Very, Very cool...


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Paper Battery Turns a New Page in Portable Power
August 27, 2007

A battery as thin as a sheet of paper would be just the thing for an upcoming generation of tiny mobile phones and other cutting-edge communications gadgets.

Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy N.Y., say their new nanoengineered energy storage device is lightweight, ultra thin, completely flexible and geared toward meeting the trickiest design and energy requirements of tomorrow's gadgets. Along with its ability to function in temperatures up to 300 degrees Fahrenheit and down to 100 below zero, the battery is completely integrated and can be printed like paper. The device is also unique in that it can function as both a high-energy battery and a high-power capacitor, which are generally separate components in most electrical systems. Another key feature is the capability to use human blood or sweat to help power the battery.


Paper Battery Turns a New Page in Portable Power
August 27, 2007

A battery as thin as a sheet of paper would be just the thing for an upcoming generation of tiny mobile phones and other cutting-edge communications gadgets.

Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy N.Y., say their new nanoengineered energy storage device is lightweight, ultra thin, completely flexible and geared toward meeting the trickiest design and energy requirements of tomorrow's gadgets. Along with its ability to function in temperatures up to 300 degrees Fahrenheit and down to 100 below zero, the battery is completely integrated and can be printed like paper. The device is also unique in that it can function as both a high-energy battery and a high-power capacitor, which are generally separate components in most electrical systems. Another key feature is the capability to use human blood or sweat to help power the battery.


I heard about this the Bacteria battery?
I saw this the ohter day and it will really change things if they can perfect it soon.

This makes the elelctric car so much easier to accomplish
as with most state universities as well. My point is that contrary to what some have said without govt help we would not have nearly all the tech advances that we currently enjoy.
as with most state universities as well. My point is that contrary to what some have said without govt help we would not have nearly all the tech advances that we currently enjoy.

Which I still contend is bullshit. The corporations are not going to let the pipeline dry up. If you reduce or eliminate government spending, they will be forced to pick up the slack. Contrary to what a few tools like Cypress think... corporations do think and plan for the long term as well as the short term.
Which I still contend is bullshit. The corporations are not going to let the pipeline dry up. If you reduce or eliminate government spending, they will be forced to pick up the slack. Contrary to what a few tools like Cypress think... corporations do think and plan for the long term as well as the short term.

right the subprime industry is an example of this....
two quick points...

1) RPI is a PRIVATE university, not public

2) While they have received grants from NIH, they also have very strong corporate ties.

Correct, like virtually ALL research universities (public OR private) they get a mix of private funding and PUBLIC funding.

In fact, a recent tally of the research grants they get, appear to show on cursory review, that the overwhelming majority of the grants they get for research come from public funds.

The National Science Foundation and NIH grants alone, appear to make up the majority.
Correct, like virtually ALL research universities (public OR private) they get a mix of private funding and PUBLIC funding.

In fact, a recent tally of the research grants they get, appear to show on cursory review, that the overwhelming majority of the grants they get for research come from public funds.

The National Science Foundation and NIH grants alone, appear to make up the majority.

ahhh... the king of cherry pickers strikes again. You are looking at TWO months from 2004???

The BULK comes from their endowment you tool. Which is PRIVATE money.
ahhh... the king of cherry pickers strikes again. You are looking at TWO months from 2004???

The BULK comes from their endowment you tool. Which is PRIVATE money.

I'm getting pretty sick of the tool comments.

The endowment pays for the salaries, the operations, the adminstration, and the facilities of the university, for the most part. That's standard for a private university. The icing on the cake - core scientific research - is still funded by grants, private and public. That's what university professors spend half they're time doing: writing grant proposals.

Would you mind explaining to me, tool, why on the drinking age thread, you called me a tool and a moron, for saying the exact same thing that Socretease said? But, when socretease said it, you said "Thanks dude!"

personally, I think you're jealous of my awesomeness and sexiness super freak: you call me a tool and a moron for a plethora of assertions I make, and then when other people come on the thread and agree with what I said, you're all agreeing with them. LOL

Just admit it, you're jealous!