
Wow Desh. I'm not a doctor but taking some of this political stuff a little less seriously might help extend your life.

I have not - on this thread or really any other time for that matter - talked about bipartisanship. That's just a political buzzword.

Desh, I'm talking about this country didn't come into existence in the year 2001 though you want to act like it did. Decades and decades of decisions have (both good and bad) have led this country to where it is today. Thus decisions made by both Republicans and Democrats (good and bad) are responsible.

It's not even hyperbole to say everything is one groups fault, it's just plain ignorance. So I can take you telling me to f off in capital letters if it makes you feel better. I have a sister who I love who tells me to f off all the time. But swearing in capital letters does not change anything or your belief that this country started 10 years ago.
Your guys had all the power for YEARS and called any complaining about the messes in progress WHINING.

You treated the opposition party like trash.

NOW you want everything to be all bi partisan while your reps vote NO on ANYTHING that might help the country because you want Obama to fail.

Go fuck yourselves to quote John Stewart.

If you wanted bipartisanship then maybe you should have shown some while your hand was on the levers of power?

I say you guys deserve no help from the democrats to get your idiot ideas anymore light of day.

You want Bipartisandship?


JHC, cry me a river.:BKick:
Do you want to know how fucking sick I am of your party FUCKING things up then wanting the Dems to share the blame with you?

Your dickwadooddy elected officials have done it for decades.

They claim all the good that Clinton did and then try to get him to take all the blame for the shit you convinced him to do through threat of Monica.

Im tried of this shit.

Democrats are not perfect but they have ideas that work better than the republicans ideas and every time the dems act in a bipartisan manner and trust you guys on your ideas this country gets FUCKED!

If the option of NOT BEING A PARTISAN means I have to accept the continually failing ideas of the republicans then call me a partisan.

You people have NO idea what being bipartisan means. To you it means I know you won the election but you have to let inject our yet again failed ideas into the mix again.





evince said:
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
Your welcome now STOP claiming that not doing the bidding of the party out of power is Anti Bi partisan.

Being Bi partisan means the party out of power works with the majority NOT the other way arround.

Who came up with that definition of bi-partisanship?

Thats fucking right.

We are not done being pissed at you idiots for clingging to failed ideas for the sake of........of..........of...... OK tell me why the fuck you guys keep doint this stupid shit?

Get used to it, the number ten can is open and you have finnaly awoken the wrath of a pissed off liberal majority.

You guys just refuse to take any responsibility for all of your fuck ups and try to get us to take the responsibility for them and THEN you insust we make the same damned mistakes you make that fucked us all.

Go Fuck yourselves.

We are pissed and you are toast.
Thats fucking right.

We are not done being pissed at you idiots for clingging to failed ideas for the sake of........of..........of...... OK tell me why the fuck you guys keep doint this stupid shit?

Get used to it, the number ten can is open and you have finnaly awoken the wrath of a pissed off liberal majority.

You guys just refuse to take any responsibility for all of your fuck ups and try to get us to take the responsibility for them and THEN you insust we make the same damned mistakes you make that fucked us all.

Go Fuck yourselves.

We are pissed and you are toast.

Jane you ignorant slut.
What the fuck are you ranting about, this time?
So tell me how being bi partisan means the majority is supposed to do the bidding of the minority?

Why didnt you think that when Rs owned the entire government?
So tell me how being bi partisan means the majority is supposed to do the bidding of the minority?

Why didnt you think that when Rs owned the entire government?

I've never thought one way or the other about it. Nor do I buy into bi-partisan b.s. Each party does what it thinks it has to do to either retain or regain power. It's as simple as that. Like I said bi-partisan is just a political buzzword.

You whining that your party wasn't nice to my party is comical. Get over it.

And instead of just stating Failed Ideas on every thread how about list these failed ideas and list some successful ideas so we have an idea of what you are talking about.
Then shut the fuck up and let the democrats do what they want to.

And that Laides and Gentlemen is exactly what this is all about.
Desh felt so left out, prior to Obama being elected, that now she wants REVENGE. :palm:

NOW, that's the Liberal way. :good4u:
No fool not revenge I want this country run in a way the will improve it.

Your clan sure didnt do any improving