Very, Very cool...

I'm getting pretty sick of the tool comments.

The endowment pays for the salaries, the operations, the adminstration, and the facilities of the university, for the most part. That's standard for a private university. The icing on the cake - core scientific research - is still funded by grants, private and public. That's what university professors spend half they're time doing: writing grant proposals.



Hmmmm, something else struck me as fishy about SF's claim about Endowments.

I figured it out: SF is misleading, and evidently doesn't understand how colleges and universities operate.

SF linked us up with to something that showed Rensalears Endowment was $750 million dollars - evidently, as a hacked-out attempt to show Endowment spending absolutely SWAMPED support from grants in terms of scientific research

From the link: "Rensselaer’s endowment now stands at around $750 million"

Now, it turns out that trying to create the impression that Rensselaer has 750 million bucks per year to spend, is flat out wrong. The endowment is the TOTAL NET WORTH of the institution. Its not a "yearly" income. By tradition, regulation, or statute, Institutions with private endowments typcially only spend about 5% of their endowment, to operate each year.

For Ressselaer, that would only work out to endowment spending of about $3.75 million a year: and we can safely presume that much of that has to go to adminstration, maintainence, libraries, salary, and overhead costs associated with operating the university.

So, it seems quite clear, that SF either totally exaggerated the endowment spending at Rennsalear, or he doesn't fundamentally understand how universities operate:

In short: SF found a number, pulled it out of his ass, and posted a link to it - without even understanding the number.

Tool. ;)
So, they only spend 3.75 Million from the Endowment, what do they spend of their Tuition? And when added together, what does that equate to in comparison to their expenditures on employees and research? How much do they collect from alumni?
So, they only spend 3.75 Million from the Endowment, what do they spend of their Tuition? And when added together, what does that equate to in comparison to their expenditures on employees and research?

Every university I've every been at (and there's been quite a few) spends most of the endowment and/or tuition money on operational expenses, salaries, libraries, sports, etc. Some probably goes to core scientific research. But, I guarantee you that most scientific researchers spend a lot of their time writing grant proposals seeking outside funding, to fund their research. That's the name of the game. That's part of their job. The universities EXPECT these dudes to bring money into the university. Its both a prestige thing, and it makes financial sense.
Every university I've every been at (and there's been quite a few) spends most of the endowment and/or tuition money on operational expenses, salaries, libraries, sports, etc. Some probably goes to core scientific research. But, I guarantee you that most scientific researchers spend a lot of their time writing grant proposals seeking outside funding, to fund their research. That's the name of the game. That's part of their job. The universities EXPECT these dudes to bring money into the university. Its both a prestige thing, and it makes financial sense.
Seems right. I am seriously asking questions because, heck, as much as I'd like to I just don't know everything.
Hmmmm, something else struck me as fishy about SF's claim about Endowments.

I figured it out: SF is misleading, and evidently doesn't understand how colleges and universities operate.

SF linked us up with to something that showed Rensalears Endowment was $750 million dollars - evidently, as a hacked-out attempt to show Endowment spending absolutely SWAMPED support from grants in terms of scientific research

From the link: "Rensselaer’s endowment now stands at around $750 million"

Now, it turns out that trying to create the impression that Rensselaer has 750 million bucks per year to spend, is flat out wrong. The endowment is the TOTAL NET WORTH of the institution. Its not a "yearly" income. By tradition, regulation, or statute, Institutions with private endowments typcially only spend about 5% of their endowment, to operate each year.

For Ressselaer, that would only work out to endowment spending of about $3.75 million a year: and we can safely presume that much of that has to go to adminstration, maintainence, libraries, salary, and overhead costs associated with operating the university.

So, it seems quite clear, that SF either totally exaggerated the endowment spending at Rennsalear, or he doesn't fundamentally understand how universities operate:

In short: SF found a number, pulled it out of his ass, and posted a link to it - without even understanding the number.

Tool. ;)

Ahhh... the king of cherry pickers puts on his king of strawmen crown. I gave you a link to four page account of how their endowment is spent.

Please show me where I exagerrated the spending. At no time did I suggest that they were spending $750 million a year. You fucking lying moron.

I gave you the link to the endowment size, what it had earned per year over the past three years. On average it was about 15% earnings. Part of that likely went to grow the endowment. 5% of the earnings went to subsidize students. But look at the numbers tool.... They had on average over the past three years... approximately $30-35 million per year from earnings. Which most certainly dwarfs the grants.

Please note tool, that in no way suggests that they will stop applying for grants from corps or the government. They will take all the money they can get.

So in short... you saw that I posted a link and in your tiny little brainwashed mind you concocted this whole story about me.

This is why I call you a fucking tool.
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You fucking lying moron.

fucking tool.

Stupid moron!

SF, you’ve become unhinged. You sure you don’t need meds?

We were talking about funding for core scientific research. By posting the Endowment spending like you did, you most certainly were saying that Endowment spending dedicated to core scientific research, swamped scientific research supported by grants, private corporations, and public institutions.

You said you gave me four pages? Which part was I supposed to read? Evidently, you didn’t read your own link, because if you had, you would have seen your own link says almost exactly what I was saying:

” The uses of endowment dollars fall into several categories, including named chairs and other faculty positions, undergraduate scholarships, graduate fellowships, and funding to run the academic departments.

Yep, exactly what I said: Endowment spending is used for salaries, administrative costs, etc.

There is no way that endowment spending on core scientific research swamps grants and public funding. You’re link even says, that endowment money is spent largely on OTHER administrative and academic necessities.

Wanna apologize now? ;)
IF they would use hemp, it would be even cooler!
Grows faster than trees and replenishes the soil it grows in!
You fucking lying moron.

fucking tool.

Stupid moron!

SF, you’ve become unhinged. You sure you don’t need meds?

We were talking about funding for core scientific research. By posting the Endowment spending like you did, you most certainly were saying that Endowment spending dedicated to core scientific research, swamped scientific research supported by grants, private corporations, and public institutions.

You said you gave me four pages? Which part was I supposed to read? Evidently, you didn’t read your own link, because if you had, you would have seen your own link says almost exactly what I was saying:

Yep, exactly what I said: Endowment spending is used for salaries, administrative costs, etc.

There is no way that endowment spending on core scientific research swamps grants and public funding. You’re link even says, that endowment money is spent largely on OTHER administrative and academic necessities.

Wanna apologize now? ;)

You were supposed to read the four pages moron. You are a cherry picking brainwashed idiot. I never said once that the endowment provided $750 million a year in spending... YOU merely implied that i had... because you are a fucking moron and that was your way to try to spin your way out. Bottom line, the endowment provides the bulk of the funds for the University and even if it is only 20% of the earnings of the endowment that are spent on R&D, that is far more than the money raised by grants.

AND as I already stated, that will not stop them from applying for grants from corps or the government, because it is part of the job to get grants to help fund research. But that doesn't mean it is the sole means of funding, nor were you accurate in saying the bulk of funding came from public funds. (based on your two whole months of data that you cherry picked from 2004)

So you can either apologize for:

1) Lying about what I said


2) Cherry picking data yet again

Or we are done with any further discussion on this topic or any other. Your choice.
Hmmmm, something else struck me as fishy about SF's claim about Endowments.

I figured it out: SF is misleading, and evidently doesn't understand how colleges and universities operate.

SF linked us up with to something that showed Rensalears Endowment was $750 million dollars - evidently, as a hacked-out attempt to show Endowment spending absolutely SWAMPED support from grants in terms of scientific research

From the link: "Rensselaer’s endowment now stands at around $750 million"

Now, it turns out that trying to create the impression that Rensselaer has 750 million bucks per year to spend, is flat out wrong. The endowment is the TOTAL NET WORTH of the institution. Its not a "yearly" income. By tradition, regulation, or statute, Institutions with private endowments typcially only spend about 5% of their endowment, to operate each year.

For Ressselaer, that would only work out to endowment spending of about $3.75 million a year: and we can safely presume that much of that has to go to adminstration, maintainence, libraries, salary, and overhead costs associated with operating the university.

So, it seems quite clear, that SF either totally exaggerated the endowment spending at Rennsalear, or he doesn't fundamentally understand how universities operate:

In short: SF found a number, pulled it out of his ass, and posted a link to it - without even understanding the number.

Tool. ;)

Where does endowments come from anyway ?

And I am not referring to porn stars either!
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has been awarded a grant by the National Institutes of Health for training doctoral students in Biomolecular Science and Engineering. The grant, along with matching funds from Rensselaer, will provide funding for six Ph.D. candidates annually. The program will be conducted jointly with the Wadsworth Center of the New York State Department of Health and will involve 20 faculty from both institutions. The fellowships will cover full tuition and provide a stipend of up to $22,000 annually for two years. Women and minority students are especially encouraged to apply. "
You were supposed to read the four pages moron. You are a cherry picking brainwashed idiot. I never said once that the endowment provided $750 million a year in spending... YOU merely implied that i had... because you are a fucking moron and that was your way to try to spin your way out. Bottom line, the endowment provides the bulk of the funds for the University and even if it is only 20% of the earnings of the endowment that are spent on R&D, that is far more than the money raised by grants.

AND as I already stated, that will not stop them from applying for grants from corps or the government, because it is part of the job to get grants to help fund research. But that doesn't mean it is the sole means of funding, nor were you accurate in saying the bulk of funding came from public funds. (based on your two whole months of data that you cherry picked from 2004)

So you can either apologize for:

1) Lying about what I said


2) Cherry picking data yet again

Or we are done with any further discussion on this topic or any other. Your choice.

SF, I'm not going to read four pages. I don't have time. I'm sure you didn't read four pages either. Because your link said that endowment spending is largely spent on adminstrative, salary, and operating costs. Its not going, for the most part, to core laboratory or field research projects. That's what the debate was about.

Calm down, take a deep breath, and read back through our exchanges here. Just imagine my name is Darla, or Socretease, since it appears that you are comfortable agreeing with them when they make almost exactly the same point I do in a thread.

You'll see that we were talking about funding for core scientific research projects, and that you posted some huge link about endowment spending, suggesting that Endowment spending swamped grants and public funding in the area of scientific research projects.

And, you'll see that I was right: your own link even said endowment spending is largely for operational costs and scholarships. NOT for core scientfic research programs.