you can dermine to what degree)

Forgive me, cawacko, but as you brought it up ... I can safely guess that you are not currently in a relationship, no? A relationship such as you've described above has pretty much no hope of success. Sorry, guy!
Ok, my bf just called and he is on his way home. So I will find out about this steak and blowjob holiday from a guy a trust. Because I know that you shitheads are always making stuff up to confuse me with.
Ok, my bf just called and he is on his way home. So I will find out about this steak and blowjob holiday from a guy a trust. Because I know that you shitheads are always making stuff up to confuse me with.

Ok, at least we get to find out some important things about Darla's boyfriend.

Any guy who denies the existence of Steak & Blowjob Day is either demented or imaginary.
Ok, my bf just called and he is on his way home. So I will find out about this steak and blowjob holiday from a guy a trust. Because I know that you shitheads are always making stuff up to confuse me with.
It sounds like a fantastic holiday. I wish we celebrated it more than once a year.