Venezuelan Oil Reaches Alaska Villages

rofl, you anti bush/anti corp douch bags would rather tax an destroy your domestic oil industry than refuse to buy from thief's and terrorist.

calm down toppers. Nobody is going to destroy the domestic oil industry. We have some of the lowest taxes and royalties on oil production on the planet - even with a modest increase in royalty fees.
you've surely shown yourself to be that simple

You are the one advocating a butt simple answer for a complex problem.

And yes, I am a pretty straightforward simple man. Not much fluff or plastic for me.

It must be really stressful to project so much fear all the time Spin ? why do you do it ?
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yeah, that jackass Chavez just stole billions of US citizens dollars by nationalizing there oil companies.

bingo! that's what iraq is all about. the oil cos and america is taking back what they think is theirs. If it wasn't for the us and the oil cos, iraq would still be living as 500 years ago (oops, they are, but they wouldn't have any money!).

the oil cos feel theya re takin back what was stolen from them when iraq nationalized the oil industry 9early 70s I think?)
i wonder if it was really oil from venezuala? citgo has big operations here in the states, so that oil may have been sucked out of the ground, refined and shipped reight here!!! maybe even from alaska!!!!!

maybe we need to "nationalize" foriegn run oil companies here in the states (with all the operations turned over for the US owned co's to run)!!! heheheheh
I don't insist on dirt cheap energy, for the good of alternative energys growth thereby taking some of the oil ammo from terrorists, I think Gas needs to be around $3/gal.