Very, Very cool...

Good Lord...............

How can SF and Cypress get so excited over this thread..after all endowments don't come outta their pockets..who cares what the donator wants to spend them on!..Y'all can apply for federal grants...anyone can!;)
"Without endowment funds to pay for milliondollar labs and big compensation packages, engineering schools may have trouble enticing star faculty researchers-and the grants that come with them. "


CONSTRUCTION AND SALARY COSTS...exactly like I said. Endowment moneay pays for the operatonal, salary, and maintainece costs. That's cool. We all knew that about private universities already: NIH and NSF do NOT pay for the construction costs of buildings and labs at universities.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has been awarded a grant by the National Institutes of Health for training doctoral students in Biomolecular Science and Engineering. The grant, along with matching funds from Rensselaer, will provide funding for six Ph.D. candidates annually. The program will be conducted jointly with the Wadsworth Center of the New York State Department of Health and will involve 20 faculty from both institutions. The fellowships will cover full tuition and provide a stipend of up to $22,000 annually for two years. Women and minority students are especially encouraged to apply. "

Again, pretend my name is Darla, or Socrtease. You'll see we have large areas of agrement. My screen name makes you see red and go ape shit for some reason.

I already said, that university endowment spending probably does devote some resources to scholarships, and graduate research. Believe me, I know how it works...I spent years in universties, and I got grants and matching funds too.

So, I am not disagreeing that endowments gifted to the university, can be used for scholarships, and academic research. But, as I said, your own link shows that endowment spending is overwhelmingly dedicated to operating and maintaining the infrastructure of the university: salaries, construction, libraries, buildings, sports, etc. It is not generally dedicated to individal lab or field research programs of individual researchers. That's why these dudes have to spend so much time writing grant proposals.
CONSTRUCTION AND SALARY COSTS...exactly like I said. Endowment moneay pays for the operatonal, salary, and maintainece costs. That's cool. We all knew that about private universities already: NIH and NSF do NOT pay for the construction costs of buildings and labs at universities.

So tool... what exactly do you think costs the most money? The construction and maintenance of the labs? (endowment) The salaries of the professors (mainly endowment)? Or other R&D costs?
Again, pretend my name is Darla, or Socrtease. You'll see we have large areas of agrement. My screen name makes you see red and go ape shit for some reason.

I already said, that university endowment spending probably does devote some resources to scholarships, and graduate research. Believe me, I know how it works...I spent years in universties, and I got grants and matching funds too.

So, I am not disagreeing that endowments gifted to the university, can be used for scholarships, and academic research. But, as I said, your own link shows that endowment spending is overwhelmingly dedicated to operating and maintaining the infrastructure of the university: salaries, construction, libraries, buildings, sports, etc. It is not generally dedicated to individal lab or field research programs of individual researchers. That's why these dudes have to spend so much time writing grant proposals.

Unlike Darla and Socrtease... YOU are the king of strawmen. Did you or did you not say that I suggested that $750 million was spent per year from the endowment and then go on to insinuate that I was making shit up?

You are pathetic. We are done.
SF, I just did some quick arithmetic on the 2004 Research grants data for Renneslear Institute (the only year I could find), to quantify the amount of grants from public sources (Public agencies and institutions) and private sources (corporations, private consortiums). You can check my math if you want, but I doubt there’s any significant mistakes…

-Total Grant Funding from Public Entities: $10,831,937…almost eleven million dollars.

-Total Grant Funding from Private Entities: $683,244…almost seven hundred thousand dollars.

So, this private university got almost sixteen times more research grant money from public funding, than from private corporations and consortiums.

Even if we throw in ALL the Endowment spending for the entire year, for the university (about in the range of three to four million, as previously shown), It would still be dwarfed by money from public institutions….

But, we know from your link that most Endowment spending is spent mostly on administrative, overhead and operating costs. So, even if we generously assume that a quarter of all yearly Endowment spending goes to core research programs, the amount of public funding is still around ten times greater than endowment spending and private grants.

Bottom line, I was pretty much right in everything I said.

You were pretty much totally wrong, as usual: MOST money devoted to core research programs at Renneaslear comes overwhelmingly from public sources.
