Valentine's Day

I'm extremely confused.

But that's ok. I've decided to keep it traditional. I'm giving her a hand-made card, chocolates, and roses, and taking her out for dinner at a nice restaurant. She's already admitted to buying lingerie, so the remainder of the evening is all set. ;)
I have the best bf in the whole world and he is definitely not imaginary, but that is all I will say about this whole steak and bj debacle.

Good night. :)
So he told you the truth about March 14th? Cool

Enjoy that holiday as well.
Rodin is by far my favorite sculptor. Another of my favorites is "La Belle Heaulmiere".

But one of his best is enough for anybody to consider deeply in a day.

I'll give my personal feelings on that one later. I think I have something in my eye...

best museum in europe.....
I have the honeymoon suite reserved at the hyatt. Roses, her fav wine and a dinner at a swanky restaurant. And a couple little sparkly things (no I did not go to jarods).

Ohh and taking some good books to read :D