
Tarantulas and the like.

I peel my bananas before I eat them for the "other" uses I dont think they do.

Desh, this is a great post. It made me laugh so hard.

I peel bananas before I eat them too and have never tried peeling one after I ate it.

And, though I have had some metrosexual type boyfriends, I've never made love to an actual fruit.
You poor thing. A carrot? Mine's more like a pickle you buy at the fair, but with less bumps.

"Less" bumps?? This is a problem beefy. Even one single bump. In medical terminology, those "bumps" are called genital warts.
"Sex is a very effective form of outreach and activism," said Dan Shannon, a PETA spokesman, and 10-year veteran vegan, who thought meat eaters could be converted by their partners.

Nobody has a problem with PETA turning out their supporters?
Damocles said:
Originally Posted by Damocles
Nobody has a problem with PETA turning out their supporters?

I'd be prepared to make the sacrifice of pretending to be a vegetarian in exchange for sex.

But i'd always return to my beloved bacon in the end.

I still doubt Damo will have sex with you...but applause for the try. He's a tough nut to crack.
Turning out their supporters? Meaning, that they are encouraging them to have sex with meat-eaters and convert them?
"Turn out" is a phrase used by pimps. After they have control of the girl, apartment food etc comes from them, they "turn them out" and demand some repayment.

In this case, the John is to pay by "converting" because Vegan sex is so good I guess. Once converted I am sure the woman would either be no use to PETA or they'd set her on the next John.

Go stand on the corner wench, we need converts.
"Turn out" is a phrase used by pimps. After they have control of the girl, apartment food etc comes from them, they "turn them out" and demand some repayment.

In this case, the John is to pay by "converting" because Vegan sex is so good I guess. Once converted I am sure the woman would either be no use to PETA or they'd set her on the next John.

Go stand on the corner wench, we need converts.

You go stand on the corner...I can't convert women.
No, it's quite disturbing. I really don't want to know what Charver is doing with bacon in his end, thanks.

I was going to be all clever and that by using the internets to find some seedy pictures of nubile human forms clad in bacon but, even with my first class degree in perversion from Oxbridge University, my search has proved unsuccessful.'ll just shuffle off quietly.
hmm never heard of a bacon fetish.....

But I do so enjoy eating seared decaying swine flesh :)

just plain yummy. Esp with some vegan tomatoes and lettuce in a sandwitch.
Or with fried chicked embryos.