Venezuelan Oil Reaches Alaska Villages

Get a clue they wanted our investment dollars and expertise, now that the projects are up and running they are stealing them.
Here's a tip for you don't bet on Venz.
They are going down the same shithole Cuba did.
Cuba has gotten along pretty well without us.
I am not betting on VZ, just think we should not try and run their country.
Cuba has gotten along pretty well without us.
I am not betting on VZ, just think we should not try and run their country.
So well that people are willing to sail the ocean on car doors tied together to get elsewhere... That's true success!
Of course I am, only idiot libbies with half brains are against wallmart.
I don't own the stock but if it were a lot cheaper like oil companies I'd be glad to own it.
The only thing I'm against are the white collar criminals.
Wall mart has made millions of investors rich and lowered millions of families shopping bills and provided good jobs for thousands of undereducated americans.
k, I figured you were pro wally world. I am not really pro, but see it as a sign of the times and do shop there. Why pay more in another store for the same item made in China.
So why should people that get free oil complain as to where it came from ?
he can give me all the free oil he wants.
Just pointing out that he is a thief and doesn't even look out for his poor.
Our average per capita is about $45,000 theres is prob $4,500.
cypress come on your playing party hack against your intilect.
Paying them when they don't want to sell is all but confiscating.
If he gave Chevron the market value, I'd be all to happy to sell. He's not!!!!

Okay, I thought you were implying Venezuela was going to take their interest in venzeualan oil fields without compensation.

I think you need to turn off the rush limbaugh. From what I've read, Venezuela is willing to keep foreign partners, as minority partners. If Exxon's smart, they'll still be making money in venezuela.
Yep it is a matter of greed, Not making as much money as they want to, becuase Hugo us routing more oil money back into his country to help his people. He did get recently re-elected by a far larger margin than Bush did.
toppers, calm down.

You've been in the oil business like me. I doubt Chavez is going to choke off all foreign investment. He'd be stupid if he does. This is about domestic venezuealan politics.

From everything I've read in the business journals (not from listening to Sean Hannity), foreign companies will still be able to have interests in oil fields as minority partners. Venezeuala will keep a majority interest. I suspect the vast majority of venezuelans support this. Countries do what they think is in their best interest.

We kept an arab company from buying our ports, and a Chinese oil company from buying UNOCAL, because we thought it was in our best interests.
Very good points Cypress. Is it a deal that it is ok for us to do it to someone, but not ok for them to do it to us ?
cypress, everything you said is exactly true.
As a shareholder I don't take to kindly to being forced to sell at "HIS" price.
Your on crack if you think he's giving us market value, and I think I've displayed the market savy to you to be light years beyond hannity for business news. Say on CNBC where he did a land grab from a vinyard owner for a gift to a union.
What you say is easy when he's not stealing "YOUR MONEY"
Is it your money ? Does it cut into possible future profits or into money you actually slready have in hand have in hand. Stocks are a gamble not a guarantee.
Decisions by the government that have benefitted the stock prices in the past and current ...well I seem to never hear you complain about them ;)
Decisions and actions by our own government have had many impacts on our stock value over the years, both negative and positive.
And this deal with Hugo is by another government not even our own. So what have we to complain about ?
cypress, everything you said is exactly true.
As a shareholder I don't take to kindly to being forced to sell at "HIS" price.
Your on crack if you think he's giving us market value, and I think I've displayed the market savy to you to be light years beyond hannity for business news. Say on CNBC where he did a land grab from a vinyard owner for a gift to a union.
What you say is easy when he's not stealing "YOUR MONEY"

Well, I don't think oil that is located in the sovereign ground of the nation of venezuela is "my money". I think its their resource, and I hope we can do business with them.

Topper, surely you realize that contract renegotiation in third world countries is quite common. Its one of the business risks of doing business in the developing world. It might suck sometimes, but that's a business risk. If venezuela fucks up, they'll lose all foreign investment. Which I doubt will happen.

I've been reading the business journals. Chevron, StatOil, and TOTAL all appear to be onboard to renegotiate thier contracts, giving Venezuela a majority equity interest in the Orinoco field. Its better to have a 40% equity interest than a zero equity interest, don't you agree?
sure I'm on board too, hopefully we can get more than 50% of our market value.
And hopefully we'll do an imbargo or sanctions on Venz like cuba.
There market is already crashing.
The USA do an oil embargo on Hugoland ? Yeah like we won't buy oil wherever we can ;)
Are you familiar with the expression of "Cut of your own nose to spite your face" ?
rofl, you anti bush/anti corp douch bags would rather tax an destroy your domestic oil industry than refuse to buy from thief's and terrorist.