Vick / The libertarian view

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Yes we should eat meat but not cause suffering.
That is why we have laws against animal cruelty.

Im dont think man NEEDS to eat veal if it cannot be done without creulty.

This is an example why the libertarian philosphy is inadequate to deal with modern society.

There is no problem with federal laws against the cruelty to animals , why would it be a problem?
So long as it was in relation to interstate commerce, and thus constitutional, there is no objection against Federal laws in regard to animal cruelty.
I'd say most of our laws that protect animals are based on commen sense and a general acceptance of shared ethics regarding animals. I'm just questioning where you would draw the line on certain animals versus others that are are afforded this type of protection under the law. I agree with them though.

Well, right or wrong maybe the only line we can draw, for now, until people are more advanced, would be the intent of cruelty. As Damo pointed out, those who engage in torturing animals, often promote themselves. It's pretty well-known about serial killers for instance.

And although I agree that it is cruel to boil a lobster alive (for years people told themselves the lobster doesn't feel it, but it does, and it's been known now that they actually let out a noise when they are dropped in), for the majority there is no cruel intent. That doesn't make it right. I would not do it.

But there is that point that we all know of and can easily reconize, and when you stick a cat in a microwave or set a dog on fire, you become a danger to society (not to mention repugnant to society) and society steps in, and that is as it should be.
Well, right or wrong maybe the only line we can draw, for now, until people are more advanced, would be the intent of cruelty. As Damo pointed out, those who engage in torturing animals, often promote themselves. It's pretty well-known about serial killers for instance.

And although I agree that it is cruel to boil a lobster alive (for years people told themselves the lobster doesn't feel it, but it does, and it's been known now that they actually let out a noise when they are dropped in), for the majority there is no cruel intent. That doesn't make it right. I would not do it.

But there is that point that we all know of and can easily reconize, and when you stick a cat in a microwave or set a dog on fire, you become a danger to society (not to mention repugnant to society) and society steps in, and that is as it should be.
The noise is gas escaping, lobsters do not have vocal folds, nor do they communicate with sound.

They do, however, most certainly feel.
Yes we should eat meat but not cause suffering.
That is why we have laws against animal cruelty.

Im dont think man NEEDS to eat veal if it cannot be done without creulty.

This is an example why the libertarian philosphy is inadequate to deal with modern society.

There is no problem with federal laws against the cruelty to animals , why would it be a problem?

The 10th Amendment Desh states:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

Our constitution does not deal with Animal rights either Desh. So its a state issue until and amendment to our constitution states otherwise.
The noise is gas escaping, lobsters do not have vocal folds, nor do they communicate with sound.

They do, however, most certainly feel.


I guess you just know everything about everything!

No, ok, I didn't know that, I read this someplace not too long ago though.
And why can we eat sheep, pigs and cows but not dogs and cats ?
And why is it ok to skin a fish alive ?

Just wondering, not that I want to eat dogs and cats....

I guess you just know everything about everything!

No, ok, I didn't know that, I read this someplace not too long ago though.
I'm not arguing with the feeling. All animals can feel pain. It is one of the things we share with them, it is a natural defense mechanism.

And I am a trivia wizard... I spend a lot of time remembering small details, while I forget to take the mail to the post.
I'm not arguing with the feeling. All animals can feel pain. It is one of the things we share with them, it is a natural defense mechanism.

And I am a trivia wizard... I spend a lot of time remembering small details, while I forget to take the mail to the post.

But you know, we always had, and actually still do have, the Italian Christmas know all fish. And I can remember my grandmother throwing the lobsters in and she told me they don't feel it. And I've known a lot of people who believed that. Now, I don't know if my grandmother really believed that. I mean this is a woman, you should see what she would do to an octopus. But anyway, for years I believed that too.

Yes, like the Seinfeld episode where he meets that woman on the plane and she tells him in an admiring way, after he has just spouted some nonsense about hot fudge sundaes, "i've never known a man who knew so much about so little". lol

Why is it some states refuse to deal with this as a real problem.

People who harm animals harm people, it is pretty well established fact.

Feds can only promulgate regulations pertaining to commercial animal operations. Interstate commerce authority. Feds do indeed have regulations for humane treatment of animals in confined animal facilities, hog lots, and other commercial enterprises.

Domestic pets are a state matter. I think all 50 states have anti-cruelty laws. How well they're enforced is another matter.
Well, right or wrong maybe the only line we can draw, for now, until people are more advanced, would be the intent of cruelty. As Damo pointed out, those who engage in torturing animals, often promote themselves. It's pretty well-known about serial killers for instance.

And although I agree that it is cruel to boil a lobster alive (for years people told themselves the lobster doesn't feel it, but it does, and it's been known now that they actually let out a noise when they are dropped in), for the majority there is no cruel intent. That doesn't make it right. I would not do it.

But there is that point that we all know of and can easily reconize, and when you stick a cat in a microwave or set a dog on fire, you become a danger to society (not to mention repugnant to society) and society steps in, and that is as it should be.

Well, I don't plan on giving up lobster any time soon :p but I agree with you about the setting fire to a dog. (Cats in microwaves are good though ;)) Stuff like that tends to be predecesor (sp?) to idiots trying it out on people which is a clear cut no-no.

Lots of animals are kept in what a lot of people would consider inhumane conditions for profit. And if I'm honest with myself, I'd prefer to turn a blind eye to it, because.....well, chicken tastes good. I think you can make a case that a lot of meat eaters condone and tolerate "torture" because we like the end product.

I have my own ideas of where the line should be drawn, but truth be told they are arbitrary and more so related to how I "feel" about certain animals and behaviour than anything.
And why can we eat sheep, pigs and cows but not dogs and cats ?
And why is it ok to skin a fish alive ?

Just wondering, not that I want to eat dogs and cats....

That's what I'm saying. We assign arbitrary importance to animals based on culture and generally accepted ethics. Not necessarily consistent logic. But I'm okay with that.
Well, I don't plan on giving up lobster any time soon :p but I agree with you about the setting fire to a dog. (Cats in microwaves are good though ;)) Stuff like that tends to be predecesor (sp?) to idiots trying it out on people which is a clear cut no-no.

Lots of animals are kept in what a lot of people would consider inhumane conditions for profit. And if I'm honest with myself, I'd prefer to turn a blind eye to it, because.....well, chicken tastes good. I think you can make a case that a lot of meat eaters condone and tolerate "torture" because we like the end product.

I have my own ideas of where the line should be drawn, but truth be told they are arbitrary and more so related to how I "feel" about certain animals and behaviour than anything.

Yes, but you can buy free-range chickens, where at least they are not kept in those nightmarish circumstances, like Perdue chickens are. You know i saw a clip of a perdue factory, I swear to God, it looked like a glimpse into hell, and i don't care how much money you are making as a Perdue, if you can sleep at night knowing that's what you are doing, you are one f'd up person in my book. I would have nightmares.
Well, I don't plan on giving up lobster any time soon :p but I agree with you about the setting fire to a dog. (Cats in microwaves are good though ;)) Stuff like that tends to be predecesor (sp?) to idiots trying it out on people which is a clear cut no-no.

Lots of animals are kept in what a lot of people would consider inhumane conditions for profit. And if I'm honest with myself, I'd prefer to turn a blind eye to it, because.....well, chicken tastes good. I think you can make a case that a lot of meat eaters condone and tolerate "torture" because we like the end product.

I have my own ideas of where the line should be drawn, but truth be told they are arbitrary and more so related to how I "feel" about certain animals and behaviour than anything.

Lots of animals are kept in what a lot of people would consider inhumane conditions for profit. And if I'm honest with myself, I'd prefer to turn a blind eye to it, because.....well, chicken tastes good.

Buy Free Range chicken, and soothe your conscience!
Yes, but you can buy free-range chickens, where at least they are not kept in those nightmarish circumstances, like Perdue chickens are. You know i saw a clip of a perdue factory, I swear to God, it looked like a glimpse into hell, and i don't care how much money you are making as a Perdue, if you can sleep at night knowing that's what you are doing, you are one f'd up person in my book. I would have nightmares.

yeah I hear you. And I could sit here and tell you that I only buy free chickens, etc. And I do when I go to the grocery store. (admittedly not because of the lifestyle of the chicken but they tend to not be loaded with hormones and steroids).
But I'll be completely honest: when I'm at restaurant, and I see a good lobster, crab or chicken dish, I don't give two $hits if its free range or not. I'm more concerned about what wine I'm going to have with it. Its not nice, but I just find my reaction interesting considering how disgusted I am with Vick's (alleged) actions.
Lots of animals are kept in what a lot of people would consider inhumane conditions for profit. And if I'm honest with myself, I'd prefer to turn a blind eye to it, because.....well, chicken tastes good.

Buy Free Range chicken, and soothe your conscience!

I do at the grocery store. But to be honest I only buy it because those are the ones that tend to not have steroids and hormones. If I'm out at someone's house or at a restaurant, I never think about it.
No one is talking about the killing of animals in a commercial food enterprise.

Desh said:

A living breathing entity which feels pain should never be relegated to being called just property.

This statement dealt with ALL animals cypress, so you see my response.

I'm objecting to the Libertarian argument that an owner can do anything they want to a domestic animal - up to an including torture and mutilation.

I told you, there really is no single Libertarian response to this. I am a Libertarian and I object to the torture as well. Only extremists would tell you its ok.
yeah I hear you. And I could sit here and tell you that I only buy free chickens, etc. And I do when I go to the grocery store. (admittedly not because of the lifestyle of the chicken but they tend to not be loaded with hormones and steroids).
But I'll be completely honest: when I'm at restaurant, and I see a good lobster, crab or chicken dish, I don't give two $hits if its free range or not. I'm more concerned about what wine I'm going to have with it. Its not nice, but I just find my reaction interesting considering how disgusted I am with Vick's (alleged) actions.

It's human nature to be able to ignore the things we don't really see.

That's why bush was so set on hiding the coffins coming back from Iraq. We all do it.