

We must maintain eternal vigilance against the forces of darkness in the US, lest we fall like those in the Muslim world have.

Islamic Fundamentalism
The Tradition:
The boogeyman that replaced the specter of communism in the hearts of terrified Westerners, Islamic fundamentalism seems to come from another time. They rage against science, Western ideals and the basic rights of women. That's why you hear people on Fox News claiming that Muslim world is stuck in the Dark Ages.

"You can't use reason with these people. They only understand shadow puppets."
How Old It Actually Is:

Actually, the Middle East's clock stopped around the same time as the one at Marty McFly's high school in the 1950s. If the Arab world was really still stuck in the Middle Ages, everyone would be a lot better off.
Who Made It Up?

During the period the the Western world thinks of as the Dark Ages, when Europeans were busy murdering each other over matters of religion and superstition, Islam was cool as a cucumber. At the time, Islamic regions were actually more accepting of Judaism and Christianity than most of the Christian world was of Judaism and other types of Christianity. Long before the Italian Renaissance, the Islamic Empire realized the Greeks and Romans had been on to something with this book learning stuff, and used this realization to revolutionize astronomy, literature, physics, philosophy and architecture. Still bored, they went ahead and invented algebra and modern medicine too.


"George Washington invented numbers! We call them Arab numerals to mock them!"

The antiquated practices many Westerners associate with modern Islam are actually a relatively recent development. Reporting from Saudi Arabia for The New Yorker, Lawrence Wright interviewed an older Saudi man who reminisced about the good old days when men and women used to be able to celebrate weddings together. While it might seem weird to Westerners used to hearing stories of ankle length hemlines following the words "Back in my day... ," in the Middle East, when grandparents miss the good old days, they're often talking about a place that was far less up its own ass.


"We had books. And the orgies! Don't get me started on the orgies ...

It wasn't until the 1950s that fundamentalist Islam started gaining influence, and outdated, dying traditions like the veil saw a spike in popularity. That's when followers of a fringe 18th century scholar Mohammed Al Wahab began to take Islam back to basics, which in this case meant an imaginary past where women were treated like shit and all the pesky "progress" of the last 1400 years never happened. During his lifetime, Wahab was taken about as seriously as Pat Robertson is taken today in the West. But in the 1950s, Wahabi Muslim thinkers like Sayyid Qutb started to urge total separation between Islam and the West, arguing that the outside world had "nothing else to give humanity."

Oh really, Qutb?

Qutb and his fundamentalist contemporaries inspired a new generation of radical thinkers, who took this "fuck the West" mentality a few steps further, resulting in a Middle East that is far less progressive than the Dark Ages they're supposedly stuck in.

Some people shouldn't be encouraged to "shoot for the stars."

See, as tempting as it might be to divide history into the bad guys and the good guys, civilizations tend to evolve more like the Batman franchise, kicking ass part of the time, and reaching unspeakable, ass backwards lows that would embarrass their ancestors at others. Muslim people were doing algebra while we were burning women for having funny birthmarks on their face. They just happen to be going through their Batman and Robin phase.
its funny how its portrayed as only the right who does this...

america's new boogeyman is the gop/conservatives...liberals have made them out to be more of a skeeery danger to america than islamic radicals who want to kill us all
its funny how its portrayed as only the right who does this...

america's new boogeyman is the gop/conservatives...liberals have made them out to be more of a skeeery danger to america than islamic radicals who want to kill us all

who'd have thunk pussy democrats could be that affective, nice:clink:
Partisan divide?

Do you remember how Bush and his locked step republicans treated the democrats when they were in charge?

How they treated the people in this country who protested a war we KNEW was based on lies.

We were right and you were wrong.

Now you pretend it never happened.

Your party Fucked EVERYTHING up.

Now you claim its us who are being unfair to the GOP?

Look when you fuck EVERYTHING Up you get the blame and you deserve it.

Wheres all your talk about accepting responsibility?
Partisan divide?

Do you remember how Bush and his locked step republicans treated the democrats when they were in charge?

How they treated the people in this country who protested a war we KNEW was based on lies.

We were right and you were wrong.

Now you pretend it never happened.

Your party Fucked EVERYTHING up.

Now you claim its us who are being unfair to the GOP?

Look when you fuck EVERYTHING Up you get the blame and you deserve it.

Wheres all your talk about accepting responsibility?

exhibit A ^
Dude do you know how many exhibits there are to prove Im right.

You guys left the country in a huge mess and the proof is everywhere.

You have to take some responsibility for what your votes and ideas caused.

No accepting responsibility means no respect.

Its your won fault.
Dude do you know how many exhibits there are to prove Im right.

You guys left the country in a huge mess and the proof is everywhere.

You have to take some responsibility for what your votes and ideas caused.

No accepting responsibility means no respect.

Its your won fault.

exhibit B ^

keep up it desh...i don't even need to say anything :clink:
exhibit B ^

keep up it desh...i don't even need to say anything :clink:

And I meant to add this as an edit to my previous post. There's a reason historians review Presidencies years later because not all the decisions Presidents make during their time in office show their full affect during their term (if that makes sense). Meaning consequences (good and bad) show up years down the road.

Desh attempts to compartmentalize things and live in some kind of a vacuum which willfully prevents here from viewing things in that manner.

To think one party or one group deserves all credit or all blame is to be willfully ignorant.
The two simple words for this is blind partisanship. Unfortunately quite a few people in our country suffer from it.

no kidding...I see Yurt displaying his blind partisanship right here on this thread.

You may not like what desh has to say, but there is truth in his words.

Calling the messenger names only goes to show who the truly partisan are.
no kidding...I see Yurt displaying his blind partisanship right here on this thread.

You may not like what desh has to say, but there is truth in his words.

Calling the messenger names only goes to show who the truly partisan are.

No Zap, there's not truth in her words. You're a smart dude so I know you know that.

To say you blame (or credit) EVERYTHING (Desh's word) on one party or one group is beyond a load of crap. I mean I'm about as partisan as you can get and even I realize a statement like that is wrong on so many levels.

If you really want to try and back up that statement I'd be interested in hearing the response.

Edit: And Zap, I just re-read the thread, where is any name calling going on because I don't see it.
no kidding...I see Yurt displaying his blind partisanship right here on this thread.

You may not like what desh has to say, but there is truth in his words.

Calling the messenger names only goes to show who the truly partisan are.


all they're truly accomplishing is partisan divide...also, there are plenty on the right who do the same thing...they just don't have the MSM helping them out

Partisan divide?

Do you remember how Bush and his locked step republicans treated the democrats when they were in charge?

How they treated the people in this country who protested a war we KNEW was based on lies.

We were right and you were wrong.

Now you pretend it never happened.

Your party Fucked EVERYTHING up.

Now you claim its us who are being unfair to the GOP?

Look when you fuck EVERYTHING Up you get the blame and you deserve it.

Wheres all your talk about accepting responsibility?

No Zap, there's not truth in her words. You're a smart dude so I know you know that.

To say you blame (or credit) EVERYTHING (Desh's word) on one party or one group is beyond a load of crap. I mean I'm about as partisan as you can get and even I realize a statement like that is wrong on so many levels.

If you really want to try and back up that statement I'd be interested in hearing the response.

Edit: And Zap, I just re-read the thread, where is any name calling going on because I don't see it.

Did I say everything he said was the truth, or did I say instead that there was truth in what he said?

Sure, he's engaged in a little hyperbole, but my GOD, we get buckets full of that from others (who shall remain nameless for the time being) every day, and when I call them on it, I get laughed at.

THE TRUTH IS that anyone who dared to question our going into Iraq after 9/11 was called un-American...and that is just one lie the Right is unwilling to admit at this point in time.
No Zap, there's not truth in her words. You're a smart dude so I know you know that.

To say you blame (or credit) EVERYTHING (Desh's word) on one party or one group is beyond a load of crap. I mean I'm about as partisan as you can get and even I realize a statement like that is wrong on so many levels.

If you really want to try and back up that statement I'd be interested in hearing the response.

Edit: And Zap, I just re-read the thread, where is any name calling going on because I don't see it.

You're partisan?
No Zap, there's not truth in her words. You're a smart dude so I know you know that.

To say you blame (or credit) EVERYTHING (Desh's word) on one party or one group is beyond a load of crap. I mean I'm about as partisan as you can get and even I realize a statement like that is wrong on so many levels.

If you really want to try and back up that statement I'd be interested in hearing the response.

Edit: And Zap, I just re-read the thread, where is any name calling going on because I don't see it.

Your guys had all the power for YEARS and called any complaining about the messes in progress WHINING.

You treated the opposition party like trash.

NOW you want everything to be all bi partisan while your reps vote NO on ANYTHING that might help the country because you want Obama to fail.

Go fuck yourselves to quote John Stewart.

If you wanted bipartisanship then maybe you should have shown some while your hand was on the levers of power?

I say you guys deserve no help from the democrats to get your idiot ideas anymore light of day.

You want Bipartisandship?

Do you want to know how fucking sick I am of your party FUCKING things up then wanting the Dems to share the blame with you?

Your dickwadooddy elected officials have done it for decades.

They claim all the good that Clinton did and then try to get him to take all the blame for the shit you convinced him to do through threat of Monica.

Im tried of this shit.

Democrats are not perfect but they have ideas that work better than the republicans ideas and every time the dems act in a bipartisan manner and trust you guys on your ideas this country gets FUCKED!

If the option of NOT BEING A PARTISAN means I have to accept the continually failing ideas of the republicans then call me a partisan.

You people have NO idea what being bipartisan means. To you it means I know you won the election but you have to let inject our yet again failed ideas into the mix again.



Your welcome now STOP claiming that not doing the bidding of the party out of power is Anti Bi partisan.

Being Bi partisan means the party out of power works with the majority NOT the other way arround.
thank you evince. :)

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