Violation of First Amendment?

Nobody would believe it was aoc. I would imagine she smells like gas station sushi.

Really? All the baseless lies that people believed about the 2020 election and you don't think people would believe this?
No freedom or right in the Constitution is unlimited, never were, never will be, every one of them is, and has always been, regulated

Correct, Anchovies.

Since we are discussing the notion of human freedom/ ( or liberty) ,j you may find the following of some interest.

The term "absolute freedom" or "unlimited freedom" is self contradictory. Where a hypothetical government to draw up a Constitution that legislated a universal right for its citizens to have absolute freedom in the manner in which they chose to conduct themselves (at any time and in any place), the result would be anarchy and chaos. And for the majority of this (hypothetical) society's citizens, living amidst anarchy and chaos would not be a liberating experience; rather it would be extremely oppressive (in many ways)True freedom is always contingent upon moral restraint/s and limitations that are either internally or , if necessary, externally imposed.

Please allow me to explain the concept of TRUE FREEDOM, for you Anchovies. In doing this I will be drawing upon the brilliant insights of Mr Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797), the brilliant 18th-century political theorist, who is universally acknowledged by scholars on the Right and Left of the ideological spectrum as the unquestioned, "Father of Political Conservatism". Burke's political essays, articles and letters are still widely read by conservative thinkers in America today. His work has a timeless quality not just for the political principles he sets down, but for the magnificent aesthetic qualities (in style, tone, etc) of his written prose, which truly deserves to be placed in the literary category of belles lettres. Suffice to say such great names in the English literary Canon as: Samuel Taylor Coleridge and T.S. Eliot, have declared ,Edmund Burke, one of the greatest EVER masters of the English language (And I have to confess, Anchovies, that despite the fact I am a "hard man" like Donald Trump, sometimes when I am reading Burke, the sublime beauty of his prose can make me "mist up". Like the old pop song refrain - "it's all too beautiful" - and evoke an unguarded tear or two ( if you dare repeat this to anyone, Anchovies, there will be serious consequence. People would think I'm a "Nancy-boy" ( or even a Bum-Boy - God forbid !) and I have a very macho image - like Donald Trump's) to maintain ! !


I must warn you, Anchovies, that Edmund Burke was a Christian humanist, and much of his writing on politics is grounded in his faith. Just as the Founding Documents of America are deeply rooted in the Protestant Christianity of John Locke. I am warning you, Anchovies, because you are a Democrat-voting liberal/progressive American, and therefore a Godless, atheistic wretch - a deplorable heathen or pagan of some kind (perhaps you worship the false American idil : "AOC" (!) Given this, you may find the pure, cleansing light of truth that I will shine below, unbearable. (like Count Dracula when exposed to the sunlight). Be this as it may, Anchovies, I urge you to read on and acquaint yourself with the Truth !

With that warning out of the way, let begin with a quotation from Burke on the subject of "TRUE FREEDOM"...

"Freedom without virtue is not true freedom but LICENSE to pursue whatever passions prevail in the intemperate mind, man's RIGHT to FREEDOM being in exact proportion to his willingness to put chains upon his own appetites; the less restraint from within, the more must be imposed from without."....True freedom/Liberty does not exist in the absence of virtue (morality). Society requires not only the passions of individuals should be subjected, but that even in the mass and body, as well as in the individuals, the inclinations of maen should frequently be thwarted, their will controlled, and their passions brought into subjugation...In this sense the restraints on a man ( i.e. to behave virtuously), as well as their liberties are to be considered RIGHTS."

Thus, Burke regarded self-restraint and self-control and self-discipline as examples of VIRTUES.

So what does Burke mean by VIRTUE ? He would have said that a Virtues are thoughts or behaviours that have the quality of being MORALLY GOOD. BURKE believed that there were SEVEN core (CHRISTIAN) virtues: PRUDENCE; JUSTICE; TEMPERANCE; FORTITUDE; FAITH; HOPE and CHARITY. Today, in the 21st century the meanings of each of these words has become so adulterated and stunted that they have lost their classical definition - (the one's Burke used). Putting this aside, the most important point is that the MASTER-VIRTUE remains the same today as it did in Burke's 18th - century English historical circumstance.



The word "CHARITY" comes from the latin term, "CARITAS" which meant Love and Compassion.

"CHARITY" refers to the kind of Love that Jesus of Nazareth had.

CHARITY IS THE MASTER-VIRTUE in that it binds all of the other virtues together in PERFECT HARMONY.


Charity is love that is UNCONDITIONAL (like the love a pet dog has for his/her human owner). Through charity we are able to reach out to our brothers and sisters and help relieve any: physical; mental; moral or spiritual needs they have.

Charity is an expression of self-giving and self-sacrifice; of selflessness; kindness, compassion and genuine concern.

Jesus' crowning expression of charity was in his stating: " Greater LOVE hath no man than he do this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

Christ's first Commandment: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy Soul, and with all thy mind. His Second Commandment is very similar, i.e.: "Thou shalt Love thy neighbour as thyself (that is, to Love one another in the WAY He loves us (i.e. selflessly and unconditionally).


"Agape" is a term from the ancient Greeks that is similar to "Caritas" in meaning. Agape refers to the highest form of love, "charity"; and to the love of God for human beings and of human beings for God. Agape is distinguished from other types of Love, such as fraternal (brotherly) Love or self-love, as it embraced a profound sacrificial Love that transcends and persists regardless of circumstance.

Early Christians used the term "agape" to refer to the self-sacrificing Love of God for humanity that they were committed to reciprocating and practicing toward God AND among one another.


The freedoms of the First Amendment are only true freedoms on the condition that on each individual American adult has successfully cultivated the virtue of "Caritas". Without this special kind of love, (selfless love for one's fellow man, and for God) the First Amendment is merely worthless verbiage.

Finally, I exhort you Anchovies...FREE YOURSELF !! LIBERATE YOURSELF !! Cast aside thine deplorable, FALSE IDOL ( i.e. the nude plastic doll of Kamala Harris that you worship, and grovel for forgiveness at the foot of the Cross. Beg for the gift of Grace that is Caritas !!!

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal REUMPER Hound

No freedom or right in the Constitution is unlimited, never were, never will be, every one of them is, and has always been, regulated
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