Violation of First Amendment?

First time I've disagreed with her.

Bill here. Passed Senate.

Deep fakes are funny. Free speech.
Do you really approve of a Fake picture of you sucking Donnie's Dick showing up on Facebook?

Well, OAC has been a target of these cowards that have been using AI and her picture in very sexually degrading ways,.

It's a lot more harmful than just slander, and I am surprised you don't get it!
Do you really approve of a Fake picture of you sucking Donnie's Dick showing up on Facebook?

Well, OAC has been a target of these cowards that have been using AI and her picture in very sexually degrading ways,.

It's a lot more harmful than just slander, and I am surprised you don't get it!
First Amendment.
Free speech.
Do you really approve of a Fake picture of you sucking Donnie's Dick showing up on Facebook?

Well, OAC has been a target of these cowards that have been using AI and her picture in very sexually degrading ways,.

It's a lot more harmful than just slander, and I am surprised you don't get it!
How is writing AOC in degrading way harmful?
The bill seeks to improve rights to relief for individuals affected by non-consensual activities involving intimate digital forgeries, and for other purposes. It creates a federal civil remedy for victims who are identifiable in a “digital forgery,” which is defined as a visual depiction created through the use of software, machine learning, artificial intelligence, or any other computer-generated or technological means to falsely appear to be authentic.

Seems reasonable.
If you pass on a photo that is a fake without knowledge but you did not contact the people in it and get told that it is real first you are guilty.

The point here is not protecting women as claimed, it is to chill the citizens conversation, to make us afraid to communicate.

Some say that we are now quilty if we so much look at a fake, knowing it is fake or not....but I am not sure about that.
Another problem with this law is that it claims jurisdiction over the entire world, even if the one charged and the one in the fake have nothing to do with America and are not Americans the one on the fake is encouraged to use American courts to collect their pound of flesh.
How is writing AOC in degrading way harmful?
It's harmful and a degradation to her. We are the land of the free, and we should be free from this kind of harmful and devastating thing happening to us.

With all of the millions of women that choose to spread their legs in porn, why isn't that good enough for you? You have plenty of that to choose from SIr!

Why do you feel the need to have access to AI generated porn that are illegally using photos of celebrities?
I would equate it to slander. Hard to police, but still slander. Like a deep fake gif of AOC getting railed by Don Jr vs a news story claiming AOC and Don Jr are fucking are very close to each other IMO

You could say the intent is to parody, but parody should have some degree of obviousness, like the Who's Nailin Paylin video years back. Trying to pass off porn as individuals that haven't consented to the sex acts involved is just creepy.
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not to mention the fact that AI generated videos are becoming very realistic. So imagine having a clip put out there that depicts you having sex with a minor. Because it looks so real, you end up arrested and charged.
Correct, as there has been on any Constitutional right, none of them are absolute nor were they ever intended to be absolute
care to explain why 'shall make no law', 'shall not be infringed', among several other phrases indicating that government has NO POWER to do those things?
Do you really approve of a Fake picture of you sucking Donnie's Dick showing up on Facebook?

Well, OAC has been a target of these cowards that have been using AI and her picture in very sexually degrading ways,.

It's a lot more harmful than just slander, and I am surprised you don't get it!

Nobody would believe it was aoc. I would imagine she smells like gas station sushi.
