Venezuelan Oil Reaches Alaska Villages


Villified User
Venezuelan Oil Reaches Alaska Villages

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- Alaskan villages have begun receiving a much-criticized donation of heating fuel from the Venezuelan oil company Citgo, about two months later than organizers had hoped.

More than 11,000 homes in rural Alaska are eligible for 100 gallons each as part of Citgo's pledge to donate 1 million gallons of heating fuel to poor Americans.

Coordinators of the giveaway, led by the Alaska Inter-Tribal Council, had hoped vouchers would reach villages by Nov. 1. But Citgo needed paperwork verifying addresses and head of households for every home in more than 150 villages - an enormous undertaking in many remote areas, said Steve Sumida of the tribal council.

Citgo's $5.2 million gift drew a barrage of criticism because of Venezuela President Hugo Chavez's combative attitude toward U.S. policy, particularly after he called President Bush the "devil" in a speech at the United Nations in September. Houston-based Citgo Petroleum Corp. is owned by the Venezuelan government.

Still, more than 150 Alaska villages took advantage of the offer, and residents began receiving vouchers late last month that can be redeemed at local fuel sellers, the Anchorage Daily News reported.

"It was a great way to start the new year," said Gambell resident Jennifer Apatiki, whose husband hauled home a 55-gallon drum of free heating oil late last month. Heating fuel costs $4.65 a gallon in Gambell, and Apatiki said she has spending more than $600 a month to heat her home this winter.

"Devil, angel, whoever gave it to us, we're grateful," she said.
Thank goodness! We have had some seriously cold weather here in Alaska this winter!
yeah, that jackass Chavez just stole billions of US citizens dollars by nationalizing there oil companies.
It seems like every country that has ever nationalized their oil companies immediately became enemies and terrorist countries.....hmmmm
you two political hatchet men don't realize the the little blue haired old ladies in your neighborhood own exxon.
you two political hatchet men don't realize the the little blue haired old ladies in your neighborhood own exxon.
It's because they really don't want to. Rather than seek truth it is so much easier to make others feel mad if they pretend that nobody except some evil morphed "multi-nationals" rather than people own the company. That no American can be hurt by the actions of a Venezuelan President regardless of the fact he took from them...

So, let them live in that world. Nobody owns companies except special morphed "eviL", not one American could be hurt by a Government doing anything to any company...
It's because they really don't want to. Rather than seek truth it is so much easier to make others feel mad if they pretend that nobody except some evil morphed "multi-nationals" rather than people own the company. That no American can be hurt by the actions of a Venezuelan President regardless of the fact he took from them...

So, let them live in that world. Nobody owns companies except special morphed "eviL", not one American could be hurt by a Government doing anything to any company...
And the two of you do not want to face the fact that your observation about "blue haired old ladies" is a relatively trivial one.

The overwhelming majority of personal wealth -- especially including equity in major coporations -- is owned by only one or two percent of the American populace. That percentage is shrinking, too. Any alleged damage from Chavez' actions or Congress' actions is born by that tiny minority to an overwhelming degree as well.
Ornot your and idiot and a socialist.
It's ok to steal from the rich, you should change your name to robin hood.
Check out some old enron collapse testimony and see how many regular jows and middle class lost their whole retirements.
You are right in the 1% but exxon has several million shareholders, not even a majority of them are millionaires you twit.
And the two of you do not want to face the fact that your observation about "blue haired old ladies" is a relatively trivial one.

The overwhelming majority of personal wealth -- especially including equity in major coporations -- is owned by only one or two percent of the American populace. That percentage is shrinking, too. Any alleged damage from Chavez' actions or Congress' actions is born by that tiny minority to an overwhelming degree as well.
Once again, shareholders, while also being in that one percent, are over half of the US population in 401Ks, etc. Pretending that stock effects will not harm those poor with a small 401K is simply pretense. It just shows that the emotional feel-good of "sticking it to the superEVIL morphed inhuman multis owned only by the not-really-human top 1%" is far more important that facing the fact that it hurts more than that "top 1%".

It's a way to convince people to vote against their own economic interest based on ignorance of where their own money is "saved" for their retirement.
Ornot, I guess it would be ok for you if the US confiscated toyota's plants in the us.

Can you post a link, showing that Chavez is going to confiscate Exxon's interest in the orinoco oil belt?

From what I've read, he's going to compensate them for their interest, so that Venezuela can have a majority interest, and allow them to maintain a minority interest in the project.
cypress come on your playing party hack against your intilect.
Paying them when they don't want to sell is all but confiscating.
If he gave Chevron the market value, I'd be all to happy to sell. He's not!!!!
So they are in another country and have to live with that countries rules. Should we impose our business "ethics" on all countries in the world ?